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Created July 25, 2010 04:45
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Handle+Port [試A]
import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
void main()
auto file = new File(__FILE__);
scope(exit) file.close;
// file に対してバイナリ入力を始める
auto binport = new BinaryInputPort(file);
// バイトごと読んで,0x3B が見つかったら break
foreach (u; binport.byByte)
if (u == cast(ubyte) ';')
// byVariableChunk は内部バッファを直接取り出すので速い
foreach (chunk; binport.byVariableChunk)
printf(" -> %zu bytes: %c\n", chunk.length, chunk[0]);
interface Handle
interface IO
size_t read(void[] buffer);
size_t write(in void[] buffer);
IO startIO();
void close();
@property bool isOpen();
import core.stdc.errno;
import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
import std.string : toStringz;
@system class File : Handle, private Handle.IO
this(string path)
handle_ = .open(path.toStringz(), O_RDONLY);
if (handle_ < 0)
throw new Exception("open");
override IO startIO()
if (owned_)
return null;
owned_ = true;
return this;
override void close()
handle_ = -1;
override @property bool isOpen()
return handle_ >= 0;
override size_t read(void[] buffer)
immutable nbread = .read(handle_, buffer.ptr, buffer.length);
if (nbread < 0)
throw new Exception("read");
return nbread;
override size_t write(in void[] buffer)
immutable nbwritten = .write(handle_, buffer.ptr, buffer.length);
if (nbwritten < 0)
throw new Exception("write");
return nbwritten;
int handle_;
bool owned_;
@system final class BinaryInputPort
this(Handle handle, size_t bufferSize = 1024)
reader_ = handle.startIO();
buffer_.length = bufferSize;
* バッファから1バイトずつ読み込む
@property ByByte byByte()
return new ByByte();
final class ByByte
//-- 'Lazy input' pattern
@property bool empty()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
return empty_;
@property ubyte front()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
return front_;
void popFront()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
wantNext_ = true;
private void popFrontLazy()
wantNext_ = false;
with (this.outer) while (true)
if (bufferPos_ < bufferEnd_)
front_ = buffer_[bufferPos_++];
if (this.outer.fetch())
empty_ = true;
ubyte front_;
bool empty_;
bool wantNext_ = true;
* バッファを直接取り出す
@property ByVariableChunk byVariableChunk()
return new ByVariableChunk();
class ByVariableChunk
//-- 'Lazy input' pattern
@property bool empty()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
return empty_;
@property ubyte[] front()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
return front_;
void popFront()
if (wantNext_) popFrontLazy();
wantNext_ = true;
private void popFrontLazy()
wantNext_ = false;
with (this.outer) while (true)
if (bufferPos_ < bufferEnd_)
front_ = buffer_[bufferPos_ .. bufferEnd_];
bufferPos_ = bufferEnd_;
if (this.outer.fetch())
empty_ = true;
ubyte[] front_;
bool empty_;
bool wantNext_ = true;
// 非 range な手段
void readExact(void[] buffer)
while (buffer.length > 0)
if ((bufferEnd_ - bufferPos_) >= buffer.length)
T readValue(T)()
T store = void;
readExact( (&store)[0 .. 1] );
return store;
* Fetch a chunk into the buffer. Returns false on EOF.
bool fetch()
assert(bufferPos_ == bufferEnd_);
bufferEnd_ =;
bufferPos_ = 0;
return bufferEnd_ > 0;
Handle.IO reader_;
ubyte[] buffer_;
size_t bufferPos_;
size_t bufferEnd_;
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