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Last active June 9, 2020 11:41
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UE4 RPCs with both C++ and Blueprint implementations

I want a server RPC function which:

  • Is callable by both C++ and Blueprints
  • Is overrideable in Blueprints as well as C++

The basic C++ declared RPC with BlueprintCallable gets me the C++ / Blueprint visibility, but NOT the BP overrideable aspect, because you're not allowed to use BlueprintNativeEvent on Server functions. I.e.

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable)
void DoSomethingOnServer();

I also don't want to just create a BP Server event because that's not visible to C++.

So right now I double-dispatch like this:

// .h
 	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Server, Reliable)
 	void DoSomethingOnServer();
	void DoSomethingOnServer_ServerFunc(float Force, FVector CentreOffset);
// .cpp
void MyClass::DoSomethingOnServer_Implementation() 
void MyClass::DoSomethingOnServer_ServerFunc()
 	// Either I can implement stuff here, and/or override in BP
 	// (If I only want BP right now I can use BlueprintImplementableEvent and skip this C++ impl)

This gets me what I want because I can call DoSomethingOnServer from C++ and BP, and whatever code is in DoSomethingOnServer_ServerFunc, in either C++ or Blueprints, will be executed server side.

Am I insane? Or is there a better way to hit these feature points?

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