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Last active March 15, 2023 23:33
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File NRE ID Transcription Category Notes Timestamp mp3 file
0001 Platform Platform ID 0:00:00 0001.mp3 Total clips 2440
0002 A trolley service Passenger information 0:00:02 0002.mp3 Total transcribed 2440 Total categorised 2440 Total timestamped 12
0003 WBQ Warrington Bank Quay Destination 0:00:05 0003.mp3 Remaining clips 0 Remaining clips 0 Remaining clips 2428
0004 South West Trains service to Train operating company Bit of a detour 0:00:07 0004.mp3 Progress 100% Progress 100% Progress 0%
0005 South West Trains service to Train operating company 0:00:10 0005.mp3 we did it :)
0006 BTH Bath Spa Destination 0:00:14 0006.mp3 Audio files on Google Drive
0007 Midland Main Line Train Operating Company Stopped existing in 2007! 0:00:16 0007.mp3 Audio files on GitHub
0008 Midland Main Line service to Train operating company 0:00:19 0008.mp3 Full audio file from ScotRail
0009 Midland Main Line service from Train operating company 0:00:22 0009.mp3 NRE Darwin delay/cancellation codes
0010 [white noise] Non-vocal non-vocal 0:00:26 0010.mp3 YouTube
0011 The next train at platform Platform information 0:00:32 0011.mp3 Ambient ScotRail Beats
0012 The next train at platform 1 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0012.mp3 see it, say it, sorted
0013 The next train at platform 2 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0013.mp3
0014 The next train at platform 3 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0014.mp3 🎆
0015 The next train at platform 4 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0015.mp3 🎉
0016 The next train at platform 5 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0016.mp3
0017 The next train at platform 6 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0017.mp3 🎆
0018 The next train at platform 7 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0018.mp3
0019 The next train at platform 8 is the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0019.mp3 🎆 🎆
0020 The next train at platform 1 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0020.mp3 🎆
0021 The next train at platform 2 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0021.mp3 🎆
0022 The next train at platform 3 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0022.mp3 🎆
0023 The next train at platform 4 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0023.mp3 🎉
0024 The next train at platform 5 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0024.mp3 🎆
0025 The next train at platform 6 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0025.mp3
0026 The next train at platform 7 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0026.mp3 🎉
0027 The next train at platform 8 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0027.mp3
0028 This train will call additionally at Passenger information 0028.mp3 🎉 🎉
0029 will be in Conjoining 0029.mp3 🎉
0030 will be at Conjoining 0030.mp3
0031 I am sorry to announce that the Apology 0031.mp3 🎆 🎆
0032 ScotRail Train operating company 0032.mp3
0033 ScotRail service to Train operating company 0033.mp3 🎆
0034 ScotRail service from Train operating company 0034.mp3
0035 platform 5 for the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0035.mp3
0036 platform 6 for the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0036.mp3 🎉 🎆
0037 Strathclyde metro service from Strathclyde metro 0037.mp3 🎉
0038 platform 1 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0038.mp3 🎆
0039 platform 2 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0039.mp3
0040 platform 3 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0040.mp3
0041 platform 4 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0041.mp3
0042 platform 5 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0042.mp3
0043 platform 6 for the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0043.mp3
0044 platform 7 for the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0044.mp3
0045 platform 8 for the Platform information "the" (/ðə/) 0045.mp3
0046 The public address at this station is currently under test Operational 0046.mp3
0047 Please ignore the following announcements Operational 0047.mp3
0048 Thank you Conjoining 0048.mp3
0049 The display information system at this station Operational 0049.mp3
0050 is currently under test Operational 0050.mp3
0051 Please ignore any information currently displayed Operational 0051.mp3
0052 The delayed Conjoining 0052.mp3
0053 Midland Main Line Passenger information Low-pitch ending 0053.mp3
0054 will now depart from platform 1 Platform information 0054.mp3
0055 will now depart from platform 2 Platform information 0055.mp3
0056 will now depart from platform 3 Platform information 0056.mp3
0057 will now depart from platform 4 Platform information 0057.mp3
0058 will now depart from platform 5 Platform information 0058.mp3
0059 will now depart from platform 6 Platform information 0059.mp3
0060 will now depart from platform 7 Platform information 0060.mp3
0061 will now depart from platform 8 Platform information 0061.mp3
0062 will now depart from Passenger information 0062.mp3
0063 This train is formed of 11 coaches Passenger information 0063.mp3
0064 This train is formed of 12 coaches Passenger information 0064.mp3
0065 This train is formed of 1 coach only Passenger information 0065.mp3
0066 This train is formed of 1 coach Passenger information 0066.mp3
0067 delayed Conjoining 0067.mp3
0068 The train now approaching platform 1 Platform information 0068.mp3
0069 The train now approaching platform 2 Platform information Nice 0069.mp3
0070 The train now approaching platform 3 Platform information 0070.mp3
0071 The train now approaching platform 4 Platform information 0071.mp3
0072 The train now approaching platform 5 Platform information 0072.mp3
0073 The train now approaching platform 6 Platform information 0073.mp3
0074 The train now approaching platform 7 Platform information 0074.mp3
0075 The train now approaching platform 8 Platform information 0075.mp3
0076 The train now approaching platform 2 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0076.mp3
0077 The train now approaching platform 3 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0077.mp3
0078 The train now approaching platform 4 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0078.mp3
0079 The train now approaching platform 5 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0079.mp3
0080 The train now approaching platform 6 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0080.mp3
0081 The train now approaching platform 7 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0081.mp3
0082 The train now approaching platform 8 is the Platform information "the" (/ði/) 0082.mp3
0083 HEX Hexham Destination 0083.mp3
0084 of drinks and light refreshments Passenger information 0084.mp3
0085 We are sorry to announce that the Apology Most frequently used file 0085.mp3
0086 platform 1 for the delayed Platform information 0086.mp3
0087 platform 2 for the delayed Platform information 0087.mp3
0088 platform 3 for the delayed Platform information 0088.mp3
0089 platform 4 for the delayed Platform information 0089.mp3
0090 platform 5 for the delayed Platform information 0090.mp3
0091 platform 6 for the delayed Platform information 0091.mp3
0092 platform 7 for the delayed Platform information 0092.mp3
0093 platform 8 for the delayed Platform information 0093.mp3
0094 The next service is to Passenger information 0094.mp3
0095 ScotRail services to Train operating company 0095.mp3
0096 ScotRail service from Train operating company 0096.mp3
0097 Will be in Time 0097.mp3
0098 Will be in 5 minutes Time 0098.mp3
0099 Will be in 10 minutes Time 0099.mp3
0100 Will be in 15 minutes Time 0100.mp3
0101 Will be in 20 minutes Time 0101.mp3
0102 Will be in 25 minutes Time 0102.mp3
0103 Will be in 30 minutes Time 0103.mp3
0104 Will be in 35 minutes Time 0104.mp3
0105 Will be in 40 minutes Time 0105.mp3
0106 Will be in 45 minutes Time 0106.mp3
0107 Will be in 50 minutes Time 0107.mp3
0108 Will be in 55 minutes Time 0108.mp3
0109 Will be in 1 hour Time 0109.mp3
0110 Is delayed by approximately 5 minutes Time 0110.mp3
0111 Is delayed by approximately 10 minutes Time 0111.mp3
0112 Is delayed by approximately 15 minutes Time 0112.mp3
0113 Is delayed by approximately 20 minutes Time 0113.mp3
0114 Is delayed by approximately 25 minutes Time 0114.mp3
0115 Is delayed by approximately 30 minutes Time 0115.mp3
0116 Is delayed by approximately 35 minutes Time 0116.mp3
0117 Is delayed by approximately 40 minutes Time 0117.mp3
0118 Is delayed by approximately 45 minutes Time 0118.mp3
0119 Is delayed by approximately 50 minutes Time 0119.mp3
0120 Is delayed by approximately 55 minutes Time 0120.mp3
0121 Is delayed by approximately 1 hour Time 0121.mp3
0122 Strathclyde metro service to Strathclyde metro 0122.mp3
0123 Strathclyde metro service from Strathclyde metro 0123.mp3
0124 Should join the rear 9 coaches Passenger information 0124.mp3
0125 Should join the rear 10 coaches Passenger information 0125.mp3
0126 Should join the rear 11 coaches Passenger information 0126.mp3
0127 Should join the rear 12 coaches Passenger information 0127.mp3
0128 This service will be in approximately 5 minutes Time 0128.mp3
0129 This service will be in approximately 10 minutes Time 0129.mp3
