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Last active September 29, 2017 22:09
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Save simply-coded/4e92794829127670c9ea11cb21862a00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory and runs them through a routine of your choice.
Function EachFolder(strRoot, includeRoot, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
' @author: Jeremy England ( SimplyCoded )
' @description: Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory.
Dim oFolder, changeProtection
If oFSO.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot).SubFolders
changeProtection = oFolder.Path
EachFolder = funcRef(oFolder, funcArgs)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_PARENT" Then Exit For
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then changeProtection = False
If oFSO.FolderExists(changeProtection) Then
EachFolder = EachFolder(changeProtection, False, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
End If
If includeRoot Then
funcRef oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot), funcArgs
End If
End If
End Function
' Visually see how EachFolder recurses through your directory.
Option Explicit
Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim startFolder, again
'Where to start the recursion from
startFolder = "c:\location\of\start\folder"
'Start the recursion
EachFolder startFolder, False, GetRef("HowItRecurses"), Null, fso
again = MsgBox("Go again but also include the start folder?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2)
If again = vbYes Then
EachFolder startFolder, True, GetRef("HowItRecurses"), Null, fso
End If
'Recursion complete
MsgBox "Complete!", vbInformation
Function HowItRecurses(oFolder, args)
Dim continue
continue = MsgBox(oFolder.Path, vbOKCancel, oFolder.Name)
If continue = vbCancel Then
HowItRecurses = "SKIP_ALL"
End If
End Function
Function EachFolder(strRoot, includeRoot, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
' @author: Jeremy England ( SimplyCoded )
' @description: Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory.
Dim oFolder, changeProtection
If oFSO.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot).SubFolders
changeProtection = oFolder.Path
EachFolder = funcRef(oFolder, funcArgs)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_PARENT" Then Exit For
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then changeProtection = False
If oFSO.FolderExists(changeProtection) Then
EachFolder = EachFolder(changeProtection, False, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
End If
If includeRoot Then
funcRef oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot), funcArgs
End If
End If
End Function
' Interactively see how regular and special return values work.
Option Explicit
Dim startFolder, includeStartFolder, inputArgs, returnedValue
'Where to start the recursion from
startFolder = "c:\location\of\start\folder"
'Also pass startFolder into HowItReturns function?
includeStartFolder = True
'Arguments for the HowItReturns function
inputArgs = Array(startFolder, "")
'Start the recursion
EachFolder _
startFolder, _
includeStartFolder, _
GetRef("HowItReturns"), _
inputArgs, _
'Recursion complete
MsgBox "Complete!", vbInformation
'Retrieve data stored in the inputArgs array by HowItReturns
Dim returned
returned = inputArgs(1)
'Display the data
MsgBox returned, 0, "Heres what HowItReturns() saved"
Function HowItReturns(oFolder, args)
Dim returnValue, shortPath
'Shorten the path to start always at the { startFolder }
shortPath = Mid(oFolder.Path, Len(args(0)) + 1)
'Display an inputbox that the user can return messages from each folder with
returnValue = InputBox(shortPath & vbLf & vbLf & "Type to return something from this folder." _
& vbLf & vblf & "Special return strings:" & vbLf & "[SKIP_ALL, SKIP_PARENT, SKIP_FOLDER]", "PARENT: " _
& oFolder.ParentFolder.Name & " | FOLDER: " & oFolder.Name, oFolder.Name)
'If cancel button clicked
If IsEmpty(returnValue) Then
'If special return values used then return them to EachFolder for processing
ElseIf UCase(returnValue) = "SKIP_ALL" Or UCase(returnValue) = "SKIP_PARENT" Or UCase(returnValue) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then
HowItReturns = returnValue
'Save the folder names from the inputbox or whatever the user inputed
'Appends info to inputArgs(1).
'You can change how and what it stores to whatever you want.
args(1) = args(1) & returnValue & ", "
End If
End Function
Function EachFolder(strRoot, includeRoot, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
' @author: Jeremy England ( SimplyCoded )
' @description: Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory.
