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Created March 25, 2023 08:24
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Magnetic Bottle
from vpython import *
# design
scene.title = "<h1>Magnetic Bottle Simulation</h1><p>Electron initially stuck in a magnetic bottle. The particle will corkscrew within the bottle until it hits a loss cone (not depicted) at which point<br />it will leave the system. Simulation does not stop on its own. Press \"Stop simulation\" or close the page when done.<br />"
scene.width = 960
scene.height = 720
scene.background = vec(161, 152, 151) / 255
# constants
ring_radius = 0.105 # radius of ring, meters
num_slices = 360 # how many slices to cut ring into
theta_min = 0 # min angle of ring, radians
theta_max = 2 * pi # max angle of ring, radians
total_theta = theta_max - theta_min # total angle of ring, radians
dtheta = total_theta / num_slices # differential angle of each slice, radians
mu_naught = (4 * pi) * 1e-7 # tesla*meter/sec
current = -500 # amps
integration_constant = (mu_naught * current) / (4 * pi) # constant out front of BS law integral
# size constants
x_min = -2
z_min = -1
y_min = -0.5
x_max = 4
z_max = 2
y_max = 1
# sim settings
run_sim = False
# axes
line_x = cylinder(pos=vec(x_min, 0, 0), axis=vec(x_max, 0, 0), radius=0.0025,
line_y = cylinder(pos=vec(0, y_min, 0), axis=vec(0, y_max, 0), radius=0.0025,
line_z = cylinder(pos=vec(0, 0, z_min), axis=vec(0, 0, z_max), radius=0.0025,
# axis labels
label_x = label(pos=line_x.pos + line_x.axis, text='x', height=16, # set axes labels
label_y = label(pos=line_y.pos + line_y.axis, text='y', height=16,
label_z = label(pos=line_z.pos + line_z.axis, text='z', height=16,
# set up camera, vec(1, 0, 0)), vec(0, 1, 0)) += vec(0.6, 0.3, -1.25)
scene.autoscale = False
# essential methods
# calculate the magnetic field caused by the given rings at a given point of interest
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
def calc_mag_field(rings, point_of_interest):
b_total = vec(0, 0, 0)
for theta in arange(theta_min, theta_max, dtheta):
theta_hat = vec(0, cos(theta), -sin(theta))
ds = ring_radius * dtheta * theta_hat
for ring in rings:
segment = vec(ring.pos.x, ring.pos.y + ring_radius * sin(theta), ring.pos.z + ring_radius * cos(theta))
r = point_of_interest - segment # r vector from segment to arbitrary POI --ring in yz plane--
r_mag = mag(r) # mag of r vector
if r_mag != 0:
b_total += integration_constant * ((cross(ds, r)) / r_mag ** 3) # append differential B to total B
return b_total
# calculate a scale factor proportional to the ring_radius for a given vector
def scale_factor(b, prop_to=ring_radius):
factor = prop_to / mag(b)
# print("Scale factor will be ", factor)
return factor
# draw a ring
def create_ring(pos):
return ring(pos=pos, axis=vec(1, 0, 0), radius=ring_radius, thickness=0.01, color=color.purple)
# draw rings
left_ring = create_ring(vec(x_min, 0, 0))
right_ring = create_ring(vec(x_min+x_max, 0, 0))
# electron settings
electron_init = dict()
electron_init['pos'] = vec(0, ring_radius / 8, 0)
electron_init['charge'] = -1.602e-19
electron_init['mass'] = 9.10938356e-31
electron_init['b_field'] = calc_mag_field([left_ring, right_ring], electron_init['pos'])
electron_init['velocity'] = vec(0, 0, ((ring_radius * electron_init['charge'] * mag(electron_init['b_field'])) / (8 * electron_init['mass'])))
electron_init['velocity'].x = electron_init['velocity'].z
electron_init['momentum'] = electron_init['mass'] * electron_init['velocity']
electron_init['b_force'] = cross(electron_init['charge'] * electron_init['velocity'], electron_init['b_field'])
# draw the b field over points in space
def draw_b_field():
arrow_sat = 0.15
dx = dy = dz = 0.5
x_start = x_min
y_start = y_min
z_start = z_min
x_end = x_max + x_min
y_end = y_max + y_min
z_end = z_max + z_min
for x in arange(x_min, x_max, dx):
for y in arange(y_min, y_max, dy):
for z in arange(z_min, z_max, dz):
poi = vec(x, y, z)
b_at_poi = calc_mag_field([left_ring, right_ring], poi)
if x_start <= x <= x_end and y_start <= y <= y_end and z_start <= z <= z_end:
b_arrow = arrow(pos=poi, axis=b_at_poi * 1e6,, opacity=0.15)