0130 This service will arrive in approximately 7 minutes Time 0130.mp3
0131 This service will arrive in approximately 12 minutes Time 0131.mp3
0132 This service will be in approximately Time 0132.mp3
0133 5 minutes Time 0133.mp3
0134 10 minutes Time 0134.mp3
0135 7 minutes Time 0135.mp3
0136 12 minutes Time 0136.mp3
0137 Will arrive in approximately 1 minute Time 0137.mp3
0138 Will arrive in approximately 2 minutes Time 0138.mp3
0139 Will arrive in approximately 3 minutes Time 0139.mp3
0140 Will arrive in approximately 4 minutes Time 0140.mp3
0141 Will arrive in approximately 5 minutes Time 0141.mp3
0142 Will arrive in approximately 10 minutes Time 0142.mp3
0143 Will arrive in approximately 15 minutes Time 0143.mp3
0144 Will arrive in approximately 20 minutes Time 0144.mp3
0145 Will arrive in approximately 25 minutes Time 0145.mp3
0146 Will arrive in approximately 30 minutes Time 0146.mp3
0147 Will arrive in approximately 35 minutes Time 0147.mp3
0148 Will arrive in approximately 40 minutes Time 0148.mp3
0149 Will arrive in approximately 45 minutes Time 0149.mp3
0150 Will arrive in approximately 50 minutes Time 0150.mp3
0151 Will arrive in approximately 55 minutes Time 0151.mp3
0152 Poor rail conditions Reason 0152.mp3
0153 Poor rail conditions Reason 0153.mp3
0154 PNR Penrith Destination 0154.mp3
0155 Attention please Conjoining 0155.mp3
0156 The public address system at this station Operational 0156.mp3
0157 Is at present being tested by our engineers Operational 0157.mp3
0158 Please disregard any public address announcements Operational 0158.mp3
0159 While this testing is carried out Operational 0159.mp3
0160 Thank you Conjoining 0160.mp3
0161 Attention please, here is a special announcement, penalty fares are in operation in this area, all passengers must be in possession of a valid ticket or authority to travel before travelling on services from this station. If you are asked to produce a ticket, and are unable to do so, you will be liable to pay a penalty fare, or the full standard single fare, whichever is the greater Fare information really long 0161.mp3
0162 Will be in approximately 1 minute Time 0162.mp3
0163 Will be in approximately 2 minutes Time 0163.mp3
0164 Will be in approximately 3 minutes Time 0164.mp3
0165 Will be in approximately 4 minutes Time 0165.mp3
0166 Will be in approximately 5 minutes Time 0166.mp3
0167 Will be in approximately 10 minutes Time 0167.mp3
0168 Will be in approximately 15 minutes Time 0168.mp3
0169 Will be in approximately 20 minutes Time 0169.mp3
0170 Will be in approximately 25 minutes Time 0170.mp3
0171 Will be in approximately 30 minutes Time 0171.mp3
0172 Will be in approximately 35 minutes Time 0172.mp3
0173 Will be in approximately 40 minutes Time 0173.mp3
0174 Will be in approximately 45 minutes Time 0174.mp3
0175 Will be in approximately 50 minutes Time 0175.mp3
0176 Will be in approximately 55 minutes Time 0176.mp3
0177 This train is formed of 1 coach only Train formation 0177.mp3
0178 This train is formed of 2 coaches Train formation 0178.mp3
0179 This train is formed of 3 coaches Train formation 0179.mp3
0180 This train is formed of 4 coaches Train formation 0180.mp3
0181 This train is formed of 5 coaches Train formation 0181.mp3
0182 This train is formed of 6 coaches Train formation 0182.mp3
0183 This train is formed of 7 coaches Train formation 0183.mp3
0184 This train is formed of 8 coaches Train formation 0184.mp3
0185 This train is formed of 9 coaches Train formation 0185.mp3
0186 This train is formed of 10 coaches Train formation 0186.mp3
0187 This train is formed of 11 coaches Train formation 0187.mp3
0188 This train is formed of 12 coaches Train formation 0188.mp3
0189 hundred hours Time 0189.mp3
0190 Stand well away from the edge of platform 1 Safety 0190.mp3
0191 Stand well away from the edge of platform 2 Safety 0191.mp3
0192 Stand well away from the edge of platform 3 Safety 0192.mp3
0193 Stand well away from the edge of platform 4 Safety 0193.mp3
0194 Stand well away from the edge of platform 5 Safety 0194.mp3
0195 Stand well away from the edge of platform 6 Safety 0195.mp3
0196 Stand well away from the edge of platform 7 Safety 0196.mp3
0197 Stand well away from the edge of platform 8 Safety 0197.mp3
0198 Southern Train operating company if you hear this the train is very lost :( 0198.mp3
0199 Southern service to Train operating company 0199.mp3
0200 Southern service from Train operating company 0200.mp3
0201 Southeastern Trains Train operating company 0201.mp3
0202 Southeastern Trains Train operating company Low-pitch ending 0202.mp3
0203 Southeastern Trains service to Train operating company 0203.mp3
0204 Southeastern Trains service from Train operating company 0204.mp3
0205 Southeastern Train operating company 0205.mp3
0206 Southeastern service to Train operating company 0206.mp3
0207 Southeastern service from Train operating company 0207.mp3
0208 Attention please! Please leave the station immediately. Safety Male voice (quieter) 0208.mp3
0209 Attention please! Please leave the station immediately. Safety Male voice 0209.mp3
0210 Attention please! Please leave the station immediately. Safety Male voice 0210.mp3
0211 Attention please! Please leave the station immediately. Safety Male voice (louder) 0211.mp3
0212 SOU Southampton Central Destination 0212.mp3
0213 Southern Train operating company Low-pitch ending 0213.mp3
0214 Southeastern Train operating company Low-pitch ending 0214.mp3
0215 First Great Western Train operating company 0215.mp3
0216 First Great Western service to Train operating company 0216.mp3
0217 First Great Western service from Train operating company 0217.mp3
0218 STA Stafford Destination 0218.mp3
0219 SCS Starcross Destination 0219.mp3
0220 is available Conjoining 0220.mp3
0221 TRO Trowbridge Destination 0221.mp3
0222 GRH Gartcosh Destination 0222.mp3
0223 Bodmin Destination Non-rail. Bodmin Parkway has separate entry. 0223.mp3
0224 COR Corby Destination 0224.mp3
0225 STP St. Pancras International Destination 0225.mp3
0226 WML Wilmslow Destination 0226.mp3
0227 Should change here Conjoining 0227.mp3
0228 SOA Southampton Airport Parkway Destination 0228.mp3
0229 This is a platform alteration Platform information 0229.mp3
0230 Midnight Time 0230.mp3
0231 01 Time oh-one 0231.mp3
0232 02 Time oh-two 0232.mp3
0233 03 Time oh-three 0233.mp3
0234 04 Time oh-four 0234.mp3
0235 05 Time oh-five 0235.mp3
0236 06 Time oh-six 0236.mp3
0237 07 Time oh-seven 0237.mp3
0238 08 Time oh-eight 0238.mp3
0239 09 Time oh-nine 0239.mp3
0240 10 Time 0240.mp3
0241 BYL Barry Links Destination 0241.mp3
0242 BEL Beauly Destination 0242.mp3
0243 BSU Brunstane Destination 0243.mp3
0244 GLC Central Destination Glasgow 0244.mp3
0245 DFL Dunfermline Queen Margaret Destination 0245.mp3
0246 DFE Dunfermline Town Destination 0246.mp3
0247 DUO Dunoon Destination Ferry 0247.mp3
0248 11 Time 0248.mp3
0249 EXG Exhibition Centre Destination 0249.mp3
0250 GGJ Georgemas Destination 0250.mp3
0251 GSC Gilshochill Destination 0251.mp3
0252 GRL Greenfaulds Destination 0252.mp3
0253 HNW Hamilton West Destination 0253.mp3
0254 HKH Hawkhead Destination 0254.mp3
0255 HST High Street Destination 0255.mp3
0256 LHA Loch Awe Destination 0256.mp3
0257 NEW Newcraighall Destination 0257.mp3
0258 NTN Newton Destination 0258.mp3
0259 12 Time 0259.mp3
0260 GLQ Queen Street Destination Glasgow 0260.mp3
0261 RAN Rannoch Destination mid-sentence 0261.mp3
0262 KGE Kingsknowe Destination 0262.mp3
0263 STF Stromeferry Destination 0263.mp3
0264 GLC Glasgow Central Low Level Destination 0264.mp3
0265 GLQ Glasgow Queen Street Low Level Destination 0265.mp3
0266 NTN Newton (Lanarkshire) Destination 0266.mp3
0267 ADS Ardrossan Harbour Destination 0267.mp3
0268 ASB Ardrossan South Beach Destination 0268.mp3
0269 ADN Ardrossan Town Destination 0269.mp3
0270 13 Time 0270.mp3
0271 BMP Brampton (Cumbria) Destination 0271.mp3
0272 CUL Cumbrae Slip Destination Ferry 0272.mp3
0273 KRK Kirkconnel Destination 0273.mp3
0274 14 Time 0274.mp3
0275 15 Time 0275.mp3
0276 16 Time 0276.mp3
0277 17 Time 0277.mp3
0278 18 Time 0278.mp3
0279 East Midlands Airport Destination Non-rail 0279.mp3
0280 KVD Kelvindale Destination 0280.mp3
0281 MEY Merryton Destination 0281.mp3
0282 LRH Larkhall Destination 0282.mp3
0283 CTE Chatelherault Destination 0283.mp3
0284 ALO Alloa Destination 0284.mp3
0285 19 Time 0285.mp3
0286 SFI Shawfair Destination 0286.mp3
0287 EKB Eskbank Destination 0287.mp3
0288 NEG Newtongrange Destination 0288.mp3
0289 GBG Gorebridge Destination 0289.mp3
0290 GAL Galashiels Destination 0290.mp3
0291 20 Time 0291.mp3
0292 TWB Tweedbank Destination 0292.mp3
0293 Edinburgh Airport Destination Non-rail 0293.mp3
0294 Edinburgh International Airport Destination Non-rail 0294.mp3
0295 21 Time 0295.mp3
0296 Abbey Road Destination DLR 0296.mp3
0297 22 Time 0297.mp3
0298 23 Time 0298.mp3
0299 clock Time 0299.mp3
0300 01 Time oh-one 0300.mp3
0301 02 Time oh-two 0301.mp3
0302 03 Time oh-three 0302.mp3
0303 Edinburgh International Destination Proposed 0303.mp3
0304 LPY Liverpool South Parkway Destination 0304.mp3
0305 Liverpool South Destination 0305.mp3
0306 Falmouth Destination 0306.mp3
0307 Folkestone Racecourse Destination Non-rail 0307.mp3
0308 04 Time oh-four 0308.mp3
0309 Racecourse Destination Possibly for combining with racecourse town names? 0309.mp3
0310 Ratcliffe-on-Soar Destination Non-rail 0310.mp3
0311 SPB Shepherd's Bush Destination 0311.mp3
