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Last active December 15, 2015 14:29
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  • Save singingwolfboy/5275037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save singingwolfboy/5275037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Author: Andreas Christian Mueller <>
# (c) 2012
# License: MIT
import os
import sys
import random
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont
import numpy as np
from query_integral_image import query_integral_image
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
FONT_PATH = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf"
#FONT_PATH = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/droid/DroidSansMono.ttf"
def make_wordcloud(words, counts, fname, font_path=None, width=400, height=200,
margin=5, ranks_only=False):
"""Build word cloud using word counts, store in image.
words : numpy array of strings
Words that will be drawn in the image.
counts : numpy array of word counts
Word counts or weighting of words. Determines the size of the word in
the final image.
Will be normalized to lie between zero and one.
font_path : string
Font path to the font that will be used.
Defaults to DroidSansMono path.
fname : sting
Output filename. Extension determins image type
(written with PIL).
width : int (default=400)
Width of the word cloud image.
height : int (default=200)
Height of the word cloud image.
ranks_only : boolean (default=False)
Only use the rank of the words, not the actual counts.
Larger Images with make the code significantly slower.
If you need a large image, you can try running the algorithm at a lower
resolution and then drawing the result at the desired resolution.
In the current form it actually just uses the rank of the counts,
i.e. the relative differences don't matter.
Play with setting the font_size in the main loop vor differnt styles.
Colors are used completely at random. Currently the colors are sampled
from HSV space with a fixed S and V.
Adjusting the percentages at the very end gives differnt color ranges.
Obviously you can also set all at random - haven't tried that.
if len(counts) <= 0:
print("We need at least 1 word to plot a word cloud, got %d."
% len(counts))
if font_path is None:
font_path = FONT_PATH
# normalize counts
counts = counts / float(counts.max())
# sort words by counts
inds = np.argsort(counts)[::-1]
counts = counts[inds]
words = words[inds]
# create image
img_grey ="L", (width, height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img_grey)
integral = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint32)
img_array = np.asarray(img_grey)
font_sizes, positions, orientations = [], [], []
# intitiallize font size "large enough"
font_size = 1000
# start drawing grey image
for word, count in zip(words, counts):
# alternative way to set the font size
if not ranks_only:
font_size = min(font_size, int(100 * np.log(count + 100)))
while True:
# try to find a position
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
# transpose font optionally
orientation = random.choice([None, Image.ROTATE_90])
transposed_font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(font,
# get size of resulting text
box_size = draw.textsize(word)
# find possible places using integral image:
result = query_integral_image(integral, box_size[1] + margin,
box_size[0] + margin)
if result is not None or font_size == 0:
# if we didn't find a place, make font smaller
font_size -= 1
if font_size == 0:
# we were unable to draw any more
x, y = np.array(result) + margin // 2
# actually draw the text
draw.text((y, x), word, fill="white")
positions.append((x, y))
# recompute integral image
img_array = np.asarray(img_grey)
# recompute bottom right
# the order of the cumsum's is important for speed ?!
partial_integral = np.cumsum(np.cumsum(img_array[x:, y:], axis=1),
# paste recomputed part into old image
# if x or y is zero it is a bit annoying
if x > 0:
if y > 0:
partial_integral += (integral[x - 1, y:]
- integral[x - 1, y - 1])
partial_integral += integral[x - 1, y:]
if y > 0:
partial_integral += integral[x:, y - 1][:, np.newaxis]
integral[x:, y:] = partial_integral
# redraw in color
img ="RGB", (width, height))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
everything = zip(words, font_sizes, positions, orientations)
for word, font_size, position, orientation in everything:
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
# transpose font optionally
transposed_font = ImageFont.TransposedFont(font,
draw.text((position[1], position[0]), word,
fill="hsl(%d" % random.randint(0, 255) + ", 80%, 50%)")
def main(*args):
if "-" in args:
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
sources = ['stdin']
sources = ([arg for arg in args if os.path.exists(arg)]
or ["constitution.txt"])
lines = []
for s in sources:
with open(s) as f:
text = "".join(lines)
cv = CountVectorizer(min_df=1, charset_error="ignore",
stop_words="english", max_features=200)
counts = cv.fit_transform([text]).toarray().ravel()
words = np.array(cv.get_feature_names())
# throw away some words, normalize
words = words[counts > 1]
counts = counts[counts > 1]
output_filename = (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sources[0]))[0]
+ "_.png")
counts = make_wordcloud(words, counts, output_filename)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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