- Go to repl.it and sign up on it
- Create a repl for node js
- Write console.log("Your name here")
- Take input from user:
- prompt("Give me your name")
- Comment using //, or you can use "ctrl + /" to comment whenever you want
- Search for "npm readline-sync" in search bar (also read about it on documentation (documentation is a book about any tool, written by people who created that tool))
- You can take input using readlineSync
- var readLineSync = require('readline-sync');
- var userName = readLineSync.question("May I have your userName");
- Now, output that userName that you took using console.log(userName);
- Welcome your user
- var welcomeMessage = "Welcome! Simran";
- console.log(welcomeMessage)
- Putting placeholder (Placeholder means anything that will act as landmark for some particular information you're looking for.)
- var welcomeMessage = "Welcome " + userName; //string concatenation
- console.log(welcomeMessage);
- Use shortcuts ctrl + / (to comment)(as mentioned earlier)
- Play with programs
- Programming is input + process + output (Used classic potato chips example)
- Quiz part
- Conditional programming (if - else)
- Save previous 5 programs with name "upto ex 5"
- fork and name "ex 6 onwards" (fork means making a copy of current program and working on it also, making sure, previous versions are not affected )
- Program's demand : right / wrong using age input (So, are you able to guess my age correctly? Let's see that in upcoming program.😏)
26. var readlineSync = require("readline-sync");
var score = 0;
27. var userAnswerAge = readlineSync.question("Am i old than 25?"); //input
28. //process
29. if(userAnswerAge === "yes")
30. {
console.log("You are right") //output
score = score + 1;
console.log("Score is "+ score);//output
31. else
console.log("You are wrong") //output
score = score - 1;
console.log("Score is "+ score); //output
He assigned us the link. And asked to play with it. (Repl link in description of video of Tanay Pratap's channel under video named "First CLI app: Intro to programming".)
We solved the task assigned to us by Tanay. We added on more question and changed score.
We start with function
syntax on neogcamp site
39. function add (numberOne, numberTwo)
var sum = numberOne + numberTwo;
return sum;
//use the function
var result = add (2,5);<br/>
console.log("The sum of 2 and 5 is: "+ result);
41. /* + - / * */
- livework: function to takes 2 numbers, multiplies them and gives answer;
function mul(number1, number2):
var product = number1*number2;
return product;
var result = mul(45,23);
console.log("The product of two numbers is: "+result);
43.// Function q n a
var readlineSync = require("readline-sync");
var Score = 0;
function play(question,answer)
var userAnswer = readlineSync.question(question);
if(userAnswer === answer)
console.log("You were right");
score = score + 1;
console.log("You were wrong");
score = score - 1;
// Calling the function
play("National bird of India? ", "Peacock");
play("National Anthem of India", "Jan gan man");
console.log("Your score is: ", score);
- for loop basics
45. for(initialCondition, exitCondition, numberOfTimes)
/* output/return */
46. // print your name 5 times
for(var i=0; i<5; i=i+1)
- // using for loop bring different questions every time new question should come. This one is DIY
48.This one is another question as part of livework. Break question:
- Run a loop and print the sum of two numbers.
- First number being 22 always, second number being the current value of loop.
- Run 10 times.
- Print should be: 22,23..
49. for(int iteration = 0; iteration < 10; iteration = iteration + 1)
var result = 22 + iteration;
console.log("Result after iteration "+ (iteration + 1) + " is "+result);
50. /*
Three kinds of brackets:
() => Call a function
{} => When you have to write a block of code.
[] => Used to access array elements.
- Array basics
52. Steps to follow:
i. Prepare a list of grocery items to buy.
ii. Add 5 items. Print the first item on the list.
iii. Print the 3rd item on the list.
iv. Print the last item on list.
53. var groceryList = ["we","MohanThal","soap",300,"eaw"];
54. console.log(groceryList[0]);
55. console.log(groceryList[2]);
56. var howLongIsThisArray = groceryList.length
57. for(var i=0; i<groceryList.length; i++)
- Objects
59. /*Think about Superman
name: "superman"
powers: "flight"
costumeColor: "blue"
60.var superman =
name: "superman",
power: "flight",
costumeColor: "blue",
strength: 10000,
stealth: 0
var batman =
name: "batman",
power: "martialArts",
costumeColor: "black",
strength: 100,
stealth: 100;
61. Objects in JS:
key : value
- Try to print superman's strength, batman's strength, compare both strength
- Steps to follow:
- Create an array of super hero objects.
- Then print name and costume color of each super hero. Topics covered here: array, for loop, objects, function call. This one is DIY
64.Final game
65. var readlineSync = require("readLine-sync");
var score = 0;
var userName = readlineSync.question("What is your name? ");
console.log("Welcome "+userName+" to DO YOU KNOW <insert-anything-here>?");
//play function
function play(question,answer)
var userAnswer = readlineSync.question(question);
if(userAnswer === answer)
score = score + 1;
score = score -1;
console.log("Current score: "+ score)
var questionOne =
question: "where do I live? ",
answer : "Silvassa"
var questionTwo =
question: "My favorite food? "
answer: "Home cooked food"
var questions = [questionOne, questionTwo];
for(var i=0; i<question.length; i++)
var currentQuestion = questions[i];
play(currentQuestion.question, currentQuestion.answer)
- console.log("You scored: ",score)
- Do the homeworks assigned. Check neogcamp site. Do homeworks sincerely.
This one is till first break.