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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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drafty draft
module Test where
import Data.Either(isLeft, lefts, isRight)
data Type = Unknown | JNumber | JString | JRegex | JArray Type | JObject [(String, Type)] | JFunc [Type] Type
data Expr = LitNumber Double | LitString String | LitRegex String | LitArray [Expr] | LitObject [(String, Expr)]
| Var String -- TODO: perhaps there should only be Property (and for function scopes use a hidden base obj?)
| Plus Expr Expr | Minus Expr Expr
| Assign Expr Expr
-- | Property Expr String
| Index Expr Expr
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TypeError = TypeError String Expr [TypeError]
inferType :: Expr -> Either TypeError Type
inferType (LitNumber x) = Right JNumber
inferType (LitString x) = Right JString
inferType (LitRegex x) = Right JRegex
inferType (LitArray []) = Right $ JArray Unknown
inferType ar@(LitArray (x:xs))
| areSameType = fmap JArray headType
| otherwise = Left $ TypeError "array elements are of inconsistent type" ar []
where headType = inferType x
areSameType = all (headType ==) $ map inferType xs
inferType obj@(LitObject xs) = if (any isLeft propTypes)
then Left $ TypeError "properties are badly typed" obj (lefts propTypes)
else Right $ JObject (propNamedTypes
where propNamedTypes = map (\name expr -> (name, inferType expr)) xs
propTypes = map snd propNamedTypes
inferType expr = Left "not implemented" expr
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