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Last active July 17, 2021 08:57
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Futamura Projections in Coq
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun.
Module Futamura.
(* Program from a -> b written in L *)
Inductive Program {a b language : Type} :=
| mkProgram : (a -> b) -> Program.
Definition runProgram {A B L} (p : @Program A B L) := match p with mkProgram f => f end.
Notation "[ S | a >> b ]" := (@Program a b S) (at level 2) : type_scope.
(* An interpreter for S implemented in O *)
Definition Interpreter S O :=
forall a b, [O | [S | a >> b] * a >> b].
(* A compiler from S to T implemented in T *)
(* Read as: takes a function a -> b in S and returns function a ->
b in T, implemented in T. *)
Definition Compiler S T :=
forall a b, [T | [S | a >> b] >> [T | a >> b]].
(* Self-hosting specializer from S to T *)
Definition Specializer S T :=
forall i a b, [S | [S | i * a >> b] * i >> [T | a >> b]].
(* Compiler-compiler from S to T *)
Definition Partializer S T :=
forall i a b, [T | [S | i * a >> b] >> [T | i >> [T | a >> b]]].
Definition projection1 {O S T A B}
(s : Specializer O T) (i : Interpreter S O) (p : [S | A >> B]) : [T | A >> B].
eapply runProgram; eauto.
Definition projection2 {O S T} (s : Specializer O T) (i : Interpreter S O) : Compiler S T.
cbv in *; intros; refine (runProgram (s _ _ _) (s _ _ _, i _ _)).
Definition projection3 {S T} (s : Specializer S T) : Partializer S T.
cbv in *; intros; refine (runProgram (s _ _ _) (s _ _ _, s _ _ _)).
End Futamura.
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