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// This is a little tricky because we need to verify that text never appears,
// even after some time passes, so we use this slightly convoluted technique:
async function verifyThatTextNeverAppears( text: string ) {
await expect( screen.findByText( text ) ).rejects.toThrow();
// OR, a custom Jest matcher:
expect.extend( {
* Assert that a DOM element never appears, even after some time passes.
* The argument should be a call to one of testing-library's `findBy...`
* methods which will throw if they do not find a result.
* This is an async matcher so you must await its result.
* Example:
* `await expect( screen.findByText( 'Bad things' ) ).toNeverAppear();`
* This is a little tricky because we need to keep checking over time, so we
* use this slightly convoluted technique:
async toNeverAppear( elementPromise: Promise< HTMLElement > ) {
let pass = false;
let element = null;
try {
element = await elementPromise;
} catch {
pass = true;
if ( pass ) {
return {
message: () => `expected element to appear but it did not.`,
pass: true,
const elementPretty = element ? prettyDOM( element ) : '';
return {
message: () => `expected element to never appear but it did:\n${ elementPretty }`,
pass: false,
} );
// Add the above custom Jest assertion to TypeScript.
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
namespace jest {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface Matchers< R > {
toNeverAppear(): Promise< CustomMatcherResult >;
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