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Created July 15, 2019 17:43
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[pg-libphonenumber]( formula for [Homebrew]( Still needs a released version before it can be merged to [homebrew-core](
class PgLibphonenumber < Formula
desc "libphonenumber extension for Postgres"
homepage ""
url ""
version "0.1.0"
sha256 "5b29e96e96eba790e856e0624724a548bba82dfd0a3dc314eafd2ac3ace92e0f"
depends_on "libphonenumber"
depends_on "postgresql"
def install
system "make", "install", "DESTDIR=#{buildpath}/stage"
lib.install Dir["stage/**/lib/*"]
share.install Dir["stage/**/share/*"]
test do
system "psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_libphonenumber;' postgres"
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