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Created April 9, 2024 12:31
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Codea's Lua UITextInputTokenizer
// JAMLuaTokenizer.swift
// JamKit
// Created by Sim Saens on 7/4/2024.
// Copyright © 2024 Two Lives Left. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
public class JAMLuaTokenizer: JAMCodeTokenizer {
weak var codeInput: JAMCodeInput?
var luaIdentifierCharacterSet = CharacterSet.alphanumerics.union(CharacterSet(["_"]))
public override init(textInput: any UIResponder & UITextInput) {
super.init(textInput: textInput)
self.codeInput = textInput as? JAMCodeInput
public override func isPosition(_ position: UITextPosition, atBoundary granularity: UITextGranularity, inDirection direction: UITextDirection) -> Bool {
guard let codeInput,
let position = position as? JAMTextPosition,
let (line, _, localIndex) = codeInput.buffer.lineAndLocalIndex(at: position),
let textDirection = Direction(direction: direction) else {
return super.isPosition(position, atBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
switch granularity {
case .character:
case .word:
if let symbol = line.symbol(atLocation: localIndex) {
switch textDirection {
case .forward:
return !symbol.range.contains(localIndex + 1)
case .backward:
return !symbol.range.contains(localIndex - 1)
case .sentence:
case .line:
switch textDirection {
case .forward:
if localIndex == Int(line.length) - 1 {
return true
} else if currentModifierFlags.isEmpty {
return exactCaretPlacement
} else {
return false
case .backward:
if localIndex == 0 {
return true
case .paragraph:
return false
case .document:
switch textDirection {
case .forward:
if position.index == codeInput.buffer.length - 1 {
return true
case .backward:
if position.index == 0 {
return true
@unknown default:
return super.isPosition(position, atBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
public override func isPosition(_ position: UITextPosition, withinTextUnit granularity: UITextGranularity, inDirection direction: UITextDirection) -> Bool {
guard let codeInput,
let position = position as? JAMTextPosition,
let (line, _, localIndex) = codeInput.buffer.lineAndLocalIndex(at: position),
let textDirection = Direction(direction: direction),
let symbol = line.symbol(atLocation: localIndex),
granularity == .word else {
return super.isPosition(position, withinTextUnit: granularity, inDirection: direction)
return switch textDirection {
case .forward:
symbol.range.contains(localIndex + 1)
case .backward:
symbol.range.contains(localIndex - 1)
public override func position(from position: UITextPosition, toBoundary granularity: UITextGranularity, inDirection direction: UITextDirection) -> UITextPosition? {
guard let codeInput,
let position = position as? JAMTextPosition,
let (line, lineIndex, localIndex) = codeInput.buffer.lineAndLocalIndex(at: position),
let textDirection = Direction(direction: direction),
let symbol = line.symbol(atLocation: localIndex) else {
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
switch granularity {
case .word:
if ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.comment.rawValue) != 0) || ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.documentationComment.rawValue) != 0) || ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.quotedString.rawValue) != 0) {
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
let localDestination: Int
switch textDirection {
case .forward:
// If we are not at the end of the containing symbol
if symbol.range.upperBound > localIndex {
localDestination = symbol.range.upperBound
} else if let nextSymbol = line.firstSymbol(after: localIndex, where: { symbol in
}) {
// Otherwise we must go to the start of the next symbol
localDestination = nextSymbol.range.lowerBound
} else {
// We're at the end of the line, let the string tokenizer figure it out
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
case .backward:
// If we are not at the start of the containing symbol
if symbol.range.location < localIndex {
localDestination = symbol.range.lowerBound
} else if let prevSymbol = line.firstSymbol(before: localIndex, where: { symbol in
}) {
// Otherwise we must go to the end of the previous symbol
if prevSymbol.range.upperBound < localIndex {
localDestination = prevSymbol.range.upperBound
} else {
// Unless that moves us nowhere, in which case go to the start
localDestination = prevSymbol.range.lowerBound
} else {
// Fall back to text system
