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Created September 14, 2023 14:37
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Balance the Parentheses
// Challenge 2: Balance the Parentheses
void main() {
// String ip = 'h((e))llo(world)()';
String ip = '(hello world';
List l = ip.split('');
Stack stack = Stack(inputList: l);
int listLen = l.length;
int openingB = 0;
int closingB = 0;
for (int i = listLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// print(l[i]);
if (l[i] == ')') {
openingB += 1;
} else if (l[i] == '(') {
closingB += 1;
print("openB:$openingB - closeB:$closingB");
if (closingB == openingB) {
} else {
print('not Balanced');
class Stack {
final List inputList;
required this.inputList,
get peek => inputList.last;
void push(dynamic element) => inputList.add(element);
void pop() => inputList.removeLast();
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