0312 Star Lane Destination DLR 0312.mp3
0313 Stratford High Street Destination DLR 0313.mp3
0314 SFA Stratford International Destination 0314.mp3
0315 Westenhanger Racecourse Destination Station closed in 1960s! 0315.mp3
0316 White City Destination London Underground 0316.mp3
0317 05 Time oh-five 0317.mp3
0318 via Conjoining vee-ah 0318.mp3
0319 06 Time oh-six 0319.mp3
0320 07 Time oh-seven 0320.mp3
0321 08 Time oh-eight 0321.mp3
0322 09 Time oh-nine 0322.mp3
0323 10 Time ten 0323.mp3
0324 11 Time 0324.mp3
0325 12 Time 0325.mp3
0326 13 Time 0326.mp3
0327 14 Time 0327.mp3
0328 15 Time 0328.mp3
0329 delayed Conjoining 0329.mp3
0330 16 Time 0330.mp3
0331 17 Time 0331.mp3
0332 18 Time 0332.mp3
0333 19 Time 0333.mp3
0334 20 Time 0334.mp3
0335 21 Time 0335.mp3
0336 22 Time 0336.mp3
0337 23 Time 0337.mp3
0338 24 Time 0338.mp3
0339 25 Time 0339.mp3
0340 has been cancelled Conjoining 0340.mp3
0341 26 Time 0341.mp3
0342 27 Time 0342.mp3
0343 28 Time 0343.mp3
0344 29 Time 0344.mp3
0345 30 Time 0345.mp3
0346 31 Time 0346.mp3
0347 32 Time 0347.mp3
0348 33 Time 0348.mp3
0349 34 Time 0349.mp3
0350 35 Time 0350.mp3
0351 is available on this train Passenger information 0351.mp3
0352 36 Time 0352.mp3
0353 37 Time 0353.mp3
0354 38 Time 0354.mp3
0355 39 Time 0355.mp3
0356 4 Time 0356.mp3
0357 41 Time 0357.mp3
0358 42 Time 0358.mp3
0359 43 Time 0359.mp3
0360 44 Time 0360.mp3
0361 45 Time 0361.mp3
0362 GRH Gartcosh Destination Low-pitch ending 0362.mp3
0363 Bodmin Destination Low-pitch ending 0363.mp3
0364 COR Corby Destination Low-pitch ending 0364.mp3
0365 46 Time 0365.mp3
0366 STP St Pancras International Destination Low-pitch ending 0366.mp3
0367 47 Time 0367.mp3
0368 48 Time 0368.mp3
0369 49 Time 0369.mp3
0370 50 Time 0370.mp3
0371 51 Time 0371.mp3
0372 52 Time 0372.mp3
0373 53 Time 0373.mp3
0374 54 Time 0374.mp3
0375 55 Time 0375.mp3
0376 a staff shortage Reason 0376.mp3
0377 56 Time 0377.mp3
0378 57 Time 0378.mp3
0379 58 Time 0379.mp3
0380 59 Time 0380.mp3
0381 hundred hours Time 0381.mp3
0382 A points failure Reason 0382.mp3
0383 Platform A Platform ID 0383.mp3
0384 Platform B Platform ID 0384.mp3
0385 Platform C Platform ID 0385.mp3
0386 Platform D Platform ID 0386.mp3
0387 Signalling difficulties Reason 0387.mp3
0388 First Capital Connect Train operating company Stopped existing in 2014! 0388.mp3
0389 The late arrival of an incoming train Reason 0389.mp3
0390 BYL Barry Links Destination Low-pitch ending 0390.mp3
0391 BEL Beauly Destination Low-pitch ending 0391.mp3
0392 BSU Brunstane Destination Low-pitch ending 0392.mp3
0393 Central Destination Low-pitch ending 0393.mp3
0394 DFL Dunfermline Queen Margaret Destination Low-pitch ending 0394.mp3
0395 DFE Dunfermline Town Destination Low-pitch ending 0395.mp3
0396 Dunoon Destination Ferry 0396.mp3
0397 EXG Exhibition Centre Destination 0397.mp3
0398 GGJ Georgemas Destination 0398.mp3
0399 GSC Gilshochill Destination 0399.mp3
0400 GRL Greenfaulds Destination 0400.mp3
0401 HNW Hamilton West Destination 0401.mp3
0402 HKH Hawkhead Destination 0402.mp3
0403 HST High Street Destination 0403.mp3
0404 LHA Loch Awe Destination 0404.mp3
0405 NEW Newcraighall Destination 0405.mp3
0406 NTN Newton Destination 0406.mp3
0407 GLQ Queen Street Destination 0407.mp3
0408 RAN Rannoch Destination end of sentence 0408.mp3
0409 KGE Kingsknowe Destination 0409.mp3
0410 STF Stromeferry Destination 0410.mp3
0411 GLC Glasgow Central Low Level Destination 0411.mp3
0412 GLQ Glasgow Queen Street Low Level Destination 0412.mp3
0413 NTN Newton (Lanarkshire) Destination 0413.mp3
0414 ADS Ardrossan Harbour Destination 0414.mp3
0415 ASB Ardrossan South Beach Destination 0415.mp3
0416 ADN Ardrossan Town Destination 0416.mp3
0417 BMP Brampton (Cumbria) Destination 0417.mp3
0418 Cumbrae Slip Destination Ferry 0418.mp3
0419 KRK Kirkconnel Destination 0419.mp3
0420 East Midlands Airport Destination Non-rail 0420.mp3
0421 KVD Kelvindale Destination 0421.mp3
0422 MEY Merryton Destination 0422.mp3
0423 LRH Larkhall Destination 0423.mp3
0424 CTE Chatelherault Destination 0424.mp3
0425 ALO Alloa Destination 0425.mp3
0426 SFI Shawfair Destination 0426.mp3
0427 EKB Eskbank Destination 0427.mp3
0428 NEG Newtongrange Destination 0428.mp3
0429 GBG Gorebridge Destination 0429.mp3
0430 GAL Galashiels Destination 0430.mp3
0431 Bad weather conditions Reason 0431.mp3
0432 TWB Tweedbank Destination 0432.mp3
0433 Edinburgh Airport Destination Non-rail 0434.mp3
0434 Edinburgh International Airport Destination Non-rail
0435 Abbey Road Destination DLR 0435.mp3
0436 LPY Liverpool South Parkway Destination 0436.mp3
0437 Liverpool South Destination Non-rail 0437.mp3
0438 Edinburgh International Destination Proposed 0438.mp3
0439 Falmouth Destination No "Falmouth" station (there are Docks and Town) 0439.mp3
0440 Folkestone Racecourse Destination Non-rail 0440.mp3
0441 Racecourse Destination Possibly for combining with racecourse town names? 0441.mp3
0442 Ratcliffe-on-Soar Destination Non-rail 0442.mp3
0443 SPB Shepherds Bush Destination 0443.mp3
0444 STG Stirling Destination 0444.mp3
0445 Stratford High Street Destination DLR 0445.mp3
0446 SFA Stratford International Destination 0446.mp3
0447 Westenhanger Racecourse Destination Station closed in 1960s! 0447.mp3
0448 White City Destination London Underground 0448.mp3
0449 Engineering works Reason 0449.mp3
0450 A technical problem Reason male English voice, rising inflection 0450.mp3
0451 A technical problem Reason male English voice, falling inflection 0451.mp3
0452 Staff shortages Reason male English voice, rising inflection 0452.mp3
0453 Staff shortages Reason male English voice, falling inflection 0453.mp3
0454 The Grand Central Train operating company 0454.mp3
0455 The Grand Central Train operating company 0455.mp3
0456 The Grand Central service to Train operating company 0456.mp3
0457 The Grand Central service from Train operating company 0457.mp3
0458 London Overground Train operating company 0458.mp3
0459 London Overground Train operating company 0459.mp3
0460 London Overground service to Train operating company 0460.mp3
0461 London Overground service from Train operating company 0461.mp3
0462 Transport for London Overground Train operating company 0462.mp3
0463 Transport for London Overground Train operating company 0463.mp3
0464 Transport for London Overground service to Train operating company 0464.mp3
0465 Transport for London Overground service from Train operating company 0465.mp3
0466 The Cathedrals Express Special train 0466.mp3
0467 The Cathedrals Express Special train 0467.mp3
0468 The Cathedrals Express service to Special train 0468.mp3
0469 The Cathedrals Express service from Special train 0469.mp3
0470 The Cathedrals Express steam service to Special train 0470.mp3
0471 The Cathedrals Express steam service from Special train 0471.mp3
0472 The Cathedrals Express special steam service to Special train 0472.mp3
0473 The Cathedrals Express special steam service from Special train 0473.mp3
0474 The Blue Pullman Special train 0474.mp3
0475 The Blue Pullman Special train 0475.mp3
0476 The Blue Pullman service to Special train 0476.mp3
0477 The Blue Pullman service from Special train 0477.mp3
0478 The Bluebell Railway Heritage Railway stepney is sad and lost 0478.mp3
0479 The Bluebell Railway Heritage Railway the profesionals at firewatch 0479.mp3
0480 The Watercress Line Heritage Railway 0480.mp3
0481 The Watercress Line Heritage Railway 0481.mp3
0482 The Spa Valley Railway Heritage Railway Sussex has been taken over by Scotland 0482.mp3
0483 The Spa Valley Railway Heritage Railway 0483.mp3
0484 Midland Mainline Turbostar Train operating company 0484.mp3
0485 GNER Train operating company 0485.mp3
0486 GNER Train operating company 0486.mp3
0487 Platform 0 Platform ID 0487.mp3
0488 and will now depart at Conjoining 0488.mp3
0489 will not arrive until Conjoining 0489.mp3
0490 and will not arrive until Conjoining 0490.mp3
0491 please join the front Conjoining 0491.mp3
0492 coach Conjoining 0492.mp3
0493 of this train Conjoining 0493.mp3
0494 Please join the front coach only Passenger information 0494.mp3
0495 Please join the front coach only of this train Passenger information 0495.mp3
0496 Please join the front two coaches of this train Passenger information 0496.mp3
0497 Please join the front three coaches of this train Passenger information 0497.mp3
0498 Please join the front four coaches of this train Passenger information 0498.mp3
0499 Please join the front five coaches of this train Passenger information 0499.mp3
0500 Please join the front six coaches of this train Passenger information 0500.mp3
0501 Please join the front seven coaches of this train Passenger information 0501.mp3
0502 Please join the front eight coaches of this train Passenger information 0502.mp3
0503 Please join the front nine coaches of this train Passenger information 0503.mp3
0504 Please join the front ten coaches of this train Passenger information 0504.mp3
0505 Please join the front eleven coaches of this train Passenger information 0505.mp3
0506 Please join the front twelve coaches of this train Passenger information 0506.mp3
0507 Please join the middle Passenger information 0507.mp3
0508 Please join the middle coach only Passenger information 0508.mp3
0509 Please join the middle coach only of this train Passenger information 0509.mp3
0510 Vandalism Reason 0510.mp3
0511 Please join the middle two coaches of this train Passenger information 0511.mp3
