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Validate User Input, Not Developer Input
var milkShakeMaker = new MilkShakeMaker();
var shake = milkShakeMaker.MakeShake(icecubes, milk, ingredients);
public class MileShakeMaker
public Shake MakeShake(IEnumerable iceCubes,
IMilk milk,
IEnumerable ingredients)
if(ice == null || milk == null || ingredient == null)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("You passed in a null, duh");
if(ice.Count < 1)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("You need ice.");
throw new SpoiledMilkException();
foreach(var ice in iceCubes)
throw new MeltedIceException();
if(ingredients.Count < 1)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("You need some ingredients.");
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