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Last active October 12, 2023 18:06
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Helm Template - Convert Unix timestamp to RFC3339 string
expiration: {{ template "toRFC3339" (dict "timestamp" 2067915966) }}
expiration: {{ template "toRFC3339" (dict "timestamp" (now | unixEpoch)) }}
Create a Helm template function to add seconds to the current time.
Usage: {{ addSeconds currentTime secondsToAdd }}
Based on
{{- define "toRFC3339" -}}
{{- $unixTime := index . "timestamp" }}
{{- $LEAPOCH := 946684800 }}
{{- $constantDaysPer400y := 146097 }}
{{- $constantDaysPer100y := 36524 }}
{{- $constantDaysPer4y := 1461 }}
{{- $secs := sub $unixTime $LEAPOCH }}
{{- $days := div $secs 86400 }}
{{- $remsecs := mod $secs 86400 }}
{{- if lt $remsecs 0 }}
{{- $remsecs = add $remsecs 86400 }}
{{- $days = sub $days 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $wday := mod (add 3 $days) 7 }}
{{- if lt $wday 0 }}
{{- $wday = add $wday 7 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $qc_cycles := div $days $constantDaysPer400y }}
{{- $remdays := mod $days $constantDaysPer400y }}
{{- if lt $remdays 0 }}
{{- $remdays = add $remdays $constantDaysPer400y }}
{{- $qc_cycles = sub $qc_cycles 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $c_cycles := div $remdays $constantDaysPer100y }}
{{- if eq $c_cycles 4 }}
{{- $c_cycles = sub $c_cycles 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $remdays = sub $remdays (mul $c_cycles $constantDaysPer100y) }}
{{- $q_cycles := div $remdays $constantDaysPer4y }}
{{- if eq $q_cycles 25 }}
{{- $q_cycles = sub $q_cycles 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $remdays = sub $remdays (mul $q_cycles $constantDaysPer4y) }}
{{- $remyears := div $remdays 365 }}
{{- if eq $remyears 4 }}
{{- $remyears = sub $remyears 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- $remdays = sub $remdays (mul $remyears 365) }}
{{- $leap := and (eq $remyears 0) (or $q_cycles (eq $c_cycles 0)) }}
{{- $years := add $remyears (mul 4 $q_cycles) (mul 100 $c_cycles) (mul 400 $qc_cycles) -}}
{{- $months := 1 }}
{{- $days_in_month := list 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 }}
{{- $days_in_month_leap := list 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 }}
{{- $days_in_month_to_use := $days_in_month }}
{{- if $leap }}
{{- $days_in_month_to_use = $days_in_month_leap }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $index, $days_in_month_value := $days_in_month_to_use }}
{{- if le $remdays $days_in_month_value }}
{{- break }}
{{- else }}
{{- $remdays = sub $remdays $days_in_month_value }}
{{- $months = add $months 1 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $tm_year := add $years 2000 }}
{{- $tm_mon := $months }}
{{- $tm_mday := $remdays }}
{{- $tm_hour := div $remsecs 3600 }}
{{- $tm_min := mod (div $remsecs 60) 60 }}
{{- $tm_sec := mod $remsecs 60 }}
{{- printf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ" $tm_year $tm_mon $tm_mday $tm_hour $tm_min $tm_sec }}
{{- end }}
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