0512 Please join the middle three coaches of this train Passenger information 0512.mp3
0513 Please join the middle four coaches of this train Passenger information 0513.mp3
0514 Please join the middle five coaches of this train Passenger information 0514.mp3
0515 Please join the middle six coaches of this train Passenger information 0515.mp3
0516 Please join the middle seven coaches of this train Passenger information 0516.mp3
0517 Please join the middle eight coaches of this train Passenger information 0517.mp3
0518 Please join the middle nine coaches of this train Passenger information 0518.mp3
0519 Please join the middle ten coaches of this train Passenger information 0519.mp3
0520 Please join the middle eleven coaches of this train Passenger information 0520.mp3
0521 Please join the middle twelve coaches of this train Passenger information How long does a train have to be in total to have twelve middle coaches? 0521.mp3
0522 Please join the rear coach of this train Passenger information 0522.mp3
0523 Please join the rear coach only of this train Passenger information 0523.mp3
0524 Please join the rear two coaches of this train Passenger information 0524.mp3
0525 Please join the rear three coaches of this train Passenger information 0525.mp3
0526 Please join the rear four coaches of this train Passenger information 0526.mp3
0527 Please join the rear five coaches of this train Passenger information 0527.mp3
0528 Please join the rear six coaches of this train Passenger information 0528.mp3
0529 Please join the rear seven coaches of this train Passenger information 0529.mp3
0530 Please join the rear eight coaches of this train Passenger information 0530.mp3
0531 Please join the rear nine coaches of this train Passenger information 0531.mp3
0532 Please join the rear ten coaches of this train Passenger information 0532.mp3
0533 Please join the rear eleven coaches of this train Passenger information 0533.mp3
0534 Please join the rear twelve coaches of this train Passenger information 0534.mp3
0535 Megatrain accommodation can be found at the Passenger information 0535.mp3
0536 Front Passenger information 0536.mp3
0537 Middle Passenger information 0537.mp3
0538 Rear Passenger information 0538.mp3
0539 Of the train Passenger information 0539.mp3
0540 Megatrain accomodation can be found at the front of the train Passenger information 0540.mp3
0541 Megatrain accomodation can be found in the middle of the train Passenger information 0541.mp3
0542 Megatrain accomodation can be found at the rear of the train Passenger information 0542.mp3
0543 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0543.mp3
0544 and can be found in the front of the train Passenger information 0544.mp3
0545 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0545.mp3
0546 and can be found in the middle of the train Passenger information 0546.mp3
0547 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0547.mp3
0548 and can be found in the rear of the train Passenger information 0548.mp3
0549 If you are travelling in First Class accommodation Passenger information 0549.mp3
0550 If you are travelling to this station Passenger information 0550.mp3
0551 If you are travelling to this station, please wait on the platform Passenger information 0551.mp3
0552 If you are travelling to these stations, please wait on the concourse Passenger information 0552.mp3
0553 If you are travelling to these stations, please wait on the platform Passenger information 0553.mp3
0554 If you are travelling to this station, please wait on the concourse Passenger information 0554.mp3
0555 If you are travelling to this station, please wait on the platform Passenger information 0555.mp3
0556 If you are travelling to these stations, please wait on the concourse Passenger information 0556.mp3
0557 If you are travelling to these stations, please wait on the platform Passenger information 0557.mp3
0558 You are advised that cycles are not allowed on this train Passenger information 0558.mp3
0559 You are advised that cycles are not permitted on this train Passenger information 0559.mp3
0560 Cycles are not allowed on this train Passenger information 0560.mp3
0561 Cycles are not permitted on this train Passenger information 0561.mp3
0562 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0562.mp3
0563 and can be found in the front and the middle of the train Passenger information 0563.mp3
0564 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0564.mp3
0565 and can be found in the front and rear of the train Passenger information 0565.mp3
0566 First class accommodation is available Passenger information 0566.mp3
0567 and can be found in the middle and rear of the train Passenger information 0567.mp3
0568 You must ensure that you have a valid first class ticket Passenger information 0568.mp3
0569 Please wait on the concourse and listen for further announcements Passenger information 0569.mp3
0570 Listen for further announcements Passenger information 0570.mp3
0571 You'll be liable to pay a penalty fare Fare information 0571.mp3
0572 A train failure Reason 0572.mp3
0573 East Midlands Train operating company 0573.mp3
0574 East Midlands Train operating company 0574.mp3
0575 East Midlands service to Train operating company 0575.mp3
0576 East Midlands service from Train operating company 0576.mp3
0577 Overhead electric line problems Reason 0577.mp3
0578 ABD Aberdeen Destination 0578.mp3
0579 ACR Accrington Destination 0579.mp3
0580 ADC Adlington Destination LANCS = ADL, CHESHIRE ADC 0580.mp3
0581 ALM Alnmouth Destination 0581.mp3
0582 ALP Althorpe Destination 0582.mp3
0583 CHU Cheadle Hulme Destination 0583.mp3
0584 ANN Annan Destination 0584.mp3
0585 A signalling apparatus failure Reason 0585.mp3
0586 AFV Ansdell & Fairhaven Destination 0586.mp3
0587 APP Appleby Destination 0587.mp3
0588 APB Appley Bridge Destination 0588.mp3
0589 ARB Arbroath Destination 0589.mp3
0590 ADK Ardwick Destination 0590.mp3
0591 AWT Armathwaite Destination 0591.mp3
0592 GTR Goostrey Destination 0592.mp3
0593 Arram Destination 0593.mp3
0594 ABY Ashburys Destination 0594.mp3
0595 AHN Ashton-under-Lyne Destination 0595.mp3
0596 ATN Atherton Destination 0596.mp3
0597 Mechanical problems Reason 0597.mp3
0598 ATB Attenborough Destination 0598.mp3
0599 KTL Kirton Lindsey Destination 0599.mp3
0600 AUK Auchinleck Destination 0600.mp3
0601 AYR Ayr Destination 0601.mp3
0602 BLD Baildon Destination 0602.mp3
0603 BMB Bamber Bridge Destination 0603.mp3
0604 BAM Bamford Destination 0604.mp3
0605 BAN Banbury Destination 0605.mp3
0606 BAR Bare Lane Destination 0606.mp3
0607 BTB Barnetby Destination 0607.mp3
0608 ...trespass on the line... Reason mid (suffixed with 'at <station>'/'between <x> and <y>'/similar) 0608.mp3
0609 BNY Barnsley Destination 0609.mp3
0610 BRR Barrhead Destination 0610.mp3
0611 BRL Barrhill Destination 0611.mp3
0612 BSK Basingstoke Destination 0612.mp3
0613 BDM Bedford Destination 0613.mp3
0614 BEE Beeston Destination 0614.mp3
0615 BLV Belle Vue Destination 0615.mp3
0616 BEM Bempton Destination 0616.mp3
0617 BEY Ben Rhydding Destination 0617.mp3
0618 incident on the line... Reason mid (suffixed with 'at <station>'/'between <x> and <y>'/similar) 0618.mp3
0619 BEN Bentham Destination 0619.mp3
0620 BYK Bently Destination 0620.mp3
0621 BBW Berry Brow Destination 0621.mp3
0622 Berwick Destination 0622.mp3
0623 BWK Berwick-upon-Tweed Destination 0623.mp3
0624 BES Bescar Lane Destination 0624.mp3
0625 BEV Beverley Destination 0625.mp3
0626 BIL Billingham Destination 0626.mp3
0627 BIY Bingley Destination 0627.mp3
0628 BWD Birchwood Destination 0628.mp3
0629 ...suspected damage to a railway bridge... Reason mid (suffixed with 'at <station>'/'between <x> and <y>'/similar) 0629.mp3
0630 BHI Birmingham International Destination 0630.mp3
0631 BHM Birmingham New Street Destination 0631.mp3
0632 Birmingham Destination 0632.mp3
0633 BBN Blackburn Destination 0633.mp3
0634 BPN Blackpool North Destination 0634.mp3
0635 BPB Blackpool Pleasure Beach Destination 0635.mp3
0636 BPS Blackpool South Destination 0636.mp3
0637 EDP Edinburgh Park Destination 0637.mp3
0638 Blackpool Destination 0638.mp3
0639 BLK Blackrod Destination Low pitch towards end 0639.mp3
0640 BOD Bodmin Parkway Destination 0640.mp3
0641 ...cancellation of the incoming service... Reason mid (suffixed with 'at <station>'/'between <x> and <y>'/similar) 0641.mp3
0642 BON Bolton Destination 0642.mp3
0643 BMH Bournemouth Destination 0643.mp3
0644 BDQ Bradford Forster Square Destination 0644.mp3
0645 BDI Bradford Interchange Destination 0645.mp3
0646 BMY Bramley Destination HANTS - BMY, W YORKS - BLE 0646.mp3
0647 ...First Capital Connect.... Train operating company mid 0647.mp3
0648 ...First Capital Connect. Train operating company end 0648.mp3
0649 First Capital Connect service to... Train operating company start 0649.mp3
0650 First Capital Connect service from... Train operating company start 0650.mp3
0651 BSM Branksome Destination 0651.mp3
0652 BDY Bredbury Destination 0652.mp3
0653 ...Grand Central... Train operating company mid 0653.mp3
0654 ...adverse weather conditions... Weather mid 0654.mp3
0655 BGN Bridgend Destination 0655.mp3
0656 ...Grand Central Train operating company end 0656.mp3
0657 Grand Central service to... Train operating company start 0657.mp3
0658 Grand Central service from... Train operating company start 0658.mp3
