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Created April 27, 2010 17:42
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Save sinefunc/381046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Install snipMate for vim, then save this as ~/.vim/snippets/css.snippets
# (Also remove these comment lines, I'm not sure if snipMate can handle them!)
# Common usage:
# - call the initials of your rule (with or without the value) and press tab
# e.g.: "fwb" => "font-weight: bold;"
# "c" => "color: ____;"
# - the only exception is 'position: xxx'
# ("por" for "position: relative"... since "pr" clashes with padding-right)
snippet mopo
margin: 0; padding: 0;
snippet m0p0
margin: 0; padding: 0;
snippet fl
float: left;
snippet fr
float: right;
snippet cl
clear: left;
snippet cr
clear: right;
snippet cb
clear: both;
snippet fsn
font-style: normal;
snippet fsi
font-style: italic;
snippet fwn
font-weight: normal;
snippet fwb
font-weight: bold;
snippet fs
font-size: ${1:1em}; ${2}
snippet ttu
text-transform: uppercase;
snippet ttn
text-transform: none;
snippet tdu
text-decoration: underline;
snippet tdn
text-decoration: none;
snippet por
position: relative;
snippet poa
position: absolute;
snippet lt
left: ${1:0}; top: ${2:0}; ${3}
snippet m
margin: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet m0
margin: 0; ${2}
snippet mb
margin-bottom: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet mt
margin-top: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet ml
margin-left: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet mr
margin-right: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet p
padding: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet p0
padding: 0; ${2}
snippet pt
padding-top: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet pl
padding-left: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet pr
padding-right: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet pb
padding-bottom: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet lstn
list-style-type: none;
snippet c
color: ${1:#333}; ${2}
snippet cu
cursor: ${1:pointer|default}; ${2}
snippet f
font: ${1:serif}; ${2}
snippet ff
font-family: ${1:arial, sans-serif}; ${2}
snippet lh
line-height: ${1:1em}; ${2}
snippet d
display: ${1:inline|none|block}; ${2}
snippet di
display: inline;
snippet dn
display: none;
snippet db
display: block;
snippet b
border: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet b0
border: 0; ${1}
snippet bl
border-left: ${1:solid 1px #aaa}; ${2}
snippet bt
border-top: ${1:solid 1px #aaa}; ${2}
snippet br
border-right: ${1:solid 1px #aaa}; ${2}
snippet bb
border-bottom: ${1:solid 1px #aaa}; ${2}
snippet bg
background: ${1:transparent}; ${2}
snippet bgp
background-position: ${1:x y}; ${2}
snippet bgi
background-image: ${1}; ${2}
snippet mh
min-height; ${1:100%}; height: auto !important; height: $1; ${2}
snippet o
overflow: ${1:hidden|auto}; ${2}
snippet oh
overflow: hidden;
snippet oa
overflow: auto;
snippet ta
text-align: ${1:center|left|right}; ${2}
snippet tac
text-align: center;
snippet tal
text-align: left;
snippet tar
text-align: right;
snippet u
url(${1}) ${2}
snippet w
width: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet h
height: ${1:0}; ${2}
snippet image
background: url(${1:file.jpg}) 0 0 no-repeat; width: ${2:0}px; height: ${3:0}px; text-indent: -9999px; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: block; ${4}
snippet button
background: url(${1:file.jpg}) 0 0 no-repeat; width: ${2:0}px; height: ${3:0}px; text-indent: -9999px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; display: block; font-size: 0.1px; line-height: 0.1px; cursor: pointer; ${4}
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