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Last active June 17, 2024 16:47
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Swift Concurrency Candidate
forName: NSWorkspace.didLaunchApplicationNotification,
object: nil, queue: nil, using: { [weak self] notification in
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siracusa commented Jun 13, 2024

The main reason I picked this example is to demonstrate some of the things people might try that don't work. For example, just setting the queue to .main doesn't help, nor does adding @MainActor to the callback block itself, nor does using MainActor.assumeIsolated if you don't also add @MainActor to AppDelegate.

And the warning messages you get in these cases do not point you towards the solutions. Like, if you just add MainActor.assumeIsolated and don't also put @MainActor on AppDelegate, the warning message is Capture of 'self' with non-sendable type 'AppDelegate?' in a `@Sendable` closure which makes you think AppDelegate needs to be made Sendable or something.

Similarly, adding @MainActor to the using: block leads to Converting function value of type '@MainActor @Sendable (Notification) -> Void' to '@Sendable (Notification) -> Void' loses global actor 'MainActor' which mostly just reads as "no, you can't do this."

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Ohh I completely didn't realize that's what you were doing. Sorry about that! Your point is 100% valid. I'm going to be less useful in that area. But I will open a bug to have the compiler add additional possible suggestions that might at least provide some more clues.

And, I've poked around more. UIApplicationDelegate doesn't have the same problem that NSApplicationDelegate does, so should FB13883653 get addressed, MainActor.assumeIsolated would work. Not really a general-case solution, but something...

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The other thing this example brings to mind is the resistance to adding more “stuff” to a working app just to satisfy the compiler: more code, more function calls, more lexical scopes, maybe even more threads of execution and more possible suspension points.

Like, what was once inline, synchronous code now has a Task and an await? Or adding the new scope and call(?) for assumeIsolated. Even the “just tell them compiler this is alright” stuff ends up actually changing the execution of your code. It’s not just “annotations.”

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mattmassicotte commented Jun 13, 2024

Actually, that's a great place to follow up on the code I added. Are you sure that all NSWorkspace.shared.notificationCenter notifications are actually delivered on the main thread? I was not able to (quickly) find this documented. I know that plain NSNotificationCenter delivers on the thread they are posted on, but I'm not sure what's happening here.

(Did a little more digging, and I think passing in a nil queue will have that effect.)

Edit: here's a quick bug I came up with for a potential compiler diagnostic improvment that could at least give users an option to not immediately start thinking about Sendable swiftlang/swift#74388

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Yeah, the docs for that method say (under the queue parameter, which is maybe not where I'd first look for it…)

The operation queue where the block runs.
When nil, the block runs synchronously on the posting thread.

So if I call it in applicationDidFinishLaunching (which I assume is running on the main thread) and pass a nil queue, then it should work. (So should .main, I guess.)

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The docs specifically say nil will cause the notifcation center to be delivered on the posting thread. And it is not documented how NSWorkspace does its internal work, so this code could actually be incorrect without the explicit .main. But I do not know for sure.

And this is really reminding me of the show you did with Holly and Ben. The compiler is forcing you here to deal with NotificationCenter's ambigous API. It's annoying! It's probably fine! But, the only way to guarantee correctness here is to add more code above just some annotations.

I also want to be really clear that I deeply sympathize with the warnings being hard to understanding and unhelpful.

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danielpunkass commented Jun 16, 2024

I ran into similar issues with regular NotificationCenter, and tried to generalize a helper method that would let me subscribe to notifications on the main actor, and elide the warnings about the callback's @sendable nature.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to get the captures to work. Even if I wrap the callback in an assumeIsolated:

extension NotificationCenter {

   @MainActor @discardableResult
   public func addMainActorObserver(forName name: Notification.Name, object obj: Any? = nil, using block: @escaping @MainActor (Notification) -> Void) -> any NSObjectProtocol {
      return self.addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: .main) { note in
        MainActor.assumeIsolated {


The block(note) line generates errors like:

Capture of 'block' with non-sendable type '@MainActor (Notification) -> Void' in a `@Sendable` closure

I have experimented with adding @MainActor to the closure, but in any case it insists that the closure is @Sendable.

Any clues appreciated! Thanks.

