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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Yeoman - Migrate from 0.9.6 to 1.0


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Yeoman - Migrate from 0.9.6 to 1.0

A lot has changed since our last release 0.9.6. We decided to make Yeoman more than just a tool. It's a workflow; a collection of tools and best practices working in harmony to make developing for the web even better.

The first thing you'll notice is that there is no more yeoman command. We extracted the scaffolding into a new tool called yo. For package management we no longer proxy Bower, but let you use it directly. Same goes for grunt.

Instead of having a lot of the logic hidden in the yeoman binary we basically converted everything into generic grunt tasks that we've shared with the community. The yo command will scaffold out a static Gruntfile which contains everything you need. The obvious benefits are that everything is now totally explicit and customizable.


The new workflow is similar to the old one, but instead of using the yeoman command, you use the right tool for the task:


yeoman init
yeoman install jquery
yeoman build


yo webapp
bower install jquery
grunt build

Command conversions

yeoman init       ➜    yo
yeoman build      ➜    grunt [build]
yeoman server     ➜    grunt server
yeoman test       ➜    grunt test

yeoman install ➜ bower install yeoman uninstall ➜ bower uninstall yeoman update ➜ bower update yeoman list ➜ bower list yeoman search ➜ bower search yeoman lookup ➜ bower lookup

How to upgrade?

First you need to uninstall the existing Yeoman 0.9.6 install. You can do this be running npm uninstall -g yeoman.

Read Getting Started before continuing.

There have been major changes done to the Gruntfile, so you can't simply use the same file. If you've done no changes to the Gruntfile you can just generate a new project with the yo command and then copy paste over your files except for the generated ones like the Gruntfile.js, package.json, etc. However, if you have made changes to the Gruntfile, you could diff the original one with yours and try to apply the same changes to the new one.


What happened to the AppCache task

We decided not to include it since it was too much magic generating the appcache manifest fully automatically. We are discussing other options.

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