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Created September 10, 2015 14:32
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from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker
from twisted.application import internet
from gameserver.server_main import VersusGameFactory, logger
class Options(usage.Options):
optParameters = [["port", "p", 1235, "The port number to listen on."]]
class MyServiceMaker(object):
implements(IServiceMaker, IPlugin)
tapname = "gameserver"
description = "Versus game server for a singular game"
options = Options
def makeService(self, options):
Construct a TCPServer from a factory defined in myproject.
# sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# sock.bind(('', 0))
# port = sock.getsockname()[1]
port = int(options["port"])'Server Started at port %s' % str(port))
return internet.TCPServer(int(options["port"]), VersusGameFactory())
# Now construct an object which *provides* the relevant interfaces
# The name of this variable is irrelevant, as long as there is *some*
# name bound to a provider of IPlugin and IServiceMaker.
serviceMaker = MyServiceMaker()
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my directory structure is like so;

├── webserver
│   ├── django_stuff
├── gameserver
│   ├──
│   ├── init.pyc
│   ├── pids
│   │   ├── 35215
│   │   │   ├── port35215.log
│   │   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├── server_main.pyc
│   ├── twistd.log
│   └── twisted
│   │ └── plugins
│   │ │ ├── dropin.cache
│   │ │ ├──
│   │ │ ├── gameserver_plugin.pyc

Im getting an error at line 8 that it cant import the VersusGameFactory because
exceptions.ImportError: No module named gameserver.server_main

however I can launch it via terminal no problem

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dpnova commented Sep 10, 2015

Why do you want to run the plugin from within django?

In production you would probably deploy the two as separate commands right?

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well I have the django api, models and permissions set. When the api is called to create a game a port with the tcp server will open a game for the users and when the game is finished close it.


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