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Created December 5, 2018 04:59
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, sys, json
default_stream = \
"header": "Hello!"
"somearray": ["apple", "banana", "citrus", "dog"]
"footer": "That's it!"
"condition": "True"
"result": "You win!"
default_template = \
First line.
{{#loop somearray item}}
This is a {{item}}.
{{#if condition result}}
This is {{result}}.
Last line.
def interpret(t, i):
This function filters the layout according to the default template and outputs
it to stdout. It will strings, ints, and floats to the command line as printed text.
It loops through an array and prints out each elements using the specified notation.
{{#loop somearray item}}
Please note that this does
IT also takes a boolean condition and prints a result, both passed in from the stream.
## Variables
template_add = {}
next_row_skip = [-1]
## v: stream by row. if by file, then use enumerate(v.splitlines(True))
template = list(filter(None, list(t.split('\n'))))
for k,y in enumerate(i):
if 'header' in y.keys() \
or 'footer' in y.keys():
replace_with = str(list(y.values())[0])
replace_this = str(list(y.keys())[0])
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
if 'condition' in y.keys():
replace_with = str(y.values())
replace_this = str(y.keys())
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
if 'result' in y.keys():
replace_this = str(list(y.keys())[0])
replace_with = list(y.values())[0]
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
elif isinstance(list(y.values())[0], list) == True:
replace_this = str(list(y.keys())[0])
replace_with = list(y.values())[0]
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
elif isinstance(list(y.values())[0], int) == True:
replace_with = list(y.values())[0]
replace_this = str(list(y.keys())[0])
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
## default type set: string
replace_with = str(list(y.values())[0])
replace_this = str(list(y.keys())[0])
template_add[replace_this] = replace_with
# <!-- end: build template_add -->
for this_row_id, this_row_data in enumerate(template):
## future: recursive functions for sections with nested loops
now_this_row_id = this_row_id
if this_row_data == '{{header}}' \
or this_row_data == '{{footer}}':
this_row_data = this_row_data.replace(
'{{header}}', template_add['header']).replace(
'{{footer}}', template_add['footer'])
if this_row_data == '{{condition}}' \
or this_row_data == '{{result}}':
this_row_data = this_row_data.replace(
'{{condition}}', template_add['condition']).replace(
'{{result}}', template_add['result'])
#print("::::::::::::::::templating debug")
#print(this_row_id, this_row_data)
## {{#loop somearray item}}
## Note this does not handle nested functions.
rx = re.findall(r"^{{#loop (\w+) (\w+)", this_row_data)
if rx:
rx_key = rx[0][0] # somearray
rx_val = template_add[rx_key] # list()
tx_rex = rx[0][1] # item
tx_mex = "{{" + tx_rex + "}}" # {{item}}
this_row_data = ""
replace_next_row = template[now_this_row_id+1]
for abc,xyz in enumerate(rx_val):
this_row_data += replace_next_row.replace(tx_mex, str(xyz))+"\n"
#{{#if condition result}}
rx = re.findall("^{{#if (\w+) (\w+)", this_row_data)
if rx:
rx_key = rx[0][0] # condition
rx_val = template_add[str(rx_key)] # bool
tx_rex = rx[0][1] # result
tx_mex = "{{" + tx_rex + "}}" # {{result}}
this_row_data = ""
replace_next_row = template[now_this_row_id+1]
if eval(rx_val):
this_row_data += replace_next_row.replace(tx_mex, rx_val)+"\n"
## <!-- end: use template_add -->
except (IndexError) as e:
## skip rows, strip dupe newlines, append to final output_result
if this_row_id in next_row_skip:
# Row: Nothing appended to final output
# Row: Appending data to final output
if not this_row_data == "":
output_result += this_row_data.rstrip("\n") + "\n"
except (NameError) as e:
if (next_row_skip == this_row_id):
# Row: Nothing appended to final output
# Row: Created row 1
output_result = this_row_data + "\n"
# Idx: Removed placeholder -1
return output_result
## <!-- end: filter_layout_template -->
def split_input_stream(x):
return filter(None, list(x.split('\n')))
def json_input_stream(x):
return [ json.loads("{" + str(i) + "}") for i in x ]
def read_input_stream():
input_stream =
return input_stream
if __name__ == '__main__':
#input_stream = default_stream
input_stream = read_input_stream()
layout_template = default_template
input_stream_list = split_input_stream(input_stream)
input_stream_json = json_input_stream(input_stream_list)
layout_template_list = interpret(layout_template,
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