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Making what you want is very reasonable. But it is extremely hard because of how NotificationCenter actually works.

First, your implemenation actually makes sense! And it would have gotten you further, except for a dumb limitation. We were talking earlier about how when you add isolation to something (like putting on a MainActor), it implictly makes it Sendable. It give the compiler enough information to correctly deal with it at any access site.

It turns out that rule doesn't yet apply to closures. But, it will when SE-0434 becomes available!

So, workaround number one: the block type actually needs to be @escaping @MainActor @Sendable (Notification) -> Void. This artifical limit of the closure being @Sendable can make it much less useful. But it gets worse!

Because once you do that, you run into the real problem, which has been an issue for many developers: Notification is not, and can never be Sendable. So, you now have this problem:

addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: .main) { note in
    MainActor.assumeIsolated {
        // ERROR: Sending 'note' risks causing data races

I don't think there is any way to workaround this. Notification allows arbitrary references in both its object and userInfo properties.

Here's the best I can come up with, which is not excellent, but may give you an idea:

public func addMainActorObserver<Payload>(
    forName name: Notification.Name,
    object obj: Any? = nil,
    // We need to a way to transform the non-Sendable `Notification` into something we can use to cross boundaries
    process: @escaping @Sendable (Notification) -> (Payload),
    // The addition of both @MainActor  @Sendable is currently necessary until SE-0434 is integrated
    using block: @escaping @MainActor @Sendable (Payload) -> Void
) -> any NSObjectProtocol where Payload : Sendable {
    return self.addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: .main) { note in
        let payload = process(note)

        // here is the boundary we have to cross
        MainActor.assumeIsolated {

This stinks.

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Glad to know I’m not missing something obvious, but yeah this is an unfortunate limitation. I wonder if some kind of nasty Swift bitcasting, or an ObjC helper method might be a workaround. This pattern is common enough in my code base that eliminating the clutter of all those “yes this is the main actor” assumeIsolated calls is very attractive.

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I think I got something working. I implemented an ObjC helper:

- (id <NSObject>)_addMainQueueObserverForName:(nullable NSNotificationName)name object:(nullable id)obj usingBlock:(void (NS_SWIFT_UI_ACTOR ^)(NSNotification *notification))block
	return [self addObserverForName:name object:obj queue:NSOperationQueue.mainQueue usingBlock:^(NSNotification * _Nonnull notification) {

But for whatever reason the NS_SWIFT_UI_ACTOR wasn't coming through to the Swift side? I'll try to figure out a fix for that. But in the meantime, wrapping the ObjC helper above with a Swift-facing call that just calls through to it:

@MainActor @discardableResult
public func addMainActorObserver(forName name: Notification.Name, object obj: Any? = nil, using block: @escaping @MainActor (Notification) -> Void) -> any NSObjectProtocol {
	return self._addMainQueueObserver(forName: name, object: obj, using: block)

Seems to work!

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Oh well actually yes, you can achieve something similar in Swift:

extension NotificationCenter {
    public func addMainActorObserver(
        forName name: Notification.Name,
        object obj: Any? = nil,
        block: @escaping @MainActor (Notification) -> Void
    ) -> any NSObjectProtocol {
        // this let's you lie to the compiler!
        let sendableBlock = unsafeBitCast(block, to: (@Sendable (Notification) -> Void).self)

        return self.addObserver(forName: name, object: obj, queue: .main, using: sendableBlock)

I'm not sure exactly what's up with the NS_SWIFT_UI_ACTOR. I haven't looked into the clang annotations deeply but they are definitely supposed to work. Please file a bug if something isn't working as it should!

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Perfect, thanks for the bitcast hack! And I'll look into the NS_SWIFT_UI_ACTOR issue and file a bug if it's busted.

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Also for anybody reading along: I think I decided I don't want/need the addMainActorObserver to be @MainActor. It's likely I'll only ever call it from the main thread, but because the method guarantees delivery on the main thread, it can be safely called from anywhere, I think.

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I think this is correct! But, I also do want to point out that this version makes it possible to pass data unsafely across threads by way of the Notification object. I don't think that's likely though.

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Oh, right. That's a good point. Maybe I should leave it @MainActor after all.

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