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Last active October 31, 2015 22:20
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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- |
module Main where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), (<|>))
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Char as Char
type Stream a = [a]
emptyStream = []
data ParserSingle a t = ParserSingle (Stream a -> Maybe (Stream a, t))
unParserSingle (ParserSingle p) = p
runParserSingle (ParserSingle p) s = p s
instance Functor (ParserSingle s) where
fmap f (ParserSingle p) = ParserSingle $ \s ->
{-# SCC "ParserSingle_fmap" #-}
case p s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', t) -> Just (s', f t)
instance Applicative (ParserSingle s) where
pure x = ParserSingle $ \s -> Just (s, x)
(ParserSingle pf) <*> ppx =
{-# SCC "ParserSingle_<*>" #-}
ParserSingle $ \s -> case pf s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', f) -> case unParserSingle ppx s' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s'', x) -> Just (s'', f x)
instance Alternative (ParserSingle s) where
empty = ParserSingle $ const Nothing
(ParserSingle px) <|> y =
{-# SCC "ParserSingle_<|>" #-}
ParserSingle $ \s ->
case px s of
Nothing -> unParserSingle y s
Just (s', t) -> Just (s', t)
data Parser a t where
PZero :: Parser a t
POne :: (ParserSingle a t) -> Parser a t
PAlt :: [Parser a t] -> Parser a t
PApp :: (Parser a (u -> t)) -> (Parser a u) -> Parser a t
PSome :: Parser a t -> Parser a [t]
instance Show (Parser a t) where
show (PZero) = "PZero"
show (POne _) = "POne"
show (PAlt ps) = "(" ++ intercalate " | " (map show ps) ++ ")"
show (PApp pf px) = show pf ++ " <*> " ++ show px
show (PSome p) = "some " ++ show p
instance Functor (Parser s) where
fmap f p = pure f <*> p
instance Applicative (Parser s) where
pure = POne . pure
p <*> x = PApp p x
instance Alternative (Parser s) where
empty = PZero
p <|> PZero = p
PZero <|> p = p
PAlt xs <|> PAlt ys = PAlt $ xs ++ ys
PAlt xs <|> p = PAlt $ xs ++ [p]
p <|> PAlt xs = PAlt $ p : xs
p1 <|> p2 = PAlt [p1, p2]
some p = PSome p
many p = some p <|> pure []
fmapParserResult :: (a -> b) -> (s, a) -> (s, b)
fmapParserResult = fmap
runParser :: Parser a t -> Stream a -> Maybe (Stream a, [t])
runParser PZero _ = Nothing
runParser (POne p) s =
case runParserSingle p s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', t) -> Just (s', [t])
runParser (PApp pf px) s =
case runParser pf s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', fs) -> case runParser px s' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s'', xs) -> Just (s'', concatMap (\x -> map ($ x) fs) xs)
runParser (PSome p) s =
case runParser p s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (s', x) -> fmap (fmapParserResult reverse) $ go s' [x]
go s1 x1 =
case runParser p s1 of
Nothing -> Just (s1, x1)
Just (s2, x2) -> go s2 (x2 : x1)
runParser (PAlt ps) s = firstJust $ map (flip runParser s) ps
where firstJust [] = Nothing
firstJust (Just x : mxs) = Just x
firstJust (Nothing : mxs) = firstJust mxs
-- Examples
isSingle f = ParserSingle $
\s -> case s of
(x:s') | f x -> Just (s', x)
_ -> Nothing
is = POne . isSingle
are = many . is
letter = is Char.isLetter
str = some letter
space = is Char.isSpace
digitToNum c = Char.ord c - Char.ord '0'
digit = fmap digitToNum $ is Char.isDigit
num = fmap fromDecimal $ some digit
where fromDecimal = foldl' (\accum x -> 10 * accum + x) 0
data Lit = LitStr String | LitNum Int
deriving (Show)
litStr = LitStr <$> str
litNum = LitNum <$> num
lit = (many space *> litStr) <|> (many space *> litNum)
-- Lambda calculus:
-- x = [a-z]+
-- e = x | \x -> e | e e
data Expr = Var String | Lam String Expr | App Expr Expr
deriving (Show)
data Token = Space | Arrow | Slash
deriving (Show)
spaces = fmap (const Space) $ many space
inSpace p = spaces *> p <* spaces
slash = fmap (const Slash) $ is (== '\\')
arrow = fmap (const Arrow) $ is (== '-') *> is (== '>')
sstr = inSpace str
openPar = is (=='(')
closePar = is (==')')
withParens x = openPar *> x <* closePar
optParens x = x <|> withParens x
expr = optParens $ var <|> lam <|> app
var = Var <$> str
app = App <$> (expr <* space) <*> expr
lam = Lam <$> (slash *> sstr <* arrow) <*> expr
main = do
print $ runParser app "\\x-> x x"
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