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Last active April 2, 2019 17:26
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Generating a Freewheel VMAP 1.0 Ad Tag
import requests
import random
import xml.dom.minidom
Simple script to simulate what needs to go in a Freewheel ad request
This example is for VMAP but what needs to be requested is similar on other response types e.g. FW Smart XML
To use Smart XML response just change the resp parameter to "xml"
NETWORK = "375613"
# HbbTV Profile is MSN_AU_HBBTV_Live but currently doesn't have vast2 activated
PROFILE = "MSN_AU_ios_Live"
# base URL
# caid
# shortform
#asset = "3657904242001"
# longform
asset = "3654502947001"
asset = "3649633236001"
# vdur
duration = "5000"
section = "jumpin_hbbtv_general"
resp = "vmap1" #;module=DemoPlayer"
slots = [0,589,1328,1500]
width = "1280"
height = "720"
# Generate random variables for the player
pvrn = random.randint(0,100000000)
vprn = random.randint(0,100000000)
flags = "+emcr+slcb+fbad"
FW Example
# Specify the UA which is also used by Freewheel for targeting
headers = {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.103 Safari/537.36'
def gen_slots_string(slots):
slot_string = "feature=simpleAds;"
count = 1
for slot in slots:
if slot == 0:
# pre roll, not could also just force this on all ads
slot_string += ";slid=pre&tpos=0&ptgt=a&slau=preroll&tpcl=PREROLL"
slot_string += ";slid=mid" + str(count) + "&tpos=" + str(slot) + "&ptgt=a&tpcl=MIDROLL&cpsq=" + str(count)
count += 1
# Add the post roll
slot_string += ";slid=post&tpos=" + str(count + 1) + "&ptgt=a&slau=postroll&tpcl=POSTROLL"
return slot_string
# Build the ad tag url
slot_string = gen_slots_string(slots)
url = ("%snw=%s&prof=%s&csid=%s&caid=%s&vprn=%s&pvn=%s&resp=%s&flag=%s&%s&w=%s&h=%s" \
% (SERVER, NETWORK, PROFILE, section, asset, vprn, pvm, resp, slot_string, flags, width, height))
print url
fwresp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
xml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(fwresp.text)
print xml.toprettyxml()
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