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Created November 14, 2023 06:31
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PowerShell script to set up CloudFlare redirect domains in bulk. Use at own risk.
# Cloudflare API credentials
$email = "AAAAAAAA"
$apiKey = "BBBBBBBB"
# List of domains to be created
$domains = @(
# Destination URL for redirection
$destinationUrl = ""
# API endpoint URLs
$apiBaseUrl = ""
$zonesUrl = "$apiBaseUrl/zones"
# Function to make API requests
function Invoke-CloudflareApi {
param (
[string]$method = "GET",
[hashtable]$headers = @{},
$headers["X-Auth-Email"] = $email
$headers["X-Auth-Key"] = $apiKey
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method $method -Headers $headers -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10) -ContentType "application/json"
return $response
# Function to check if a zone exists
function Get-CloudflareZone {
param (
$zonesUrlWithName = $zonesUrl + "?name=$domain"
$zones = Invoke-CloudflareApi -url $zonesUrlWithName
return $zones.result | Where-Object { $ -eq $domain }
# Function to check if a DNS record exists
function Get-CloudflareDnsRecord {
param (
$dnsRecordsUrl = "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/dns_records?name=$name"
$dnsRecords = Invoke-CloudflareApi -url $dnsRecordsUrl
return $dnsRecords.result
# Function to check if a ruleset rule exists
function Get-CloudflareRuleset {
param (
$ruleset = Invoke-CloudflareApi -url "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/rulesets/$rulesetId"
return $ruleset.result
# Function to find a ruleset by phase name
function Get-RulesetIdByPhase {
param (
$existingRulesets = (Invoke-CloudflareApi -url "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/rulesets").result
$ruleset = $existingRulesets | Where-Object { $_.phase -eq $phase }
if ($ruleset -ne $null) {
return $
} else {
return $null
foreach ($domain in $domains) {
# Check if the zone already exists
$existingZone = Get-CloudflareZone -domain $domain
if ($existingZone -eq $null) {
# Create a new zone for the domain
$newZone = @{
name = $domain
jump_start = $false
$zoneResponse = Invoke-CloudflareApi -url $zonesUrl -method "POST" -body $newZone
$zoneId = $
Write-Host "Zone for domain '$domain' created successfully."
else {
Write-Host "Zone for domain '$domain' already exists. Proceeding with other configurations."
$zoneId = $
# Create new DNS records for the domain
$dnsRecordName = $domain
$existingDnsRecord = Get-CloudflareDnsRecord -zoneId $zoneId -recordName $dnsRecordName
if ($existingDnsRecord -eq $null) {
$newDnsRecord = @{
type = "A"
name = $dnsRecordName
content = ""
ttl = 1
proxied = $true
Invoke-CloudflareApi -url "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/dns_records" -method "POST" -body $newDnsRecord
Write-Host "DNS record for '$dnsRecordName' created successfully."
else {
Write-Host "DNS record for '$dnsRecordName' already exists. Skipping creation."
# Create a www CNAME record pointing to the root if it doesn't exist
$wwwDnsRecordName = "www"
$existingCnameRecord = Get-CloudflareDnsRecord -zoneId $zoneId -recordName $wwwDnsRecordName
if ($existingCnameRecord -eq $null) {
$newCnameRecord = @{
type = "CNAME"
name = $wwwDnsRecordName
content = $domain
ttl = 1
proxied = $true
Invoke-CloudflareApi -url "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/dns_records" -method "POST" -body $newCnameRecord
Write-Host "CNAME record for '$wwwDnsRecordName' created successfully."
else {
Write-Host "CNAME record for '$wwwDnsRecordName' already exists. Skipping creation."
# Create a redirect rule if it doesn't exist
$rulesetId = Get-RulesetIdByPhase -zoneId $zoneId -phase "http_request_dynamic_redirect"
if ($rulesetId -eq $null) {
$newRuleset = @{
kind = "zone"
name = "default"
phase = "http_request_dynamic_redirect"
rules = @()
$rulesetResponse = Invoke-CloudflareApi -url "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/rulesets" -method "POST" -body $newRuleset
$rulesetId = $
$ruleset = Get-CloudflareRuleset -zoneId $zoneId -rulesetId $rulesetId
$rulesUrl = "$zonesUrl/$zoneId/rulesets/$rulesetId/rules"
$redirectRule = $ruleset.rules | Where-Object { $_.action -eq "redirect" }
if ($redirectRule -eq $null) {
$newRule = @{
description = "Redirect"
expression = "true"
action = "redirect"
action_parameters = @{
from_value = @{
target_url = @{
value = $destinationUrl
status_code = 301
preserve_query_string = $false
# Create the rule
Invoke-CloudflareApi -url $rulesUrl -method "POST" -body $newRule
Write-Host "Redirect rule created successfully."
} else {
Write-Host "Redirect rule already exists. Skipping creation."
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