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Created August 24, 2019 09:04
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asmap build script
import sys
import re
import ipaddress
# This program loads AS mapping entries from stdin in the form "[IP]/[bits] AS[num]", where IP is an IPv4
# or IPv6 address, bits is an integer between 0 and 32 (for IPv4) or 128 (for IPv6), and num is an integer
# between 1 and 16777215.
def Parse(entries):
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.split('#')[0].lstrip(' ').rstrip(' \r\n')
prefix, asn = line.split(' ')
assert(len(asn) > 2 and asn[:2] == "AS")
network = ipaddress.ip_network(prefix)
if isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
entries.append((network.prefixlen + 96, int.from_bytes(network.network_address.packed, 'big') + 0xffff00000000, int(asn[2:])))
elif isinstance(network, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
entries.append((network.prefixlen, int.from_bytes(network.network_address.packed, 'big'), int(asn[2:])))
# Add a list of (prefixlen, addrbits, asn) entries to a tree
def UpdateTree(gtree, addrlen, entries):
for prefix, val, asn in sorted(entries):
tree = gtree
default = None
for i in range(prefix):
bit = (val >> (addrlen - 1 - i)) & 1
needs_inner = i < prefix - 1
if tree[bit] is None:
if needs_inner:
tree[bit] = [default, default]
tree = tree[bit]
tree[bit] = asn
if isinstance(tree[bit], list):
tree = tree[bit]
assert(isinstance(tree[bit], int))
if tree[bit] == asn:
if not needs_inner:
tree[bit] = asn
default = tree[bit]
tree[bit] = [default, default]
tree = tree[bit]
return gtree
# Remove redundancy from a tree.
# If approx is True, unassigned ranges may get reassigned to arbitrary ASNs.
def CompactTree(tree, approx=True):
num = 0
if tree is None:
return (tree, set())
if isinstance(tree, int):
return (tree, set([tree]))
tree[0], leftas = CompactTree(tree[0], approx)
tree[1], rightas = CompactTree(tree[1], approx)
allas = leftas | rightas
if len(allas) == 0:
return (None, allas)
if approx and len(allas) == 1:
return (list(allas)[0], allas)
if isinstance(tree[0], int) and isinstance(tree[1], int) and tree[0] == tree[1]:
return tree[0], set([tree[0]])
return (tree, allas)
# Get the (key, value) with maximum value from a dict.
def DictMax(d):
mk = None
mv = None
for k, v in d.items():
if mv is None or v > mv:
mk, mv = k, v
return mk, mv
# Annotate internal nodes in the tree with the most common leafs below it.
# The binary serialization later uses this.
def PropTree(tree, approx=True):
if tree is None:
return (tree, {}, True)
if isinstance(tree, int):
return (tree, {tree: 1}, False)
tree[0], leftcnt, leftnone = PropTree(tree[0], approx)
tree[1], rightcnt, rightnone = PropTree(tree[1], approx)
allcnt = {k: leftcnt.get(k, 0) + rightcnt.get(k, 0) for k in set(leftcnt) | set(rightcnt)}
allnone = leftnone | rightnone
maxasn, maxcount = DictMax(allcnt)
if maxcount is not None and maxcount >= 2 and (approx or not allnone):
return ([tree[0], tree[1], maxasn], {maxasn: 1}, allnone)
return (tree, allcnt, allnone)
def EncodeBits(val, minval, bit_sizes):
val -= minval
ret = []
for pos in range(len(bit_sizes)):
bit_size = bit_sizes[pos]
if val >= (1 << bit_size):
val -= (1 << bit_size)
ret += [1]
if (pos + 1 < len(bit_sizes)):
ret += [0]
for b in range(bit_size):
ret += [(val >> (bit_size - 1 - b)) & 1]
return ret
def EncodeType(v):
return EncodeBits(v, 0, [0, 0, 1])
def EncodeASN(v):
return EncodeBits(v, 1, [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24])
def EncodeMatch(v):
return EncodeBits(v, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
def EncodeJump(v):
return EncodeBits(v, 17, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30])
def EncodeBytes(bits):
val = 0
nbits = 0
bytes = []
for bit in bits:
val += (bit << nbits)
nbits += 1
if (nbits == 8):
bytes += [val]
val = 0
nbits = 0
if nbits:
bytes += [val]
return bytes
def TreeSer(tree, default):
match = 1
assert(tree is not None)
assert(not (isinstance(tree, int) and tree == default))
while isinstance(tree, list) and match <= 0xFF:
if tree[0] is None or tree[0] == default:
match = (match << 1) + 1
tree = tree[1]
elif tree[1] is None or tree[1] == default:
match = (match << 1) + 0
tree = tree[0]
if match >= 2:
return EncodeType(2) + EncodeMatch(match) + TreeSer(tree, default)
if isinstance(tree, int):
return EncodeType(0) + EncodeASN(tree)
if len(tree) > 2 and tree[2] != default:
return EncodeType(3) + EncodeASN(tree[2]) + TreeSer(tree, tree[2])
left = TreeSer(tree[0], default)
right = TreeSer(tree[1], default)
return EncodeType(1) + EncodeJump(len(left)) + left + right
def BuildTree(entries, approx=True):
tree = [None, None]
tree = UpdateTree(tree, 128, entries)
return tree
entries = []
print("[INFO] Loading", file=sys.stderr)
print("[INFO] Read %i prefixes" % len(entries), file=sys.stderr)
print("[INFO] Constructing trie", file=sys.stderr)
tree = BuildTree(entries)
print("[INFO] Compacting tree", file=sys.stderr)
tree, _ = CompactTree(tree, True)
print("[INFO] Computing inner prefixes", file=sys.stderr)
tree, _, _ = PropTree(tree, True)
ser = TreeSer(tree, None)
print("[INFO] Total bits: %i" % (len(ser)), file=sys.stderr)
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