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Last active December 11, 2015 21:28
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Main where
import Debug.Trace (traceShow)
import Data.List (minimumBy, sortBy, genericLength)
import Control.Monad ((=<<), liftM, liftM2)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
trace1 x = traceShow x x
a0 = 0
b0 = 10
s = 2 -- some random value in [a,b]
costConstant = 1
cost = linearCost
main = do
let test1 = head $ (sortByAverageCost constantCost) . map fromJust $ (makeTrees 0 5)
let test2 = head $ (sortByAverageCost linearCost) . map fromJust $ (makeTrees 0 5)
putStr $ tree2dot test1
putStr "/* */"
putStr $ tree2dot test2
-- print $ searchRange (a0,b0) 0 []
test x = x >= s
--allPairs :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
allPairs :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
allPairs = (=<<) . flip (liftM . flip (,))
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (a,a,a) (Maybe (Tree a)) (Maybe (Tree a))
deriving (Show)
makeTrees :: (Enum a, Eq a, Num a) => a -> a -> [Maybe (Tree a)]
makeTrees a b = if a == b
then [Just $ Leaf a]
else foldr ((++) . makeTree') [] [a..(b-1)]
where makeTree' x = map (Just . (uncurry $ Node (a,x,b)))
. uncurry allPairs
$ if (x == a) then ([Just $ Leaf a], rightTrees)
else if (x == b) then (leftTrees, [Nothing])
else (leftTrees, rightTrees)
where leftTrees = makeTrees a x
rightTrees = makeTrees (x+1) b
depth :: (Num b, Ord b) => Tree t -> b
depth (Leaf _) = 1
depth (Node _ l r) = 1 + max (maybe 0 depth $ l) (maybe 0 depth $ r)
--depths :: (Num b, Ord b, Fractional b) => Tree t -> b
depths (Leaf _) = [1]
depths (Node _ l r) = addDepth l ++ addDepth r
where addDepth x = map (+1) (maybe [0] depths x)
costs f t@(Leaf x) = [f x]
costs f t@(Node (_,x,_) l r) = addCost l ++ addCost r
where addCost y = map (+(f x)) (maybe [0] (costs f) y)
averageDepth tree = sum d / genericLength d
where d = depths tree
averageCost f tree = sum d / genericLength d
where d = costs f tree
sortWith f = sortBy (\a b -> (compare (f a) (f b)))
sortByAverageDepth = sortWith averageDepth
sortByAverageCost f = sortWith (averageCost f)
constantCost = const costConstant
linearCost x = (x + 1) * costConstant
nodeLabel (Leaf x) = show x
nodeLabel (Node (_,x,_) _ _) = show x
nodeLabel' :: Show a => Maybe (Tree a) -> String
nodeLabel' Nothing = "bad"
nodeLabel' (Just x) = nodeLabel x
tree2dot t@(Leaf _) = nodeLabel t ++ ";\n"
tree2dot t@(Node _ l r) = nodeLabel t ++ " -> " ++ nodeLabel' l ++ ";\n" ++ nodeLabel t ++ " -> " ++ nodeLabel' r ++ ";\n" ++ tree2dot' l ++ tree2dot' r
tree2dot' :: Show a => Maybe (Tree a) -> String
tree2dot' t@Nothing = nodeLabel' t
tree2dot' (Just x) = tree2dot x
-- nextRange (a,b) curX =
-- if a == b
-- then Nothing
-- else case test curX of
-- False -> if curX == b then Just (b,b) else Just (curX+1, b)
-- True -> if curX == a then Just (a,a) else Just (a, curX-1)
-- searchRange (a,b) curCost path =
-- minimumBy (\(cost1, _) (cost2, _) -> compare cost1 cost2)
-- $ ranges
-- where
-- ranges = foldr searchRange' [] [a..b]
-- searchRange' x prevXs = case nextRange' of
-- Nothing -> (curCost, nextPath) : prevXs
-- Just rng -> (searchRange rng nextCost nextPath) : prevXs
-- where nextRange' = nextRange (a,b) x
-- nextCost = cost x + curCost
-- nextPath = (x, (a,b)) : path
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