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Created July 31, 2012 14:43
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JSHint options

My recommended JSHint options


	node: true,
	browser: true,
	es5: true,
	esnext: true,
	bitwise: true,
	curly: true,
	camelcase: true,
	eqeqeq: true,
	immed: true,
	indent: 4,
	latedef: true,
	newcap: true,
	noarg: true,
	quotmark: 'single',
	regexp: true,
	undef: true,
	unused: true,
	strict: true,
	trailing: true,
	smarttabs: true


	"node": true,
	"browser": true,
	"es5": true,
	"esnext": true,
	"bitwise": true,
	"camelcase": true,
	"curly": true,
	"eqeqeq": true,
	"immed": true,
	"indent": 4,
	"latedef": true,
	"newcap": true,
	"noarg": true,
	"quotmark": "single",
	"regexp": true,
	"undef": true,
	"unused": true,
	"strict": true,
	"trailing": true,
	"smarttabs": true
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