if mag(b_arrow.axis) > arrow_sat:
b_arrow.axis = arrow_sat * hat(b_arrow.axis)
b_arrow.b = b_at_poi
b_arrow.poi = poi
# create physical electron from given settings
def set_electron(settings, already_exists=None):
exists = already_exists is not None
out = already_exists if exists else sphere(radius=0.025,, make_trail=True, retain=150)
out.pos = settings['pos']
out.charge = settings['charge']
out.mass = settings['mass']
out.b_field = settings['b_field']
out.velocity = settings['velocity']
out.vperp2b = cross(out.velocity, out.b_field)
out.momentum = settings['momentum']
out.b_force = settings['b_force']
label_pos = out.pos + vec(0, 0.15, 0)
label_text = f"{mag(out.velocity) / 1000:.2f} km/s"
if exists:
out.velocity_label.pos = label_pos
out.velocity_label.text = label_text
out.velocity_arrow.pos = out.pos
out.velocity_arrow.axis = out.velocity * scale_factor(out.velocity, prop_to=out.radius)
out.force_arrow.pos = out.pos
out.force_arrow.axis = out.b_force * scale_factor(out.b_force, prop_to=out.radius)
out.velocity_label = label(pos=label_pos, text=label_text, height=10)
out.velocity_arrow = arrow(pos=out.pos, axis=out.velocity * scale_factor(out.velocity), color=color.purple)
out.force_arrow = arrow(pos=out.pos, axis=out.b_force * scale_factor(out.b_force),
return out
# draw electron
electron = set_electron(electron_init)
# draw b field
# print(f"Minimum B seen: {b_min}")
# print(f"Maximum B seen: {b_max}")
def reset_electron():
global run_sim, electron_init, electron
run_sim = False
electron = set_electron(electron_init, electron)
def simulate_electron():
global run_sim, electron
t = 0
dt = 12e-8
while True:
# rate loop to 60 itr/sec
# if the sim should not run, skip iteration
if not run_sim:
b_field = calc_mag_field([left_ring, right_ring], electron.pos)
# print(f"Magnetic field is {b_field}T ({mag(b_field)}T)")
# find force on electron due to B_total
electron.magnetic_force = cross(electron.charge * electron.velocity, b_field)
# print(f"Force on electron is {electron.magnetic_force}N ({mag(electron.magnetic_force)}N)")
# update electron's momentum
electron.momentum += electron.magnetic_force * dt
# print(f"Momentum of electron is {electron.momentum}kgm/s")
# update electron's velocity
electron.velocity = electron.momentum / electron.mass
electron.vperp2b = cross(electron.velocity, b_field)
# print(f"Velocity of electron is {electron.velocity}m/s")
# update the position due to the updated momentum
electron.pos += electron.velocity * dt
# print(f"Position of electron is ({electron.pos.x:.2e}, {electron.pos.y:.2e}, {electron.pos.z:.2e})")
# update velocity label
electron.velocity_label.text = f"{mag(electron.velocity) / 1000:.2f} km/s"
electron.velocity_label.pos = electron.pos + vec(0, 0.15, 0)
# update arrows
electron.velocity_arrow.pos = electron.pos
electron.velocity_arrow.axis = electron.velocity * scale_factor(electron.velocity)
electron.force_arrow.pos = electron.pos
electron.force_arrow.axis = electron.magnetic_force * scale_factor(electron.magnetic_force)
# print()
t += dt
def toggle_sim_running(b):
global run_sim
run_sim = not run_sim
if run_sim:
b.text = "Stop simulation"
b.text = "Start simulation"
# def get_b_field_along_x():
# b_fields = []
# dx = (x_max - x_min) / 2000
# for x in arange(x_min, x_min+x_max+dx, dx):
# poi = vec(x, 0, 0)
# b = mag(calc_mag_field([left_ring, right_ring], poi))
# b_th = abs((mu_naught * current * pow(ring_radius, 2)) / (2 * pow(pow(ring_radius, 2) + pow(left_ring.pos.x - x, 2), 1.5))) + abs((mu_naught * current * pow(ring_radius, 2)) / (2 * pow(pow(ring_radius, 2) + pow(right_ring.pos.x - x, 2), 1.5)))
# pdiff = ((b - b_th) / b_th) * 100
# b_fields.append((x, b, b_th, pdiff))
# for field in b_fields:
# print(f"{field[0]}, {field[1]}, {field[2]}, {field[3]}%")
# GUI stuff
toggle_button = button(pos=scene.title_anchor, bind=toggle_sim_running, text="Start/stop simulation")
scene.append_to_title(" ")
reset_button = button(pos=scene.title_anchor, bind=reset_electron, text="Reset simulation")
# get_b_field_along_x()
# start electron simulation
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