0659 BWT Bridgwater Destination 0659.mp3
0660 BDT Bridlington Destination 0660.mp3
0661 BTN Brighton Destination 0661.mp3
0662 BGH Brighouse Destination 0662.mp3
0663 BPW Bristol Parkway Destination 0663.mp3
0664 BRI Bristol Temple Meads Destination 0664.mp3
0665 BGE Broad Green Destination 0665.mp3
0666 BCU Brockenhurst Destination 0666.mp3
0667 BGL Bugle Destination 0667.mp3
0668 ...signalling difficulties... Reason mid 0668.mp3
0669 ...signalling difficulties. Reason end 0669.mp3
0670 BNA Burnage Destination 0670.mp3
0671 BUD Burneside Destination 0671.mp3
0672 MCO Manchester Oxford Road Destination 0672.mp3
0673 Burnley Transpennine Destination What does this mean? lmao 0673.mp3
0674 BCB Burscough Bridge Destination 0674.mp3
0675 BUT Burton-on-Trent Destination 0675.mp3
0676 BSE Bury St Edmunds Destination 0676.mp3
0677 CBN Camborne Destination 0677.mp3
0678 CBG Cambridge Destination 0678.mp3
0679 CDF Cardiff Destination start 0679.mp3
0680 This train... Conjoining 0680.mp3
0681 Cardiff Bute Road Destination Renamed in 1994 0681.mp3
0682 CDF Cardiff Central Destination 0682.mp3
0683 CDQ Cardiff Queen Street Destination 0683.mp3
0684 CAK Cark Destination 0684.mp3
0685 CAR Carlisle Destination 0685.mp3
0686 CAN Carnoustie Destination neutral inflex 0686.mp3
0687 CRS Carstairs Destination 0687.mp3
0688 CMN Cheltenham Spa Destination 0688.mp3
0689 CYT Cherry Tree Destination 0689.mp3
0690 CTR Chester Destination 0690.mp3
0691 CHD Chesterfield Destination 0691.mp3
0692 CLS Chester-le-Street Destination 0692.mp3
0693 CLY Chinley Destination 0693.mp3
0694 CRL Chorley Destination 0694.mp3
0695 CHF Church Fenton Destination 0695.mp3
0696 CTW Church and Oswaldtwistle Destination 0696.mp3
0697 COV Coventry Destination end 0697.mp3
0698 CRE Crewe Destination end 0698.mp3
0699 CMY Crossmyloof Destination end 0699.mp3
0700 CUP Cupar Destination end 0700.mp3
0701 DAR Darlington Destination end 0701.mp3
0702 DWL Dawlish Destination end 0702.mp3
0703 DWW Dawlish Warren Destination end 0703.mp3
0704 DBY Derby Destination end 0704.mp3
0705 CBD Conon Bridge Destination 0705.mp3
0706 ...Edinburgh Gateway... Destination 0706.mp3
0707 SOI Stow Destination Stow where? 0707.mp3
0708 Virgin Trains East Coast service to... Train operating company 0708.mp3
0709 Virgin Trains East Coast service from... Train operating company 0709.mp3
0710 London North Eastern Railway service to... Train operating company 0710.mp3
0711 London North Eastern Railway service from... Train operating company 0711.mp3
0712 DON Doncaster Destination 0712.mp3
0713 DMF Dumfries Destination 0713.mp3
0714 DUN Dunbar Destination 0714.mp3
0715 DEE Dundee Destination 0715.mp3
0716 DNL Dunlop Destination 0716.mp3
0717 DHM Durham Destination 0717.mp3
0718 EDB Edinburgh Destination 0718.mp3
0719 EXD Exeter St Davids Destination 0719.mp3
0720 FKK Falkirk High Destination 0720.mp3
0721 FKG Falkirk Grahamston Destination 0721.mp3
0722 KIN Kingussie Destination 0722.mp3
0723 ...will not call at... Conjoining mid 0723.mp3
0724 GIR Girvan Destination 0724.mp3
0725 GLC Glasgow Central Destination 0725.mp3
0726 GLQ Glasgow Queen Street Destination 0726.mp3
0727 GRA Grantham Destination 0727.mp3
0728 GEA Gretna Green Destination 0728.mp3
0729 HAL Hale Destination 0729.mp3
0730 HYM Haymarket Destination 0730.mp3
0731 HDG Heald Green Destination 0731.mp3
0732 HBD Hebden Bridge Destination 0732.mp3
0733 CBD Conon Bridge Destination 0733.mp3
0734 EGY Edinburgh Gateway Destination 0734.mp3
0735 Stow Destination 0735.mp3
0736 Conjoining 0736.mp3
0737 HUL Hull Destination 0737.mp3
0738 ...a bicycle on the track... Reason 0738.mp3
0739 ...a bicycle on the track earlier on this train's journey. Reason 0739.mp3
0740 ...a bicycle on the track earlier today. Reason 0740.mp3
0741 ...a boat colliding with a bridge. Reason 0741.mp3
0742 ...a boat colliding with a bridge earlier today Reason 0742.mp3
0743 ...a bridge being damaged. Reason 0743.mp3
0744 ...a bridge being damaged by a boat. Reason 0744.mp3
0745 ...a bridge being damaged by a road vehicle. Reason 0745.mp3
0746 ...a bridge having collapsed. Reason 0746.mp3 D:
0747 ...a broken down train. Reason 0747.mp3
0748 ...a broken down train, earlier today. Reason 0748.mp3
0749 ...a broken rail. Reason 0749.mp3
0750 ...a broken windscreen on the train. Reason 0750.mp3
0751 ...a burst water main flooding the railway. Reason 0751.mp3
0752 ...a burst water main flooding the railway, earlier today. Reason 0752.mp3
0753 ...a burst water main near the railway. Reason 0753.mp3
0754 ...a burst water main near the railway, earlier today. Reason 0754.mp3
0755 ...a burst water main near the railway, yesterday. Reason 0755.mp3
0756 ...a bus colliding with a bridge. Reason 0756.mp3
0757 ...a bus colliding with a bridge, earlier on this train's journey. Reason 0757.mp3
0758 HUN Huntingdon Destination 0758.mp3
0759 ...a bus colliding with a bridge, earlier today. Reason 0759.mp3
0760 ...a chemical spillage near the railway. Reason 0760.mp3
0761 ...a chemical spillage near the railway earlier today Reason 0761.mp3
0762 ...a chemical spillage near the railway yesterday Reason 0762.mp3
0763 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on a train. Reason 0763.mp3
0764 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on a train earlier in its journey Reason 0764.mp3
0765 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on a train earlier today Reason 0765.mp3
0766 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on this train. Reason 0766.mp3
0767 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on this train earlier in its journey. Reason 0767.mp3
0768 ...a coach becoming uncoupled on this train earlier today. Reason 0768.mp3
0769 HNX Hunts Cross Destination 0769.mp3
0770 ...a collision at a level crossing. Reason 0770.mp3
0771 ...a collision at a level crossing earlier today. Reason 0771.mp3
0772 ...a collision at a level crossing yesterday. Reason 0772.mp3
0773 ...a collision between trains. Reason 0773.mp3
0774 ...a collision with the buffers at a station. Reason 0774.mp3
0775 ...a derailed train. Reason 0775.mp3
0776 ...a derailment within the depot. Reason 0776.mp3
0777 ...a fault occurring when attaching a part of a train. Reason 0777.mp3
0778 ...a fault occurring when attaching a part of this train. Reason 0778.mp3
0779 ...a fault occurring when detaching a part of a train. Reason 0779.mp3
0780 ...a fault occurring when detaching a part of this train. Reason 0780.mp3
0781 ...a fault on a train in front of this one. Reason 0781.mp3
0782 ...a fault on this train. Reason 0782.mp3
0783 ...a fault on this train which is now fixed. Reason 0783.mp3
0784 ...a fault with a swing bridge over a river. Reason 0784.mp3
0785 ...a fault with a swing bridge over a river earlier today. Reason 0785.mp3
0786 ...a fault with barriers at a level crossing. Reason 0786.mp3
0787 ...a fault with barriers at a level crossing earlier today. Reason 0787.mp3
0788 ...a fault with barriers at a level crossing yesterday. Reason 0788.mp3
0789 ...a fault with the electric third rail. Reason Why do they need this... 0789.mp3
0790 ...a fault with the electric third rail earlier on this train's journey. Reason 0790.mp3
0791 ...a fault with the electric third rail earlier today. Reason 0791.mp3
0792 ...a fault with the on-train signalling system. Reason 0792.mp3
0793 ...a fault with the on-train signalling system earlier on this train's journey. Reason 0793.mp3
0794 ...a fault with the on-train signalling system earlier today. Reason 0794.mp3
0795 ...a fault with the radio system between the driver and the signaller. Reason 0795.mp3
0796 ...a fault with the radio system between the driver and the signaller earlier on this train's journey. Reason when has this ever been used 0796.mp3
0797 ...a fault with the radio system between the driver and the signaller earlier today. Reason 0797.mp3
0798 ...a fault with the signalling system. Reason 0798.mp3
0799 ...a fault with the signalling system earlier on this train's journey. Reason 0799.mp3
0800 ...a fault with the signalling system earlier today. Reason 0800.mp3
0801 A fire at a station Reason 0801.mp3
0802 A fire at a station earlier Reason 0802.mp3
0803 A fire near the railway involving gas cylinders Reason 0803.mp3
0804 A fire near the railway involving gas cylinders earlier today Reason 0804.mp3
0805 A fire near the railway involving gas cylinders yesterday Reason 0805.mp3
0806 A fire near the railway suspected to involve gas cylinders Reason 0806.mp3
0807 A fire near the railway suspected to involve gas cylinders earlier today Reason 0807.mp3
0808 A fire near the railway suspected to involve gas cylinders yesterday Reason so specific; lazy should do one for each day of the week. 0808.mp3
0809 A fire next to the track Reason 0809.mp3
0810 A fire next to the track earlier today Reason 0810.mp3
0811 A fire on a train Reason 0811.mp3
0812 A fire on a train earlier today Reason 0812.mp3
0813 A fire on property near the railway Reason 0813.mp3
0814 A fire on property near the railway earlier today Reason 0814.mp3
0815 A fire on property near the railway yesterday Reason 0815.mp3
0816 A gas leak near the railway Reason 0816.mp3
0817 A gas leak near the railway earlier today Reason 0817.mp3
0818 A gas leak near the railway yesterday Reason 0818.mp3
0819 A landslip Reason 0819.mp3
0820 A late departure while the train was cleaned specially Reason 👀 0820.mp3
