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Verifying factorial for a simple assembly language
Require Import Arith.PeanoNat.
Require Import List.
Import Nat.
Import ListNotations.
(** * Reflexive transitive closure of a relation *)
Definition relation (X : Type) := X -> X -> Prop.
Inductive multi {X : Type} (R : relation X) : relation X :=
| multi_refl : forall (x : X), multi R x x
| multi_step : forall (x y z : X),
R x y ->
multi R y z ->
multi R x z.
Hint Constructors multi : core.
Hint Resolve multi_refl : core.
Theorem multi_R : forall (X : Type) (R : relation X) (x y : X),
R x y -> (multi R) x y.
econstructor; eauto.
Theorem multi_trans :
forall (X : Type) (R : relation X) (x y z : X),
multi R x y ->
multi R y z ->
multi R x z.
intros X R x y z G H.
induction G; auto; econstructor; eauto.
(* Opcode Instruction Meaning *)
(* 03 ld M load accumulator with contents of memory location M *)
(* 04 st M store contents of accumulator in location M *)
(* 05 add M add contents of location M to accumulator *)
(* 06 sub M subtract contents of location M from accumulator *)
(* 08 jz M jump to location M if accumulator is zero *)
(* 09 j M jump to location M *)
(* 10 halt stop execution *)
(* 11 mul M multiply contents of location M with accumulator *)
(* 14 inc increment accumulator *)
(* 15 dec decrement accumulator *)
(* Memory where default value is 0. *)
Module Type Memory.
Parameter t : Set.
Parameter get : t -> nat -> nat.
(* set m i x == m[i] = x *)
Parameter set : t -> nat -> nat -> t.
Parameter empty : t.
Axiom get_empty : forall i, get empty i = 0.
Axiom get_set : forall m i x, get (set m i x) i = x.
Axiom set_set : forall m i x y, set (set m i x) i y = set m i y.
Axiom get_set' :
forall m i i' x, i <> i' -> get (set m i x) i' = get m i'.
Axiom set_set' :
forall m i i' x y, i <> i' -> set (set m i x) i' y = set (set m i' y) i x.
End Memory.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Bool.
Import Nat.
Module PureMemory <: Memory.
Definition t : Set := nat -> nat.
Definition empty := (fun (_ : nat) => 0).
Definition get (m : t) i := m i.
Definition set (m : t) i x := (fun i' => if i' =? i then x else m i').
Theorem get_empty : forall i, get empty i = 0.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem get_set : forall m i x, get (set m i x) i = x.
Proof. intros; unfold get, set. rewrite eqb_refl. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem set_set : forall m i x y, set (set m i x) i y = set m i y.
intros; unfold get, set.
apply functional_extensionality; intros i'.
destruct (eqb_spec i' i); reflexivity.
Theorem get_set' :
forall m i i' x, i <> i' -> get (set m i x) i' = get m i'.
intros; unfold get, set.
destruct (eqb_spec i' i); congruence.
Theorem set_set' :
forall m i i' x y, i <> i' -> set (set m i x) i' y = set (set m i' y) i x.
intros; unfold get, set.
apply functional_extensionality; intros i''.
destruct (eqb_spec i'' i'), (eqb_spec i'' i); congruence.
End PureMemory.
Module CPU.
Import PureMemory.
(* PC, accumulator, store *)
Definition store := t.
Definition state := (nat * nat * store)%type.
Definition loc := nat.
Inductive instr : Type :=
| LD (n : loc) | ST (n : loc) | ADD (n : loc) | MUL (n : loc) | DEC | INC
| SUB (n : loc) | JZ (n : loc) | J (n : loc) | HALT.
Definition code := list instr.
Fixpoint instr_at (C: code) (pc: loc) : option instr :=
match C with
| nil => None
| i :: C' => if pc =? 0 then Some i else instr_at C' (pc - 1)
Inductive step : instr -> state -> state -> Prop :=
| s_j : forall pc acc a n,
step (J n) (pc, acc, a)
(n, acc, a)
| s_ld : forall pc acc a n,
step (LD n) (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, get a n, a)
| s_st : forall pc acc a n,
step (ST n) (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, acc, set a n acc)
| s_add : forall pc acc a n,
step (ADD n) (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, acc + get a n, a)
| s_sub : forall pc acc a n,
step (SUB n) (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, acc - get a n, a)
| s_mul : forall pc acc a n,
step (MUL n) (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, acc * get a n, a)
| s_jz : forall pc acc a n,
step (JZ n) (pc, acc, a)
(if acc =? 0 then n else pc + 1, acc, a)
| s_dec : forall pc acc a,
step DEC (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, pred acc, a)
| s_inc : forall pc acc a,
step INC (pc, acc, a)
(pc + 1, S acc, a)
Inductive cstep (C : code) : state -> state -> Prop :=
| cstep_single : forall pc (src dst : state) opcode,
pc = fst (fst src)
-> instr_at C pc = Some opcode
-> step opcode src dst
-> cstep C src dst.
Hint Constructors cstep : core.
Definition csteps (C : code) : state -> state -> Prop := multi (cstep C).
(* Hint Unfold csteps : core. *)
Definition init_state : state := (0, 0, empty).
Definition init_with_acc (n : nat) : state := (0, n, empty).
Definition double_prog : code :=
[ST 0; ADD 0; HALT].
Lemma double_n : forall n, csteps double_prog (init_with_acc n) (2, n + n, set empty 0 n).
intros n.
repeat econstructor.
Definition C := 0.
Definition ACC := 1.
Definition fact_prog : code :=
Ltac step :=
match goal with
| |- csteps _ _ _ => econstructor; [(econstructor; econstructor) | idtac]
| |- multi (cstep _) _ _ => econstructor; [(econstructor; econstructor) | idtac]
end; cbn.
Lemma fact_3 : { m : store | csteps fact_prog (0, 3, set empty ACC 1) (8, 6, m) }.
repeat econstructor.
Eval compute in (proj1_sig fact_3 ACC). (* => 6 *)
Eval compute in (proj1_sig fact_3 C). (* => 1 *)
Fixpoint fact (n : nat) :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| S n' => n * fact n'
Hint Rewrite set_set get_set : memory.
(* Let's prove factorial correct. After playing with the statement
for a bit one realizes that it follows from a more general
statement: *)
Lemma fact_n_aux (n : nat) :
forall x y, { m : store | csteps fact_prog (0, n, set (set empty ACC y) C x) (8, fact n * y, m) }.
unfold init_with_acc, fact_prog.
induction n; intros x y.
- eexists.
do 2 step.
rewrite add_0_r.
- destruct (IHn (S n) (S n * y)) as [m Hm].
exists m.
do 7 step.
autorewrite with memory.
rewrite set_set' by discriminate.
autorewrite with memory.
replace (y + n * y) with (S n * y) by auto.
replace (fact n + n * fact n) with ((S n) * fact n) by auto.
rewrite (mul_comm (S n) (fact n)).
rewrite mul_assoc in Hm.
apply Hm.
(* Now we just instantiate ACC and C with the appropriate values. *)
Lemma fact_n (n : nat) :
{ m : store | csteps fact_prog (0, n, set empty ACC 1) (8, fact n, m) }.
replace empty with (set empty C 0).
rewrite set_set' by discriminate.
rewrite <- (mul_1_r (fact n)).
apply fact_n_aux.
unfold set.
apply functional_extensionality; intros x.
rewrite get_empty. destruct (_ =? _); reflexivity.
(* Program logic*)
End CPU.
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