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Created December 21, 2018 06:17
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// KeyboardLayout.swift
// Codea
// Created by Simeon on 24/7/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Two Lives Left. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
@objc public class KeyboardLayout: NSObject {
private let viewForKeyboardIntersection: () -> UIView
private let layoutForKeyboardFrameChange: (CGFloat, TimeInterval) -> ()
private var tokens: [NSObjectProtocol] = []
private static var lastEndFrame: CGRect?
@objc public var keyboardHeight: CGFloat = 0.0
@objc public var keyboardShowing: Bool = false
@objc public var didShow: ()->() = {}
@objc public var didHide: ()->() = {}
@objc public var performLayoutOnDidShow: Bool = false
@objc public var performLayoutOnDidHide: Bool = false
@objc public init(viewForKeyboardIntersection: @escaping () -> UIView, layoutForKeyboardFrameChange: @escaping (CGFloat, TimeInterval) -> ()) {
self.viewForKeyboardIntersection = viewForKeyboardIntersection
self.layoutForKeyboardFrameChange = layoutForKeyboardFrameChange
deinit {
@objc public func recomputeLayout() {
if let frame = KeyboardLayout.lastEndFrame {
let height = keyboardHeight(fromEndFrame: frame)
layoutForKeyboardFrameChange(height, 0.0)
private func observeKeyboardNotifications() {
let computeHeightAndTriggerLayout: (Notification) -> () = {
[weak self] notification in
if let height = self?.keyboardHeight(fromNotification: notification) {
let duration = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? TimeInterval) ?? 0.0 as TimeInterval
self?.keyboardHeight = height
self?.layoutForKeyboardFrameChange(height, duration)
tokens.append(NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) {
[weak self] notification in
self?.keyboardShowing = true
if let layout = self?.performLayoutOnDidShow, layout == false {
tokens.append(NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardDidShow, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) {
[weak self] notification in
if let layout = self?.performLayoutOnDidShow, layout == true {
tokens.append(NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) {
[weak self] notification in
if let layout = self?.performLayoutOnDidHide, layout == false {
self?.keyboardShowing = false
tokens.append(NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardDidHide, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) {
[weak self] notification in
if let layout = self?.performLayoutOnDidHide, layout == true {
tokens.append(NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) {
[weak self] notification in
if let keyboardShowing = self?.keyboardShowing, keyboardShowing {
private func removeKeyboardObservers() {
tokens.forEach {
private func keyboardHeight(fromNotification notification: Notification) -> CGFloat {
if let info = notification.userInfo,
let frame = info[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? CGRect {
KeyboardLayout.lastEndFrame = frame
return keyboardHeight(fromEndFrame: frame)
return 0
private func keyboardHeight(fromEndFrame frame: CGRect) -> CGFloat {
let view = viewForKeyboardIntersection()
let convertedFrame = view.convert(view.bounds, to: UIScreen.main.coordinateSpace)
let intersection = frame.intersection(convertedFrame)
return intersection.size.height
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