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
let destination = codeInput.buffer.convert(NSRange(location: localDestination, length: 0), toGlobalRangeForLineAt: UInt(lineIndex))
return JAMTextPosition(int: destination.location)
case .sentence:
case .paragraph:
case .line:
switch textDirection {
case .forward:
let localResult = NSMakeRange(Int(line.length) - 1, 0)
let globalResult = codeInput.buffer.convert(localResult, toGlobalRangeForLineAt: UInt(lineIndex))
return JAMTextPosition(int: globalResult.location)
case .backward:
//For code editing, we want to navigate to the start of the line but not to the start
// of the whitespace at the beginning of the line. This searches the start of the line
// for whitespace and navigates to the start of the first character in the line when
// attempting to navigate backwards
if let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "^ *", options: []) {
let numSpaces = regex.rangeOfFirstMatch(in: line.line, range: NSMakeRange(0, Int(line.length))).length
let localResult = NSMakeRange(localIndex > numSpaces ? numSpaces : 0, 0)
let globalResult = codeInput.buffer.convert(localResult, toGlobalRangeForLineAt: UInt(lineIndex))
return JAMTextPosition(int: globalResult.location)
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
return super.position(from: position, toBoundary: granularity, inDirection: direction)
public override func rangeEnclosingPosition(_ position: UITextPosition, with granularity: UITextGranularity, inDirection direction: UITextDirection) -> UITextRange? {
guard let codeInput,
let position = position as? JAMTextPosition,
let (line, lineIndex, localIndex) = codeInput.buffer.lineAndLocalIndex(at: position),
let symbol = line.symbol(atLocation: localIndex),
granularity == .word else {
return super.rangeEnclosingPosition(position, with: granularity, inDirection: direction)
if ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.comment.rawValue) != 0) || ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.documentationComment.rawValue) != 0) || ((symbol.type&LuaSymbolType.quotedString.rawValue) != 0) {
return super.rangeEnclosingPosition(position, with: granularity, inDirection: direction)
let symbolRange = codeInput.buffer.convert(symbol.range, toGlobalRangeForLineAt: UInt(lineIndex))
if symbolRange.location != NSNotFound {
return JAMTextRange.indexedRange(with: symbolRange)
} else {
return super.rangeEnclosingPosition(position, with: granularity, inDirection: direction)
// MARK: - Helpful extensions
extension JAMLuaTokenizer {
enum Direction {
init?(direction: UITextDirection) {
if direction.forward {
self = .forward
} else if direction.backward {
self = .backward
} else {
return nil
case forward
case backward
private extension UITextDirection {
var forward: Bool {
rawValue == UITextStorageDirection.forward.rawValue ||
rawValue == UITextLayoutDirection.right.rawValue
var backward: Bool {
rawValue == UITextStorageDirection.backward.rawValue ||
rawValue == UITextLayoutDirection.left.rawValue
private extension JAMEditorBuffer {
func lineAndLocalIndex(at position: JAMTextPosition) -> (line: JAMEditorLine, lineIndex: Int, localIndex: Int)? {
var localIndex: Int = 0
let lineIndex = lineNumber(forCursorLocation: position.index, origin: nil, localIndex: &localIndex)
guard lineIndex != NSNotFound else {
return nil
guard let line = self[lineIndex] else {
return nil
return (line, lineIndex, localIndex)
func firstSymbol(afterLineIndex index: Int) -> (symbol: JAMEditorSymbol, lineIndex: Int)? {
var currentIndex = index + 1
while let line = self[currentIndex], line.symbols.count == 0 {
currentIndex += 1
if let symbol = self[currentIndex]?.symbols.first {
return (symbol, currentIndex)
return nil
private extension JAMEditorLine {
func symbols(after location: Int) -> [JAMEditorSymbol] {
symbols.filter { symbol in
symbol.range.lowerBound > location
func symbols(before location: Int) -> [JAMEditorSymbol] {
symbols.filter { symbol in
symbol.range.upperBound <= location
func firstSymbol(after location: Int, where predicate: (JAMEditorSymbol) -> Bool) -> JAMEditorSymbol? {
symbols(after: location).first(where: predicate)
func firstSymbol(before location: Int, where predicate: (JAMEditorSymbol) -> Bool) -> JAMEditorSymbol? {
symbols(before: location).first(where: predicate)
extension JAMEditorSymbol {
var shouldIgnoreInNavigation: Bool {
Set([".", ",", ":"]).contains(symbol)
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