0821 A late running freight train Reason 0821.mp3
0822 A late running train being in front of this one Reason 0822.mp3
0823 A lorry colliding with a bridge Reason 0823.mp3
0824 A lorry colliding with a bridge earlier on this trains journey Reason 0824.mp3
0825 A lorry colliding with a bridge earlier today Reason 0825.mp3
0826 A low speed derailment Reason 0826.mp3
0827 A member of on-train staff being taken ill Reason 0827.mp3
0828 A passenger being taken ill at a station Reason 0828.mp3
0829 A passenger being taken ill at a station earlier today Reason 0829.mp3
0830 A passenger being taken ill on a train Reason 0830.mp3
0831 A passenger being taken ill on a train earlier today Reason 0831.mp3
0832 A passenger being taken ill on this train Reason 0832.mp3
0833 A passenger being taken ill on this train earlier in its journey Reason 0833.mp3
0834 A person being hit by a train Reason 0834.mp3
0835 A person being hit by a train earlier Reason 0835.mp3
0836 A points failure Reason 0836.mp3
0837 A power cut at this station Reason 0837.mp3
0838 A problem currently under investigation Reason 0838.mp3
0839 562 A problem with a river bridge Reason Belter 0839.mp3
0840 INK Inverkeithing Destination 0840.mp3
0841 A problem with a river bridge earlier today Reason 0841.mp3
0842 A problem with lineside equipment Reason 0842.mp3
0843 A problem with the station lighting Reason 0843.mp3
0844 A rail buckling in the heat Reason 0844.mp3
0845 A railway embankment being damaged Reason 0845.mp3
0846 A river flooding the railway Reason 0846.mp3
0847 A river flooding the railway earlier today Reason 0847.mp3
0848 A road accident at a level crossing Reason 0848.mp3
0849 A road accident at a level crossing earlier today Reason 0849.mp3
0850 A road accident at a level crossing yesterday Reason 0850.mp3
0851 INV Inverness Destination why is this in the middle. so weird. 0851.mp3
0852 A road accident near the railway Reason 0852.mp3
0853 A road accident near the railway earlier today Reason 0853.mp3
0854 A road accident near the railway yesterday Reason 0854.mp3
0855 A road vehicle blocking the railway Reason 0855.mp3
0856 A road vehicle blocking the railway earlier on this train's journey Reason 0856.mp3
0857 A road vehicle blocking the railway earlier today Reason 0857.mp3
0858 A road vehicle colliding with a bridge Reason 0858.mp3
0859 A road vehicle colliding with a bridge earlier on this train's journey Reason 0859.mp3
0860 A road vehicle colliding with a bridge earlier today Reason 0860.mp3
0861 A road vehicle colliding with level crossing barriers Reason 0861.mp3
0862 A road vehicle colliding with level crossing barriers earlier today Reason 0862.mp3
0863 A road vehicle colliding with level crossing barriers yesterday Reason 0863.mp3
0864 A road vehicle damaging track at a level crossing Reason 0864.mp3
0865 A road vehicle damaging track at a level crossing earlier today Reason 0865.mp3
0866 A road vehicle damaging track at a level crossing yesterday Reason 0866.mp3
0867 A safety inspection of the track Reason 0867.mp3
0868 A safety inspection of the track earlier today Reason 0868.mp3
0869 A safety inspection on a train Reason 0869.mp3
0870 A safety inspection on a train earlier today Reason 0870.mp3
0871 A safety inspection on this train Reason 0871.mp3
0872 A safety inspection on this train earlier in its journey Reason 0872.mp3
0873 A security alert at a station Reason 0873.mp3
0874 A security alert earlier today Reason 0874.mp3
0875 A security alert on another train Reason 0875.mp3
0876 A security alert on this train Reason 0876.mp3
0877 A shortage of on-train staff Reason 0877.mp3
0878 A shortage of station staff Reason 0878.mp3
0879 A shortage of train conductors Reason 0879.mp3
0880 A shortage of train crew Reason 0880.mp3
0881 A shortage of train drivers Reason 0881.mp3
0882 A shortage of train guards Reason 0882.mp3
0883 A shortage of train managers Reason 0883.mp3
0884 A shortage of trains because of accident damage Reason 0884.mp3
0885 A shortage of trains because of extra safety inspections Reason 0885.mp3
0886 A shortage of trains because of vandalism Reason 0886.mp3
0887 A shortage of trains following damage by snow and ice Reason 0887.mp3
0888 a speed restriction Reason 0888.mp3
0889 a speed restriction because of fog Reason 0889.mp3
0890 a speed restriction because of fog earlier on this train's journey Reason 0890.mp3
0891 a speed restriction because of fog earlier today Reason 0891.mp3
0892 a speed restriction because of heavy rain Reason 0892.mp3
0893 a speed restriction because of heavy rain earlier on this train's journey Reason 0893.mp3
0894 a speed restriction because of heavy rain earlier today Reason 0894.mp3
0895 a speed restriction because of high track temperatures Reason 0895.mp3
0896 a speed restriction because of high track temperatures earlier on this train's journey Reason 0896.mp3
0897 a speed restriction because of high track temperatures earlier today Reason 0897.mp3
0898 a speed restriction because of high winds Reason 0898.mp3
0899 a speed restriction because of high winds earlier on this train's journey Reason 0899.mp3
0900 a speed restriction because of high winds earlier today Reason 0900.mp3
0901 a speed restriction because of severe weather Reason 0901.mp3
0902 a speed restriction because of severe weather earlier on this train's journey Reason 0902.mp3
0903 a speed restriction because of severe weather earlier today Reason 0903.mp3
0904 a speed restriction because of snow and ice Reason 0904.mp3
0905 a speed restriction because of snow and ice earlier on this train's journey Reason 0905.mp3
0906 a speed restriction because of snow and ice earlier today Reason 0906.mp3
0907 a speed restriction earlier on this train's journey Reason 0907.mp3
0908 a speed restriction earlier today Reason 0908.mp3
0909 a speed restriction in a tunnel Reason 0909.mp3
0910 a speed restriction in a tunnel earlier on this train's journey Reason 0910.mp3
0911 a speed restriction in a tunnel earlier today Reason 0911.mp3
0912 KNS Kennishead Destination 0912.mp3
0913 a speed restriction over a bridge Reason 0913.mp3
0914 a speed restriction over a bridge earlier on this train's journey Reason 0914.mp3
0915 a speed restriction over a bridge earlier today Reason 0915.mp3
0916 a speed restriction over an embankment Reason 0916.mp3
0917 a speed restriction over an embankment earlier on this train's journey Reason 0917.mp3
0918 a speed restriction over an embankment earlier today Reason 0918.mp3
0919 a speed restriction over defective track Reason 0919.mp3
0920 a speed restriction over defective track earlier on this train's journey Reason 0920.mp3
0921 a speed restriction over defective track earlier today Reason 0921.mp3
0922 a supermarket trolley on the track Reason trust scotland to need this 🤣 0922.mp3
0923 a supermarket trolley on the track earlier on this train's journey Reason 0923.mp3
0924 a supermarket trolley on the track earlier today Reason 0924.mp3
0925 a train being involved in an accident Reason 0925.mp3
0926 A train derailment earlier today Reason 0926.mp3
0927 A train derailment yesterday Reason 0927.mp3
0928 A train hitting an obstruction on the line Reason 0928.mp3
0929 A train hitting an obstruction on the line earlier on this train's journey Reason 0929.mp3
0930 A train hitting an obstruction on the line earlier today Reason 0930.mp3
0931 A train not stopping at a station it was supposed to Reason 0931.mp3
0932 A train not stopping at a station it was supposed to earlier in its journey Reason 0932.mp3
0933 KID Kidderminster Destination 0933.mp3
0934 A train not stopping at a station it was supposed to earlier today Reason 0934.mp3
0935 A train not stopping in the correct position at a station Reason 0935.mp3
0936 A train not stopping in the correct position at a station earlier in its journey Reason 0936.mp3
0937 A train not stopping in the correct position at a station earlier today Reason 0937.mp3
0938 A train's automatic braking system being activated Reason 0938.mp3
0939 A train's automatic braking system being activated earlier in its journey Reason 0939.mp3
0940 A train's automatic braking system being activated earlier today Reason 0940.mp3
0941 A tree blocking the railway Reason 0941.mp3
0942 A tree blocking the railway earlier on this train's journey Reason 0942.mp3
0943 A tree blocking the railway earlier today Reason 0943.mp3
0944 KMK Kilmarnock Destination Kilmarnock is a valid reason for a rail service issue 0944.mp3
0945 A tunnel being closed for safety reasons Reason 0945.mp3
0946 A wartime bomb near the railway Reason wat 00:54:20 0946.mp3
0947 A wartime bomb near the railway earlier today Reason 0947.mp3
0948 A wartime bomb near the railway yesterday Reason 0948.mp3
0949 A wartime bomb which has now been made safe Reason thank god 0949.mp3
0950 The ambulance service dealing with an incident Reason 0950.mp3
0951 The ambulance service dealing with an incident near the railway Reason 0951.mp3
0952 The ambulance service dealing with an incident near the railway earlier today Reason 0952.mp3
0953 The ambulance service dealing with an incident near the railway yesterday Reason 0953.mp3
0954 An earlier landslip Reason 0954.mp3
0955 KLM Kilmaurs Destination 0955.mp3
0956 An earlier problem with lineside equipment Reason For use at end of sentences. 0956.mp3
0957 An incident at the airport Reason 0957.mp3
