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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save sinergy/bd885cd301c3e5b7bf59 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script which read the duty table CSV file, and send a notification message to the specific room of HipChat. 讀取 CSV 中的值日生名單,並且透過 這隻 perl script 傳遞提醒訊息至指定的 room 中
日期 值日生
2014/07/04 Arc
2014/07/11 Clark
2014/07/18 Jack
2014/07/25 William
2014/08/01 kiki
2014/08/08 Cloud
2014/08/15 Isaac
2014/08/22 Haru
2014/08/29 Jimmy
2014/09/05 Eddie
2014/09/12 John
2014/09/19 Arc
2014/09/26 Clark
2014/10/03 Jack
2014/10/10 William
2014/10/17 kiki
2014/10/24 Cloud
2014/10/31 Isaac
2014/11/07 Haru
2014/11/14 Jimmy
2014/11/21 Eddie
# Perl script to send a on duty notification to hipchat using either the REST API v2.
# Modified by Cloud Chen.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Piece;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
my $usage = "This script will read the source CSV and send a notification to hipchat when there is one on duty today.\n
\t-source CSV duty table. Example: '-source \"duty_table.csv\"'
my $pathHipchatScript = $RealBin."/";
#print "\tabsolute path of hipchat script: $pathHipchatScript\n";
# Basic config
my $token = "YOUR TOKEN HERE";
my $roomId = "YOUR ROOM ID HERE";
my $message = "提醒您,本週的值日生是 @";
my $srcFile = "";
# Get input options
GetOptions("source=s" => \$srcFile);
if ($srcFile eq "") {
print "You must specify a source CSV file!\n";
die ("$usage\n");
my $absPath = $RealBin."/".$srcFile;
print "absolute path of source file: $absPath\n";
# Replace the '^M' carriage return with general linux line break.
my $replace_carriage_return = "perl -p -i -e 's/\\r/\\n/g' ".$absPath;
# Get current time
my $date = localtime->strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
print "date: $date\n";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({binary => 1}) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag();
open (my $fileHandle, "<:encoding(utf8)", $absPath) or die "$absPath : $!";
while (my $row = $csv->getline($fileHandle)) {
# date format example: 2014/09/11
$row->[0] =~ m/^[\d]{4}\/[\d]{2}\/[\d]{2}$/ or next;
if ($date eq $row->[0]) {
my @args = ('perl', $pathHipchatScript, "-room", "$roomId", "-token", "$token", "-message", "$message");
# Remove the one who has been notified.
my $remove_notified = "perl -i -ne 'print \$_ if \$. != $.' $absPath";
print "remove_notified command: $remove_notified\n";
close $fileHandle or die "$fileHandle: $!";
# Perl script to send a on duty notification to hipchat using either the REST API v2.
# Modified by Cloud Chen.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Text::CSV;
use Getopt::Long;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Duration;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
my $usage = "This script will read the source CSV and send a notification to the room of hipchat before one week from the talk.\n
\t-source CSV present rotation table. Example: '-source \"presents.csv\"'
# Basic config
my $token = "YOUR TOKEN HERE";
my $roomId = "HIPCHAT ROOM ID HERE";
my $pathHipchatScript = $RealBin."/";
my $remind_message = "下週技術研討的主講者是 @%s, 提醒您別忘囉!";
my $on_time_message = "\@All 又到了大家最期待的「技術研討」下午茶時間囉!本週的主講者是 @%s,趕緊到會議室集合並聆聽這場精采的簡報吧!Move your ass now please :)";
my $srcFile = "";
# Get input options
GetOptions("source=s" => \$srcFile);
if ($srcFile eq "") {
print "You must specify a source CSV file!\n";
die ("$usage\n");
my $absPath = $RealBin."/".$srcFile;
print "absolute path of source file: $absPath\n";
# Replace the '^M' carriage return with general linux line break.
my $replace_carriage_return = "perl -p -i -e 's/\\r/\\n/g' ".$absPath;
# Get current time
my $dt = DateTime->today();
my $str_today = $dt->ymd("/");
print "today: $str_today\n";
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({binary => 1}) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag();
open (my $fileHandle, "<:encoding(utf8)", $absPath) or die "$absPath : $!";
while (my $row = $csv->getline($fileHandle)) {
# date format example: 2014/09/11
$row->[0] =~ m/^([\d]{4})\/([\d]{2})\/([\d]{2})$/ or next;
my $present_date = DateTime->new(
year => $1,
month => $2,
day => $3,
hour => $dt->hour(),
minute => $dt->minute(),
second => $dt->second(),
time_zone => $dt->time_zone()
my $log = sprintf("Presentation day: %s\n", $present_date->ymd("/"));;
print $log;
my $a_week_before_present_date = $present_date->subtract(
DateTime::Duration->new(weeks => 1)
$log = sprintf("\t - A week before P-Day: %s\n", $a_week_before_present_date->ymd("/"));
print $log;
my $str_week_before = $a_week_before_present_date->ymd("/");
if ($str_today eq $row->[0]) {
my $message = sprintf($on_time_message, $row->[1]);
my @args = ('perl', $pathHipchatScript, "-room", "$roomId", "-token", "$token", "-message", "$message");
# Remove the one who has been notified.
my $remove_notified = "perl -i -ne 'print \$_ if \$. != $.' $absPath";
print "remove_notified command: $remove_notified\n";
# Check if it is the day to send notification reminder for the speaker
if ($str_today eq $str_week_before) {
my $message = sprintf($remind_message, $row->[1]);
my @args = ('perl', $pathHipchatScript, "-room", "$roomId", "-token", "$token", "-message", "$message");
close $fileHandle or die "$fileHandle: $!";
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