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Created December 20, 2021 05:39
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These three files extend the default StoreKit API to use async in Swift 5.5. Based on the PromiseKit StoreKit extensions
// SKPayment+Async.swift
// Created by Sim Saens on 15/12/21.
import Foundation
import StoreKit
//Adds an async extension to SKPayment to purchase products
// Based on the PromiseKit StoreKit extensions and modified for async in Swift 5.5
extension SKPayment {
func purchase() async throws -> SKPaymentTransaction {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
PaymentObserver(payment: self) { transaction, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
continuation.resume(returning: transaction)
private class PaymentObserver: NSObject, SKPaymentTransactionObserver {
enum PaymentError: Error {
case cancelled
let completion: (SKPaymentTransaction, Error?) -> ()
let payment: SKPayment
var retainCycle: PaymentObserver?
init(payment: SKPayment, completion: @escaping (SKPaymentTransaction, Error?) -> ()) {
self.payment = payment
self.completion = completion
retainCycle = self
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
guard let transaction = transactions.first(where: { $0.payment == payment }) else {
switch transaction.transactionState {
case .purchased, .restored:
completion(transaction, nil)
retainCycle = nil
case .failed:
let error = transaction.error ?? PaymentError.cancelled
completion(transaction, error)
retainCycle = nil
// SKPaymentQueue+Async.swift
// Created by Sim Saens on 14/12/21.
import Foundation
import StoreKit
//Adds an async extension to SKPaymentQueue to restore transactions
// Based on the PromiseKit StoreKit extensions and modified for async in Swift 5.5
extension SKPaymentQueue {
func restoreCompletedTransactions() async throws -> [SKPaymentTransaction] {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation{ continuation in
PaymentObserver(self) { transactions, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
continuation.resume(returning: transactions)
private class PaymentObserver: NSObject, SKPaymentTransactionObserver {
let completion: ([SKPaymentTransaction], Error?) -> ()
var retainCycle: PaymentObserver?
var transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction] = []
init(_ paymentQueue: SKPaymentQueue, completion: @escaping ([SKPaymentTransaction], Error?) -> ()) {
self.completion = completion
retainCycle = self
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
self.transactions += transactions.filter { $0.transactionState == .restored }
func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue) {
func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError error: Error) {
finish(queue, with: error)
func finish(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, with error: Error? = nil) {
if let error = error {
completion([], error)
} else {
completion(transactions, nil)
retainCycle = nil
// SKProductsRequest+Async.swift
// Created by Sim Saens on 16/12/21.
import Foundation
import StoreKit
//Adds an async extension to SKProductsRequest to fetch products from StoreKit
// Based on the PromiseKit StoreKit extensions and modified for async in Swift 5.5
extension SKProductsRequest {
func perform() async throws -> SKProductsResponse {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
SKDelegate(request: self) { response, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
continuation.resume(returning: response!)
private class SKDelegate: NSObject, SKProductsRequestDelegate {
let completion: (SKProductsResponse?, Error?) -> ()
var retainCycle: SKDelegate?
init(request: SKProductsRequest, completion: @escaping (SKProductsResponse?, Error?) -> ()) {
self.completion = completion
self.retainCycle = self
request.delegate = self
@objc fileprivate func request(_ request: SKRequest, didFailWithError error: Error) {
completion(nil, error)
retainCycle = nil
@objc fileprivate func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) {
completion(response, nil)
retainCycle = nil
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