0958 An object being caught on the overhead electric wires Reason 0958.mp3
0959 An object being caught on the overhead electric wires earlier on this train's journey Reason 0959.mp3
0960 An object being caught on the overhead electric wires earlier today Reason 0960.mp3
0961 An obstruction on the track Reason 0961.mp3
0962 An obstruction on the track earlier on this train's journey Reason 0962.mp3
0963 An obstruction on the track earlier today Reason 0963.mp3
0964 An operational incident Reason 0964.mp3
0965 An operational incident earlier in its journey Reason 0965.mp3
0966 An operational incident earlier today Reason 0966.mp3
0967 Animals on the railway Reason 0967.mp3
0968 Animals on the railway earlier today Reason 0968.mp3
0969 Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment Reason 0969.mp3
0970 Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment earlier today Reason 0970.mp3
0971 Attempted theft of overhead line electrification equipment yesterday Reason 0971.mp3
0972 Attempted theft of railway equipment Reason 0972.mp3
0973 Attempted theft of railway equipment earlier today Reason 0973.mp3
0974 Attempted theft of railway equipment yesterday Reason 0974.mp3
0975 Attempted theft of signalling cables Reason 0975.mp3
0976 Attempted theft of signalling cables earlier today Reason 0976.mp3
0977 Attempted theft of signalling cables yesterday Reason 0977.mp3
0978 Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment Reason 0978.mp3
0979 Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment earlier today Reason 0979.mp3
0980 Attempted theft of third rail electrification equipment yesterday Reason 0980.mp3
0981 Cattle on the railway Reason 0981.mp3
0982 Cattle on the railway earlier today Reason 0982.mp3
0983 Checking reports of an obstruction on the line Reason 0983.mp3
0984 Checking reports of an obstruction on the line earlier on this train's journey Reason 0984.mp3
0985 Checking reports of an obstruction on the line earlier today Reason 0985.mp3
0986 Congestion Reason 0986.mp3
0987 Damage to the electric third rail Reason 0987.mp3
0988 Damage to the electric third rail earlier on this train's journey Reason 0988.mp3
0989 Damage to the electric third rail earlier today Reason 0989.mp3
0990 Damage to the overhead electric wires Reason 0990.mp3
0991 Damage to the overhead electric wires earlier on this train's journey Reason 0991.mp3
0992 Damage to the overhead electric wires earlier today Reason 0992.mp3
0993 Earlier engineering works not being finished on time Reason 0993.mp3
0994 The emergency services dealing with an incident near the railway Reason 0994.mp3
0995 The emergency services dealing with an incident near the railway earlier today Reason 0995.mp3
0996 KDY Kirkcaldy Destination 0996.mp3
0997 The emergency services dealing with an incident near the railway yesterday Reason 0997.mp3
0998 Engineering works not being finished on time Reason 0998.mp3
0999 Expected industrial action Reason 0999.mp3
1000 Expected industrial action earlier today Reason 1000.mp3
1001 Expected industrial action yesterday Reason What the Time Travel?? 1001.mp3
1002 Failure of the electricity supply Reason 1002.mp3
1003 Failure of the electricity supply earlier on this train's journey Reason 1003.mp3
1004 Failure of the electricity supply earlier today Reason 1004.mp3
1005 The fire brigade dealing with an incident Reason 1005.mp3
1006 The fire brigade dealing with an incident near the railway Reason 1006.mp3
1007 The fire brigade dealing with an incident near the railway earlier today Reason 1007.mp3
1008 The fire brigade dealing with an incident near the railway yesterday Reason 1008.mp3
1009 Flood water making the railway potentially unsafe Reason 1009.mp3
1010 Flood water making the railway potentially unsafe earlier today Reason 1010.mp3
1011 783 Flooding Reason 1011.mp3
1012 Flooding earlier in this train's journey Reason 1012.mp3
1013 Flooding earlier today Reason 1013.mp3
1014 Forecasted heavy snow Weather 1014.mp3
1015 Forecasted high winds Weather 1015.mp3
1016 Forecasted severe weather Weather 1016.mp3
1017 Forecasted slippery rails Weather 1017.mp3
1018 Heavy rain flooding the railway Weather 1018.mp3
1019 Heavy rain flooding the railway earlier today Weather 1019.mp3
1020 Heavy snow Weather 1020.mp3
1021 Heavy snow earlier in this train's journey Weather 1021.mp3
1022 Heavy snow earlier today Weather 1022.mp3
1023 Heavy snow over recent days Weather 1023.mp3
1024 High winds Weather 1024.mp3
1025 High winds earlier in this train's journey Weather 1025.mp3
1026 High winds earlier today Weather 1026.mp3
1027 Horses on the railway Reason 1027.mp3
1028 Horses on the railway earlier today Reason 1028.mp3
1029 Ice preventing this train getting electricity from the third rail Weather 1029.mp3
1030 Ice preventing trains getting electricity from the third rail Weather hmmmmmmm 1030.mp3
1031 Industrial action Reason 1031.mp3
1032 Industrial action earlier today Reason 1032.mp3
1033 Industrial action yesterday Reason 1033.mp3
1034 Lightning damaging a station Weather 1034.mp3
1035 Lightning damaging a train Weather 1035.mp3
1036 Lightning damaging equipment Weather 1036.mp3
1037 Lightning damaging the electricity supply Weather 1037.mp3
1038 Lightning damaging the signalling system Weather 1038.mp3
1039 Lightning damaging this train Weather Unsure if this would even be callable in this event 1039.mp3
1040 More trains than usual needing repairs at the same time Reason 1040.mp3
1041 Overcrowding Reason 1041.mp3
1042 Overcrowding as this train has fewer coaches than normal Reason 1042.mp3
1043 Overcrowding because an earlier train had fewer coaches than normal Reason 1043.mp3
1044 Overcrowding because of a concert Reason 1044.mp3
1045 Overcrowding because of a football match Reason 1045.mp3
1046 Overcrowding because of a marathon Reason 1046.mp3
1047 Overcrowding because of a rugby match Reason 1047.mp3
1048 Overcrowding because of a sporting event Reason 1048.mp3
1049 Overcrowding because of an earlier cancellation Reason If it's cancelled for this reason, the overcrowding will increase exponentially 1049.mp3
1050 Overcrowding because of an event Reason 1050.mp3
1051 Overcrowding earlier on this train's journey Reason 1051.mp3
1052 Passengers causing a disturbance earlier on this train's journey Reason 1052.mp3
1053 Passengers causing a disturbance on a train Reason 1053.mp3
1054 Passengers causing a disturbance on a train earlier today Reason 1054.mp3
1055 Passengers causing a disturbance on this train Reason 1055.mp3
1056 The police dealing with an incident Reason 1056.mp3
1057 The police dealing with an incident near the railway Reason 1057.mp3
1058 The police dealing with an incident near the railway earlier today Reason 1058.mp3
1059 The police dealing with an incident near the railway yesterday Reason 1059.mp3
1060 Predicted flooding Reason 1060.mp3
1061 Predicted flooding earlier today Reason 1061.mp3
1062 Severe weather Weather 1062.mp3
1063 Severe weather earlier Weather 1063.mp3
1064 Severe weather earlier in this train's journey Weather 1064.mp3
1065 Severe weather earlier today Weather 1065.mp3
1066 Severe weather preventing train crew getting to work Weather 1066.mp3
1067 Sheep on the railway Reason 1067.mp3
1068 Sheep on the railway earlier today Reason 1068.mp3
1069 Signalling staff being taken ill Reason 1069.mp3
1070 Signalling staff being taken ill earlier on this train's journey Reason 1070.mp3
1071 Signalling staff being taken ill earlier today Reason 1071.mp3
1072 Slippery rails Reason 1072.mp3
1073 Slippery rails earlier in this train's journey Reason 1073.mp3
1074 Slippery rails earlier today Reason 1074.mp3
1075 The communication alarm being activated on a train Reason 1075.mp3
1076 The communication alarm being activated on this train Reason 1076.mp3
1077 The electricity being switched off for safety reasons Reason 1077.mp3
1078 The electricity being switched off for safety reasons earlier on this train's journey Reason 1078.mp3
1079 The electricity being switched off for safety reasons earlier today Reason 1079.mp3
1080 The emergency services dealing with an incident Reason 1080.mp3
1081 The emergency services dealing with an incident earlier today Reason 1081.mp3
1082 The fire alarm sounding at a station Reason 1082.mp3
1083 The fire alarm sounding at a station earlier today Reason 1083.mp3
1084 The fire alarm sounding in a signal box Reason 1084.mp3
1085 The fire alarm sounding in a signal box earlier on this train's journey Reason 1085.mp3
1086 The fire alarm sounding in a signal box earlier today Reason 1086.mp3
1087 LDY Ladybank Destination 1087.mp3
1088 The fire alarm sounding in the signalling centre Reason 1088.mp3
1089 The fire alarm sounding in the signalling centre earlier on this train's journey Reason 1089.mp3
1090 The fire alarm sounding in the signalling centre earlier today Reason 1090.mp3
1091 The sea flooding the railway Reason We'll be getting a bit more of this... 1091.mp3
1092 The sea flooding the railway earlier today Reason 1092.mp3
1093 The train conductor being taken ill Reason 1093.mp3
1094 The train departing late to maintain customer connections Reason 1094.mp3
1095 The train driver being taken ill Reason 1095.mp3
1096 The train for this service having broken down Reason 1096.mp3
1097 The train guard being taken ill Reason 1097.mp3
1098 LAN Lancaster Destination 1098.mp3
1099 The train making extra stops because a train was cancelled Reason 1099.mp3
