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Forked from anonymous/gist:4464395
Last active August 27, 2018 16:10
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easy fix iStat Pro processes for Mountain Lion
/* source :
It's easy to fix iStat Pro processes for Mountain Lion
1. Locate your widget, it will be under /Library/Widgets or ~/Library/Widgets
2. Right click it and select: "Show Package Contents"
3. Open Wide.js or Tall.js file in some editor (Wide is for horizontal view, Tall for vertical)
4. Locate the line
WideSkinController.prototype.updateProcesses = function(){
var _self = this;
var exclude = "";
if(p.v("processes_excludewidgets") == 'on')
exclude = " grep -v DashboardClient | ";
if(p.v("processes_sort_mode") == 'cpu')
widget.system('ps -arcwwwxo "pid %cpu command" | egrep "PID|$1" | grep -v grep | ' + exclude + ' head -7 | tail -6 | awk \'{print "<pid>"$1"</pid><cpu>"$2"</cpu><name>"$3,$4,$5"</name></item>"}\'', function(data){ _self.updateProcessesOut(data);});
widget.system('ps -amcwwwxo "pid rss command" | egrep "PID|$1" | grep -v grep | ' + exclude + ' head -7 | tail -6 | awk \'{print "<pid>"$1"</pid><cpu>"$2"</cpu><name>"$3,$4,$5"</name></item>"}\'', function(data){ _self.updateProcessesOut(data);});
Change "PID|$1" to "PID| $1" (Add space before $ sign)
5. Save the changes
6. remove widget and re-add it Dashboard, and it should be fixed
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