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Created March 4, 2024 17:28
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maschinenzeitmaschine commented Mar 4, 2024

@eliyastein thanks, that did the trick!

for the record:
i got it to run with llm running in conda, below is my script (conda base env, miniconda installed through brew).
note: this does NOT work if llm is set to use a custom directory location, use the default one!


for arg in "$@"; do
  # Escape single quotes (replace ' with '\'')
  escaped_arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g")
  # Append the escaped argument to the string, surrounded by single quotes
  escaped_args="$escaped_args '$escaped_arg'"

# Use the escaped arguments in your command
result=$($LLM_COMMAND -m claude-3-opus $escaped_args)

# Handle the result as before
escapedResult=$(echo "$result" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' ORS='')
osascript -e "display dialog \"$escapedResult\""

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maschinenzeitmaschine commented Mar 4, 2024

p.s. i'm well aware this is out of scope and needs quite some more than a shell script, but wouldn't it be insanely cool if this would not only open a text window with an answer, but an interactive shell? like a chat interface, so i could do follow-up questions? i really love the idea to have an llm available anywhere in the finder and not have to open an app or browser or terminal and copy/paste every time…

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@maschinenzeitmaschine - the script can be modified to pop open a terminal that starts a chat with the highlighted text as the system prompt. Something like this:

for arg in "$@"; do
  escaped_arg=$(printf '%s\n' "$arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\''/g")
  escaped_args="$escaped_args '$escaped_arg'"

osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"/usr/local/bin/llm chat -m gpt-4 -s ${escaped_args}\""

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While this is great I wish I could use this in any app. Currently I cannot access this automator workflow from within slack :/

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@devtanna - It works from Slack for me. If you highlight some text in slack, you can access the workflow from the menu Slack -> Services -> LLM, or you can invoke it with a hotkey if you've set one under keyboard shortcuts.

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oh cool, thanks @eliyastein ! works now :)

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