1100 The train making extra stops because of service disruption Reason 1100.mp3
1101 The train manager being taken ill Reason 1101.mp3
1102 Theft of overhead line electrification equipment Reason 1102.mp3
1103 Theft of overhead line electrification equipment, earlier today Reason 1103.mp3
1104 Theft of overhead line electrification equipment, yesterday Reason 1104.mp3
1105 Theft of railway equipment Reason 1105.mp3
1106 Theft of railway equipment, earlier today Reason 1106.mp3
1107 Theft of railway equipment yesterday Reason 1107.mp3
1108 Theft of signalling cables Reason 1108.mp3
1109 Theft of signalling cables, earlier today Reason 1109.mp3
1110 Theft of signalling cables yesterday Reason 1110.mp3
1111 Theft of third rail electrical equipment Reason 1111.mp3
1112 Theft of third rail electrical equipment, earlier today Reason 1112.mp3
1113 Theft of third rail electrical equipment yesterday Reason 1113.mp3
1114 Thick fog Weather 1114.mp3
1115 Thick fog, earlier in this train's journey Weather 1115.mp3
1116 Thick fog, earlier today Weather 1116.mp3
1117 This train being late from the depot Reason 1117.mp3
1118 This train breaking down Reason 1118.mp3
1119 This train hitting an obstruction on the line Reason 1119.mp3
1120 This train hitting an obstruction on the line, earlier in its journey Reason 1120.mp3
1121 This train hitting an obstruction on the line, earlier on this train's journey Reason 1121.mp3
1122 This train hitting an obstruction on the line, earlier today Reason 1122.mp3
1123 This train not stopping at a station it was supposed to Reason 1123.mp3
1124 This train not stopping at a station it was supposed to, earlier in its journey Reason 1124.mp3
1125 This train not stopping at a station it was supposed to, earlier today Reason 1125.mp3
1126 This train not stopping in the correct position at a station Reason 1126.mp3
1127 This train not stopping in the correct position at a station, earlier in its journey Reason 1127.mp3
1128 This train not stopping in the correct position at a station, earlier today Reason 1128.mp3
1129 This train's automatic braking system being activated Reason 1129.mp3
1130 This train's automatic braking system being activated, earlier in its journey Reason 1130.mp3
1131 This train's automatic braking system being activated, earlier today Reason 1131.mp3
1132 Train crew being delayed Reason 1132.mp3
1133 Train crew being delayed by service disruption Reason 1133.mp3
1134 Trains being involved in an accident Reason 1134.mp3
1135 Trespassers on the railway Reason 1135.mp3
1136 Trespassers on the railway earlier in this train's journey Reason 1136.mp3
1137 Trespassers on the railway earlier today Reason 1137.mp3
1138 Urgent repairs to a bridge Reason 1138.mp3
1139 Urgent repairs to a bridge earlier today Reason 1139.mp3
1140 Urgent repairs to a tunnel Reason 1140.mp3
1141 Urgent repairs to a tunnel earlier today Reason 1141.mp3
1142 Urgent repairs to the railway Reason 1142.mp3
1143 Urgent repairs to the railway earlier today Reason 1143.mp3
1144 Urgent repairs to the track Reason 1144.mp3
1145 Urgent repairs to the track earlier today Reason 1145.mp3
1146 Vandalism at a station Reason 1146.mp3
1147 Vandalism at a station earlier today Reason 1147.mp3
1148 Vandalism at a station yesterday Reason 1148.mp3
1149 LMS Leamington Spa Destination 1149.mp3
1150 Vandalism of railway equipment Reason 1150.mp3
1151 Vandalism of railway equipment earlier today Reason 1151.mp3
1152 Vandalism of railway equipment yesterday Reason 1152.mp3
1153 Vandalism on a train Reason 1153.mp3
1154 Vandalism on a train earlier today Reason 1154.mp3
1155 Vandalism on a train yesterday Reason 1155.mp3
1156 Vandalism on this train Reason 1156.mp3
1157 Vandalism on this train earlier today Reason 1157.mp3
1158 Vandalism on this train yesterday Reason 1158.mp3
1159 Waiting for a part of the train to be attached Reason valid reason I think 1159.mp3
1160 LDS Leeds Destination 1160.mp3
1161 KTR Kintore Destination 1161.mp3
1162 This train is formed of Passenger information 1162.mp3
1163 one Number 1163.mp3
1164 two Number 1164.mp3
1165 three Number 1165.mp3
1166 four Number 1166.mp3
1167 five Number 1167.mp3
1168 six Number 1168.mp3
1169 seven Number 1169.mp3
1170 LEI Leicester Destination 1170.mp3
1171 eight Number 1171.mp3
1172 nine Number 1172.mp3
1173 ten Number 1173.mp3
1174 carriage. Conjoining 1174.mp3
1175 carriages. Conjoining 1175.mp3
1176 Please take extra care when getting on and off trains. Safety 1176.mp3
1177 Please use all available doors when getting on the train. Passenger information 1177.mp3
1178 LEU Leuchars Destination 1178.mp3
1179 LSK Liskeard Destination 1179.mp3
1180 LIV Liverpool Lime Street Destination 1180.mp3
1181 LOC Lockerbie Destination 1181.mp3
1182 EUS London Euston Destination 1182.mp3
1183 KGX London King's Cross Destination 1183.mp3
1184 MYB London Marylebone Destination 1184.mp3
1185 MOG London Moorgate Destination 1185.mp3
1186 PAD London Paddington Destination 1186.mp3
1187 STP London St. Pancras Destination 1187.mp3
1188 LOS Lostwithiel Destination 1188.mp3
1189 MIA Manchester Airport Destination 1189.mp3
1190 MCO Manchester Oxford Road Destination 1190.mp3
1191 MAN Manchester Piccadilly Destination 1191.mp3
1192 MCV Manchester Victoria Destination 1192.mp3
1193 Manchester Destination 1193.mp3
1194 MHR Market Harborough Destination 1194.mp3
1195 MNC Markinch Destination 1195.mp3
1196 MAU Mauldeth Road Destination 1196.mp3
1197 MAY Maybole Destination 1197.mp3
1198 MHS Meadowhall Destination 1198.mp3
1199 MCE MetroCentre Destination 1199.mp3
1200 MBR Middlesbrough Destination 1200.mp3
1201 MTS Montrose Destination 1201.mp3
1202 MPT Morpeth Destination 1202.mp3
1203 MTH Motherwell Destination 1203.mp3
1204 NNG Newark Northgate Destination 1204.mp3
1205 NCL Newcastle Destination 1205.mp3
1206 is the Conjoining /ðə/ 1206.mp3
1207 NCK New Cumnock Destination 1207.mp3
1208 NQY Newquay Destination 1208.mp3
1209 NTA Newton Abbot Destination 1209.mp3
1210 There will be a special bus service in operation Passenger information 1210.mp3
1211 is the Conjoining /ði/ 1211.mp3
1212 NOA Newton on Ayr Destination 1212.mp3
1213 NIT Nitshill Destination 1213.mp3
1214 NTR Northallerton Destination 1214.mp3
1215 NOT Nottingham Destination 1215.mp3
1216 KTR Kintore Destination 1216.mp3
1217 OXF Oxford Destination 1217.mp3
1218 OXN Oxenholme Lake District Destination 1218.mp3
1219 OXN Oxenholme The Lake District Destination 1219.mp3
1220 PAD Paddington Destination 1220.mp3
1221 PDG Padgate Destination 1221.mp3
1222 PGN Paignton Destination 1222.mp3
1223 PAR Par Destination 1223.mp3
1224 PNZ Penzannce Destination 1224.mp3
1225 PTH Perth Destination 1225.mp3
1226 PBO Peterborough Destination 1226.mp3
1227 PLY Plymouth Destination 1227.mp3
1228 PWW Pollokshaws West Destination 1228.mp3
1229 POO Poole Destination 1229.mp3
1230 PLN Portlethen Destination 1230.mp3
1231 delayed. Conjoining Used when no ETA for departure is available (e.g., stationary for extended period) 1231.mp3
1232 PTW Prestwick Town Destination 1232.mp3
1233 PTL Priesthill and Darnley Destination 1233.mp3
1234 PRE Preston Destination 1234.mp3
1235 QUI Quintrell Downs Destination 1235.mp3
1236 RDG Reading Destination 1236.mp3
1237 RED Redruth Destination 1237.mp3
1238 RET Retford Destination 1238.mp3
1239 ROC Roche Destination 1239.mp3
1240 SLD Salford Crescent Destination 1240.mp3
1241 SQH Sanquhar Destination 1241.mp3
1242 SCA Scarborough Destination 1242.mp3
1243 SHF Sheffield Destination 1243.mp3
1244 between Conjoining 1244.mp3
1245 SPF Springfield Destination 1245.mp3
1246 SAU Saint Austell Destination 1246.mp3
1247 SCR Saint Columb Road Destination 1247.mp3
1248 SER Saint Erth Destination 1248.mp3
1249 STT Stewarton Destination 1249.mp3
1250 SVG Stevenage Destination 1250.mp3
1251 STR Stranraer Destination 1251.mp3
1252 SOT Stoke on Trent Destination 1252.mp3
1253 SPT Stockport Destination 1253.mp3
1254 STN Stonehaven Destination 1254.mp3
1255 SUN Sunderland Destination 1255.mp3
1256 TAM Tamworth Destination 1256.mp3
1257 TAU Taunton Destination 1257.mp3
1258 TGM Teignmouth Destination 1258.mp3
1259 TVP Tiverton Parkway Destination 1259.mp3
1260 TOT Totnes Destination 1260.mp3
1261 TRN Troon Destination 1261.mp3
1262 TRU Truro Destination 1262.mp3
1263 WKF Wakefield Westgate Destination 1263.mp3
1264 WSM Weston-super-Mare Destination 1264.mp3
1265 WID Widnes Destination 1265.mp3
1266 WGW Wigan Wallgate Destination 1266.mp3
1267 WIN Winchester Destination 1267.mp3
1268 WDM Windermere Destination 1268.mp3
1269 WVH Wolverhampton Destination 1269.mp3
1270 YRK York Destination 1270.mp3
1271 Platform Platform ID 1271.mp3
1272 WBQ Warrington Bank Quay Destination 1272.mp3
1273 one Number 1273.mp3
1274 BTH Bath Spa Destination so massive it's in twice 1274.mp3
1275 two Number 1275.mp3
1276 three Number 1276.mp3
1277 four Number 1277.mp3
1278 five Number 1278.mp3
1279 six Number 1279.mp3
1280 seven Number 1280.mp3
1281 eight Number 1281.mp3
1282 nine Number 1282.mp3
1283 HEX Hexham Destination 1283.mp3
1284 ten Number 1284.mp3
1285 eleven Number 1285.mp3
1286 twelve Number 1286.mp3
1287 thirteen Number 1287.mp3
1288 Penrith Station 1288.mp3
1289 fourteen Number 1289.mp3
1290 fifteen Number 1290.mp3
1291 sixteen Number 1291.mp3
1292 seventeen Number 1292.mp3
1293 SOU Southampton Central Destination 1293.mp3
1294 eighteen Number 1294.mp3