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Created April 8, 2015 18:43
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TDD add exercise (no errors yet)
module TDD (add) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
data ArgumentError = ArgumentError deriving (Show)
add :: String -> Integer
add s = sum $ map toI $ T.split (\d -> d == ',' || d == '\n') (T.pack s)
toI :: T.Text -> Integer
toI s = case reads (T.unpack s) of
((n, _) : _) -> n
_ -> 0
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative
import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
import Test.QuickCheck
-- import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Test.HUnit hiding (Test)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified TDD
testDecode1 :: Assertion
testDecode1 = assertEqual "for 1" 1 (TDD.add "1")
propIntegerDecodeLoop :: Integer -> Bool
propIntegerDecodeLoop num = TDD.add (show num) == num
testDecodeEmpty :: Assertion
testDecodeEmpty = assertEqual "for empty" 0 (TDD.add "")
propTwoShouldDecode :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
propTwoShouldDecode x y = TDD.add (show x ++ "," ++ show y) == x + y
propSomeShouldDecode :: [Integer] -> Bool
propSomeShouldDecode xs = TDD.add (intercalate "," (map show xs)) == sum xs
newtype Delimiter = Delimiter String deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary Delimiter where
arbitrary = Delimiter <$> elements [",", "\n"]
propSomeShouldDecodeDelim :: [Integer] -> Delimiter -> Bool
propSomeShouldDecodeDelim xs (Delimiter d) = TDD.add (intercalate d (map show xs)) == sum xs
tests :: [Test]
tests =
testGroup "One number" [
testCase "\"1\" returns 1" testDecode1,
testProperty "Integer should decode" propIntegerDecodeLoop
testGroup "No number" [
testCase "\"\" returns 0" testDecodeEmpty
testGroup "Two numbers" [
testProperty "Two numbers should sum" propTwoShouldDecode
testGroup "Some numbers" [
testProperty "Some numbers should sum" propSomeShouldDecode,
testProperty "Some numbers should sum with comma or newline" propSomeShouldDecodeDelim
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
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