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Created July 28, 2017 02:39
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#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
from threading import Thread
import subprocess
import psutil
import time
import os
import global_flag
SOFTWARE_DIR = 'software'
PATCH_DIR = 'patch'
def format_size(memory):
flag = False
if memory < 0:
flag = True
memory = abs(memory)
if memory > 1000000000:
m_raw = memory
m_show = round(memory / 1000000000, 2)
m_unit = str(m_show) + 'G'
elif memory > 1000000:
m_raw = memory
m_show = round(memory / 1000000, 2)
m_unit = str(m_show) + 'M'
elif memory > 1000:
m_raw = memory
m_show = round(memory / 1000, 2)
m_unit = str(m_show) + 'K'
m_raw = memory
m_show = round(memory, 2)
m_unit = str(m_show)
if flag:
m_unit = '-' + m_unit
return (m_raw, m_show, m_unit)
def get_used_memory():
info = psutil.virtual_memory()
used = info[3]
return used
def get_max_memory(normal_memory, old, new, patch, old_size, new_size):
# nmr: normal memory raw ...
nmr, nms, nmu = format_size(normal_memory)
max_memory = 0
#print("start log max memory")
while True:
used_memory = get_used_memory()
if used_memory > max_memory:
max_memory = used_memory
if global_flag.get():
# mmr: max memory raw
mmr, _, mmu = format_size(max_memory)
max_used, _, max_used_unit = format_size(mmr - nmr)
expect = expect_max_memory_used(old_size, new_size)
_, _, expect_unit = format_size(expect)
_, _, o1 = format_size(max_used - expect)
print("noraml: {}, max: {}, bsdiff_max_used: {}".format(nmu, mmu, max_used_unit))
print("expect_max_memory_used: {}, O(1): {}".format(expect_unit, o1))
def start_get_max_memory_with_thread(meta_info):
normal_memory = meta_info['normal_memory']
old = meta_info['old']
new = meta_info['new']
patch = meta_info['patch']
old_size = meta_info['old_size']
new_size = meta_info['new_size']
thread = Thread(target=get_max_memory, args=(normal_memory, old, new, patch, old_size, new_size))
thread.daemon = True
return thread
def expect_max_memory_used(old_size, new_size):
return max(old_size * 17, old_size * 9 + new_size)
def start_bsdiff(meta_info):
#print("start bsdiff")
old_path = meta_info['old_path']
new_path = meta_info['new_path']
patch_path = meta_info['patch_path']
p = subprocess.Popen(["bsdiff", old_path, new_path, patch_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = p.communicate()
# when bsdiff done, change the flag
def main():
file_list = os.listdir(SOFTWARE_DIR)
file_list = file_list[::-1]
for i in range(len(file_list) - 1):
print("------------ start({}/{}) ------------".format(i+1, len(file_list)))
normal_memory = get_used_memory()
old_name = file_list[i]
new_name = file_list[i+1]
patch_name = ''.join(old_name.split('.')[:-1]) + "_upto_" + ''.join(new_name.split('.')[:-1])
print(old_name, new_name, patch_name)
old_path = os.path.join(SOFTWARE_DIR, old_name)
new_path = os.path.join(SOFTWARE_DIR, new_name)
patch_path = os.path.join(PATCH_DIR, patch_name)
# software size
old_size = os.path.getsize(old_path)
new_size = os.path.getsize(new_path)
_, _, old_size_unit = format_size(old_size)
_, _, new_size_unit = format_size(new_size)
meta_info = {
"normal_memory": normal_memory,
"old": old_name,
"new": new_name,
"patch": patch_name,
"old_path": old_path,
"new_path": new_path,
"patch_path": patch_path,
"old_size": old_size,
"new_size": new_size
# start logging memory used
thread = start_get_max_memory_with_thread(meta_info)
# wait memory function launch
# start bsdiff and timeit
t1 = time.time()
t2 = time.time()
print("old size: {}, new size: {}".format(old_size_unit, new_size_unit))
print("bsdiff used time: {}s".format(round(int(t2-t1), 2)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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