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Last active October 22, 2022 11:11
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  • Save sinamics/346a3c09f7c0d56c691da3c9b6306141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sinamics/346a3c09f7c0d56c691da3c9b6306141 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
starship config
format = """
$time \
$git_branch$git_status$nodejs \
$python \
$package \
$memory_usage \
$cmd_duration \
$jobs \
$docker_context \
# scan_timeout = 30
# command_timeout = 500
# add_newline = false
format = '[$user]($style)'
style_root = 'fg:190 bold'
style_user = 'fg:226 bold'
show_always = true
disabled = false
ssh_only = false
trim_at = '.'
format = '[$hostname]($style)'
style = 'fg:81 bold'
disabled = false
symbol = '🐳 '
style = 'blue bold'
format = 'via [$symbol$context]($style) '
only_with_files = true
disabled = false
detect_extensions = []
detect_files = [
detect_folders = []
symbol = " "
truncation_length = 3
truncate_to_repo = true
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 0
use_logical_path = true
format = '[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style)'
style = 'fg:85 bold'
disabled = false
read_only = '🔒'
read_only_style = 'red'
truncation_symbol = '.../'
home_symbol = '~'
success_symbol = "[❯](purple)"
error_symbol = "[❯](red)"
vicmd_symbol = "[❮](green)"
format = 'on [$symbol$branch]($style)(:[$remote]($style)) '
symbol = ' '
style = 'bold purple'
truncation_length = 9223372036854775807
truncation_symbol = '…'
only_attached = false
always_show_remote = false
disabled = false
format = '([\[$all_status$ahead_behind\]]($style) )'
style = 'red bold'
stashed = '\$'
ahead = '⇡'
behind = '⇣'
diverged = '⇕'
conflicted = '='
deleted = '✘'
renamed = '»'
modified = '!'
staged = '+'
untracked = '?'
disabled = false
rebase = 'REBASING'
merge = 'MERGING'
revert = 'REVERTING'
cherry_pick = 'CHERRY-PICKING'
bisect = 'BISECTING'
am = 'AM'
am_or_rebase = 'AM/REBASE'
style = 'bold yellow'
format = '\([$state( $progress_current/$progress_total)]($style)\) '
disabled = false
commit_hash_length = 7
format = '[\($hash$tag\)]($style) '
style = 'green bold'
only_detached = true
disabled = false
tag_symbol = '🏷 '
tag_disabled = false
disabled = false
format = "[$duration]($style)"
style = "yellow"
symbol = " "
format = '[$time]($style)'
style = 'bold fg:202'
use_12hr = false
disabled = false
utc_time_offset = 'local'
time_range = '-'
time_format = '%T %d/%m'
format = '$indicator '
bash_indicator = 'bsh'
fish_indicator = 'fsh'
zsh_indicator = 'zsh'
powershell_indicator = 'psh'
ion_indicator = 'ion'
elvish_indicator = 'esh'
tcsh_indicator = 'tsh'
disabled = false
pyenv_version_name = false
pyenv_prefix = 'pyenv '
python_binary = [
format = 'py [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}(${version} )(\($virtualenv\) )]($style)'
version_format = 'v${raw}'
style = 'yellow bold'
symbol = '🐍 '
disabled = false
detect_extensions = ['py']
# detect_files = [
# 'requirements.txt',
# '.python-version',
# 'pyproject.toml',
# 'Pipfile',
# 'tox.ini',
# '',
# '',
# ]
detect_folders = []
symbol = '🐪 '
style = '149 bold'
format = 'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'
disabled = false
detect_extensions = [
detect_files = [
detect_folders = []
format = 'is [$symbol$version]($style) '
symbol = '📦 '
style = '208 bold'
display_private = false
disabled = false
format = 'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'
version_format = 'v${raw}'
symbol = ' '
style = 'bold green'
disabled = false
not_capable_style = 'bold red'
detect_extensions = [
detect_files = [
detect_folders = ['node_modules']
threshold = 3
format = 'via $symbol[$ram( | $swap)]($style) '
style = 'white bold dimmed'
symbol = '🐏 '
disabled = true
symbol = '☸ '
format = '[$symbol$context( \($namespace\))]($style) in '
style = 'cyan bold'
disabled = false
threshold = 1
format = '[$symbol$number]($style) '
symbol = '✦'
style = 'bold blue'
disabled = false
format = 'via [$symbol($version )]($style)'
symbol = '⎈ '
style = 'bold white'
disabled = false
detect_extensions = []
detect_files = [
detect_folders = []
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