Dim oFolder, changeProtection
If oFSO.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot).SubFolders
changeProtection = oFolder.Path
EachFolder = funcRef(oFolder, funcArgs)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_PARENT" Then Exit For
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then changeProtection = False
If oFSO.FolderExists(changeProtection) Then
EachFolder = EachFolder(changeProtection, False, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
End If
If includeRoot Then
funcRef oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot), funcArgs
End If
End If
End Function
' Collects all file paths in an entire directory.
Option Explicit
Dim startDir, andStart, paths, pathFilter
'Where to start the search from
startDir = "c:\location\of\start\folder"
'Also look for files in startDir?
andStart = True
'All files will be saved in this dictionary
Set paths = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Only get files with these extensions. Use "." for all files
Set pathFilter = New RegExp
pathFilter.Pattern = "(\.png|\.jpg|\.bmp|\.jpeg)$"
'Start recursion
EachFolder startDir, andStart, GetRef("CollectFiles"), _
Array(paths, pathFilter), CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MsgBox paths.Count & " files found."
Function CollectFiles(oFolder, args)
Dim oFile
For Each oFile in oFolder.Files
'If path matches the regular expression
If args(1).Test(oFile.Path) Then
'Add them to paths dictionary
args(0).Add args(0).Count, oFile.Path
End If
End Function
Function EachFolder(strRoot, includeRoot, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
' @author: Jeremy England ( SimplyCoded )
' @description: Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory.
Dim oFolder, changeProtection
If oFSO.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot).SubFolders
changeProtection = oFolder.Path
EachFolder = funcRef(oFolder, funcArgs)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_PARENT" Then Exit For
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then changeProtection = False
If oFSO.FolderExists(changeProtection) Then
EachFolder = EachFolder(changeProtection, False, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
End If
If includeRoot Then
funcRef oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot), funcArgs
End If
End If
End Function
' Deletes all empty folders and subfolders in a directory.
Option Explicit
Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim rootDir, andRoot, deleteArgs, limitDeletions
rootDir = "c:\location\of\start\folder"
'Delete root folder if it is empty?
andRoot = False
limitDeletions = 20
'Set things up
deleteArgs = Array(fso, False, 0, limitDeletions)
'Start recursion
deleteArgs(1) = False
EachFolder rootDir, andRoot, GetRef("DeleteIfEmpty"), deleteArgs, fso
'Continue until no more deletions are made
Loop While deleteArgs(1)
MsgBox deleteArgs(2) & " empty folders deleted.", vbInformation, "Success!"
Function DeleteIfEmpty(oFolder, args)
'Delete if empty or only file is "desktop.ini"
If (oFolder.Size = 0) Or (oFolder.Files.Count = 1 _
And args(0).FileExists(oFolder.Path & "\desktop.ini")) Then
'Limit deletions check
If args(2) >= args(3) Then DeleteIfEmpty = "SKIP_ALL" : Exit Function
'Delete folder
oFolder.Delete True
'Deletion counter
args(2) = args(2) + 1
'Deletion occurred
args(1) = True
End If
End Function
Function EachFolder(strRoot, includeRoot, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
' @author: Jeremy England (SimplyCoded).
' @description: Loops through all folders and subfolders under a root directory.
Dim oFolder, changeProtection
If oFSO.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
For Each oFolder In oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot).SubFolders
changeProtection = oFolder.Path
EachFolder = funcRef(oFolder, funcArgs)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_PARENT" Then Exit For
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_FOLDER" Then changeProtection = False
If oFSO.FolderExists(changeProtection) Then
EachFolder = EachFolder(changeProtection, False, funcRef, funcArgs, oFSO)
If UCase(EachFolder) = "SKIP_ALL" Then Exit Function
End If
If includeRoot Then
funcRef oFSO.GetFolder(strRoot), funcArgs
End If
End If
End Function
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