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Created December 7, 2022 07:03
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MergeSort(arr, low, high):
arr = array of unsorted integers
low = integer, initially 0
high = integer, initially size(arr) - 1
if low >= high then return
mid = floor((low + high) / 2)
MergeSort(arr, low, mid)
MergeSort(arr, mid + 1, high)
Merge(arr, low, mid, high)
Merge(arr, low, mid, high):
arr = array of unsorted integers
low = integer, initially 0
mid = midpoint of arr, initially floor((size(arr) - 1) / 2)
high = integer, initially size(arr) - 1
leftSize = mid - low + 1
rightSize = high - mid
left = new empty array of size leftSize
copy all elements from arr in range low...leftSize into left
right = new empty array of size rightSize
copy all elements from arr in range (mid + 1)...rightSize into right
leftIdx = 0, rightIdx = 0, curPos = low
while leftIdx < leftSize and rightIdx < rightSize:
if left[leftIdx] >= right[rightIdx] then
arr[curPos] = right[rightIdx]
else then
arr[curPos] = left[leftIdx]
while leftIdx < leftSize:
arr[curPos] = left[leftIdx]
leftIdx++, curPos++
while rightIdx < rightSize:
arr[curPos] = right[rightIdx]
rightIdx++, curPos++
import java.util.Arrays;
public class MergeSort {
// driver
public static void main(String[] args) {
final int[] array = new int[] { 3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2 };
System.out.printf("Input array: %s%n", Arrays.toString(array));
System.out.printf("Sorted array: %s%n", Arrays.toString(array));
public static void mergeSort(int[] arr) {
mergeSort(arr, 0, arr.length - 1);
public static void mergeSort(final int[] arr, final int low, final int high) {
if (low >= high) {
final int mid = (low + high) / 2;
mergeSort(arr, low, mid);
mergeSort(arr, mid + 1, high);
merge(arr, low, mid, high);
private static void merge(final int[] arr, final int low, final int mid, final int high) {
final int leftSize = mid - low + 1;
final int[] left = new int[leftSize];
System.arraycopy(arr, low, left, 0, leftSize);
final int rightSize = high - mid;
final int[] right = new int[rightSize];
System.arraycopy(arr, mid + 1, right, 0, rightSize);
int leftIdx = 0, rightIdx = 0, arrPos = low;
while (leftIdx < leftSize && rightIdx < rightSize) {
final int leftNum = left[leftIdx];
final int rightNum = right[rightIdx];
if (leftNum >= rightNum) {
arr[arrPos] = right[rightIdx];
} else {
arr[arrPos] = left[leftIdx];
while (leftIdx < leftSize) {
arr[arrPos] = left[leftIdx];
while (rightIdx < rightSize) {
arr[arrPos] = right[rightIdx];
Input array: [3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2]
...calling merge sort...
mergeSort([3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2], 0, 5) called
...mid = 2...
mergeSort([3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2], 0, 2) called
...mid = 1...
mergeSort([3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2], 0, 1) called
...mid = 0...
merge([3, 1, -10, 4, 59, 2], 0, 0, 1) called
...comparing left (3) and right (1)...
...leftNum >= rightNum ---> ordering right ahead of left...
...placing remaining left-side digits...
...placing 3...
...arr is now [1, 3, -10, 4, 59, 2]...
merge([1, 3, -10, 4, 59, 2], 0, 1, 2) called
...comparing left (1) and right (-10)...
...leftNum >= rightNum ---> ordering right ahead of left...
...placing remaining left-side digits...
...placing 1...
...placing 3...
...arr is now [-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2]...
mergeSort([-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2], 3, 5) called
...mid = 4...
mergeSort([-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2], 3, 4) called
...mid = 3...
merge([-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2], 3, 3, 4) called
...comparing left (4) and right (59)...
...rightNum > leftNum ---> ordering left ahead of right...
...placing remaining right-side digits...
...placing 59...
...arr is now [-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2]...
merge([-10, 1, 3, 4, 59, 2], 3, 4, 5) called
...comparing left (4) and right (2)...
...leftNum >= rightNum ---> ordering right ahead of left...
...placing remaining left-side digits...
...placing 4...
...placing 59...
...arr is now [-10, 1, 3, 2, 4, 59]...
merge([-10, 1, 3, 2, 4, 59], 0, 2, 5) called
...comparing left (-10) and right (2)...
...rightNum > leftNum ---> ordering left ahead of right...
...comparing left (1) and right (2)...
...rightNum > leftNum ---> ordering left ahead of right...
...comparing left (3) and right (2)...
...leftNum >= rightNum ---> ordering right ahead of left...
...comparing left (3) and right (4)...
...rightNum > leftNum ---> ordering left ahead of right...
...placing remaining right-side digits...
...placing 4...
...placing 59...
...arr is now [-10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 59]...
Sorted array: [-10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 59]
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