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Last active June 9, 2023 18:22
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A working script to backtest a scalping mean-reversion strategy.
Perform backtest using a scalping strategy
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import math
import glob
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
DATADIR = os.path.join('..', 'historical-market-data') # download directory for the data
# track or accumulated profit or losses among many SYMBOLS
acum_market = 0
acum_wallet = 0
# calculate a buy&hold profit to compare against the scalping strategy
profit_buy_and_hold = {}
for symbol in tqdm(SYMBOLS, desc="Symbols"):
path = f'{DATADIR}/{symbol}-2016-*.csv'
days = glob.glob(path)
if len(days) < 245:
tqdm.write('Not enough days')
# profit for `symbol` with a buy and hold strategy
first_day = pd.read_csv(days[0])
last_day = pd.read_csv(days[-1])
last_price = last_day.iloc[-1]["close"]
initial_price = first_day.iloc[-1]["close"]
profit_buy_and_hold[symbol] = last_price / initial_price
# if we own the position or not
owned = False
# count how many transaction total made for the symbol
num_transactions = 0
# BUY or SELL prices
buy_price = None
sell_price = None
# we reset out `wallet` with a default investment of `MAX_INVESTMENT`
wallet = initial_wallet = MAX_INVESTMENT
# this is for the dataframe of the previous day
df_prev = None
# where to plot transactions prices/transactiona/mavg of the day
plot_day = False
# list to store the transaction profits
profits = []
for d, day in enumerate(tqdm(days, desc=f"{symbol:4} days")):
# we save all BUYs and SELLs in a list, so we can later plot them
purchases_day = []
sells_day = []
df = pd.read_csv(day)
df["timestamp"] = pd.to_datetime(df["timestamp"])
df.set_index("timestamp", inplace=True, drop=False)
df = df.between_time('09:30', '16:00')
if df_prev is None:
df_prev = df
# rolling 10m average standard deviation of the previous day
prev_open_stddev = df_prev['open'].rolling(10).std().mean()
# moving average of the current day close price
avg_window = 4
df['mavg'] = df['close'].rolling(avg_window).mean()
# we need to force sell on the last minute of the last day
force_sell = False
# we need to reset the dataframe's index to have numerical indexes
# so we can easily reference things like "two steps back"
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
for i, row in df.iterrows():
open_price = row["open"]
# if it's the last minute of the last day, we force sell
if day == days[-1] and row.timestamp == df.iloc[-1].timestamp:
final_price = row["close"]
if owned is True:
force_sell = True
tqdm.write('forced sell')
# numerical index of "two steps back"
lookback = i - 2
if lookback < 0 or math.isnan(df.iloc[lookback]['mavg']):
if owned is False:
# algo buys if previous minute's close price
# just passed the average on the previous minute
buy_signal = (
df.iloc[i - 2]['close'] < df.iloc[i - 2]['mavg'] - prev_open_stddev
and df.iloc[i - 1]['close'] > df.iloc[i - 1]['mavg']
if buy_signal:
price = open_price
buy_price = price
# we buy as much as we possibly can
qty = int(wallet / price)
# decrease wallet by amount bought
amount = qty * price
wallet -= amount
# increase transaction counter
num_transactions += 1
# add transaction to our list
purchases_day.append([row['timestamp'], price])
# change the owned flag to True
owned = True
elif owned is True:
# algo sells if current open_price > buy_price,
# or if forced_sell is True
sell_signal = (
open_price > buy_price + prev_open_stddev
or force_sell is True
# uncomment this to plot unusual price drops
# this is a moment to consider overall market health
# if buy_price - open_price > 50 * prev_open_stddev:
# s = 1
# plot_day = True
# else:
# plot_day = False
if sell_signal:
price = open_price
sell_price = price
amount = qty * sell_price
wallet += amount
num_transactions += 1
sells_day.append([row['timestamp'], price])
profits.append([row['timestamp'], price])
owned = False
df_prev = df
# set to True if you want to plot of the day
plot_day = False
if plot_day:
legend = []
plt.plot(df["timestamp"], df["open"],'.-')
plt.plot(df["timestamp"], df["mavg"],'.-')
if purchases_day:
if sells_day:
plt.title(f"Profit: {(wallet/initial_wallet)*100-100:.2f}%")
wallet_change_pc = wallet / initial_wallet
acum_market += profit_buy_and_hold[symbol]
acum_wallet += wallet_change_pc
tqdm.write(f"{symbol} - market change %: {profit_buy_and_hold[symbol]:.3f}")
tqdm.write(f"{symbol} - wallet change %: {wallet_change_pc:.3f}")
tqdm.write(f"{symbol} - num_transactions: {num_transactions}")
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