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Created December 19, 2020 04:05
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Tagless final concatenative programming
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
import Prelude (Bool,Show, (+))
import qualified Prelude as P
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Category
data s :. a = s :. a
deriving Show
infixl 1 :.
class ForthSym sem where
dup :: sem (s:.a) -> sem (s:.a:.a)
push :: a -> sem s -> sem (s:.a)
add :: P.Num n => sem (s:.n:.n) -> sem (s:.n)
liftS :: (a -> b) -> (sem (s:.a) -> sem (s:.b))
swap :: sem (s:.a:.b) -> sem (s:.b:.a)
if_ :: sem (s:.Bool:.(s -> s'):.(s -> s')) -> sem s'
liftS2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> sem (s:.a:.b) -> sem (s:.c)
instance Functor f => ForthSym f where
push a = fmap (:. a)
dup = fmap (\(s:.a) -> s:.a:.a)
swap = fmap (\(s:.a:.b) -> s:.b:.a)
add = fmap (\(s:.a:.b) -> s:.a + b)
liftS f = fmap (\(s:.a) -> s:.f a)
if_ = fmap (\(s:.cond:.then_:.else_) -> (if cond then then_ else else_) s)
liftS2 f = fmap (\(s:.a:.b) -> s:.f a b)
(++) = liftS2 (P.++)
putStr = fmap (\(s:.x) -> P.putStr x >> return s)
putStrLn = fmap (\(s:.x) -> P.putStrLn x >> return s)
getLine = fmap (\s -> P.getLine >>= \ln -> return (s:.ln))
hello = push "What's your name? " >>> return
>=> putStr
>=> push "Hello, " >>> return
>=> getLine
>=> return
>=> (++) >>> push "!" >>> (++) >>> return
>=> putStrLn
>=> id
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