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Last active September 30, 2023 14:32
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Blocks BlockAdBlock scripts
// ==UserScript==
// @name BlockAdblock Blocker
// @version 1.0
// @namespace
// @description Blocks block-adblock
// @match *://**/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
const originalEval = window.eval;
const keywords = ['advertising', 'ad', 'blocker', 'disabled', 'understand', 'site', 'income', 'okay', '', ''];
window.eval = str => {
// Check for keywords
const matches = keywords.filter(v => str.includes(v));
if (matches.length / keywords.length > 0.85) {
console.log(`[ABBB] Probability of being ad-related: ${(matches.length / keywords.length) * 100}%`);
// Check if it contains the base64 charset in a variable
if (str.match(/[A-Za-z]+='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'/)) {
console.log(` >> It contains the base64 charset`);
// Check if it will clear the body element
if (str.includes(`document.body.innerHTML=''`)) {
console.log(` >> It'll clear your dom. Blocked.`);
return originalEval(str);
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@charlie-moomoo it's over a year old... did you expect this to work after a single month without any updates? 😅

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Works like a charm thank you. I don't mind ads but some websites push their limits... ever gone onto an anime-related webpage? Either overly sexual anime mobile game ads will pop up or straight up p**n

I ain't having none of that. Thanks a bunch for the script!
Oh, to some of you who are having issues try changing:

// @match ://**/


// @match :///*

Take care and support your favorite devs when you can.

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rmpbklyn commented Aug 7, 2022

its not working properly on ravelry eg click on 'add to library' it. don't allow popup, its not an ad, its there to download, with script on prevents me from downloads

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rynex-zv commented Aug 19, 2022

it doesn't block from

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xonkiz commented Dec 23, 2022

// @match ://**/


// @match :///*


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TylerHallTech commented Feb 14, 2023

The provided script is already quite robust, but here are a few suggestions for further improvements:

  • The script does not account for minified code, which can make the keyword matching less accurate. You can use a JavaScript beautifier like js-beautify to prettify the code before performing the keyword matching.
  • The script only checks for a single type of obfuscation (base64 encoding). You may want to add checks for other types of obfuscation, such as string manipulation or code splitting.
  • The script logs information to the console, but it may be more helpful to alert the user with a popup message instead.
  • The script does not prevent BlockAdBlock from blocking the page, it only logs a message. You may want to modify the script to actually prevent BlockAdBlock from working.

Here is an updated version of the script that includes these improvements:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         BlockAdblock Blocker
// @version      1.1
// @namespace
// @description  Blocks block-adblock
// @match        *://**/*
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
    const originalEval = window.eval;
    const keywords = ['advertising', 'ad', 'blocker', 'disabled', 'understand', 'site', 'income', 'okay', '', ''];

    function beautifyCode(code) {
        return window.js_beautify(code);

    function isCodeSuspicious(code) {
        // Check for keywords
        const beautifiedCode = beautifyCode(code);
        const matches = keywords.filter(v => beautifiedCode.includes(v));
        if (matches.length / keywords.length > 0.85) {
            console.log(`[ABBB] Probability of being ad-related: ${(matches.length / keywords.length) * 100}%`);

            // Check if it contains base64-encoded characters in a variable
            if (beautifiedCode.match(/[A-Za-z]+='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'/)) {
                console.log(` >> It contains the base64 charset`);

                // Check if it will clear the body element
                if (beautifiedCode.includes(`document.body.innerHTML=''`)) {
                    console.log(` >> It'll clear your dom. Blocked.`);
                    return true;
        return false;

    window.eval = str => {
        if (isCodeSuspicious(str)) {
            alert('BlockAdBlock detected on this page and has been blocked.');
        return originalEval(str);

This version includes the following improvements:

The beautifyCode() function uses the js_beautify library to prettify the code before performing keyword matching, which should improve accuracy.

The isCodeSuspicious() function checks for base64 encoding in a more robust way by using a regular expression. It also returns a Boolean value, which simplifies the eval function.

The eval function displays a popup message instead of logging to the console.

The isCodeSuspicious() function returns true if the code is suspicious, which allows the eval function to block the code from running.

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dumblob commented Feb 15, 2023

Thanks @TylerHallTech ! I will give it a go and report back if I find something could be further improved.

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Thanks @TylerHallTech ! I will give it a go and report back if I find something could be further improved.


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