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Created August 15, 2023 19:22
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  • Save sirhcel/6f52baef814a7dd7c63554356325052a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sirhcel/6f52baef814a7dd7c63554356325052a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. from @jerrywrice
//! This example performs a receive timing test using real hardware ports.
//! This tool serves measures serial port receive processing timing under various scenarios and parameters:
//! various baud-rates, write and read invocation orders, write lengths, read request lengths, etc...
//! This example opens two comm ports (a xmt and rcv port) which are connected with a
//! cross-over (null modem).
//! The command line arguments are =>
//! 1. The transmit port name => --txport="port-name"
//! 2. The receive port name => --rxport="port-name"
//! 3. The timing results logfile name => --log="file-path"
//! 4. The baud rate => --baud="bbbb" where bbbb is a positive baud rate integer
//! 5. The rxport read time-out in ms => --rxtmo="tttt" where tttt is an unsigned integer timeout setting (in ms).
//! 6. The ms delay after a write() => --posttxdelayms='tttt' where tttt is an unsigned integer delay value (in ms). Defaults to 0.
//! 7. The read() and write() 'stalled' timeout in ms
//! => --xfrstalledtmo='tttt' where tttt is an unsigned integer timeout value (in ms). Defaults to the higher of 1000 ms or (4 * rxtmo).
//! 8. The tx data length => --txlen="nnnn" where is a positive integer.
//! 9. The rx data length => --rxlen="nnnn" where is a positive integer.
//! 10. An optional repeat count => --repeat="nnnn" where nnnn is a positive repeat count. Defaults to 1.
//! 11. Enable extra debug logging => --fulldbg="Y[es]" or "N[o]" when Yes logs markers around invocations of read() to
//! support detection of an inifinitely blocked read().
//! The need for this specific debugging log feature will
//! be eliminated once a more sophisticated multi-threaded
//! version of this test application is implemented. Defaults to "No".
//! Example instance invocations are
//! `receive_timing_info --txport=COM5 --rxport=COM6 --baud=115200 --log="D:/filename.log" --rxtmo=20 --aftertxdelayms=0 --txlen=10 --rxlen=20 --repeat=10 --fulldbg=YES'
use core::time;
use std::env;
use fast_log;
use fast_log::Config;
use winapi::um::winuser::MessageBeep;
use std::{io::Write};
use std::{str, thread, };
//use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use clap::{Arg, Command};
use serialport::{ClearBuffer /* , DataBits, FlowControl, Parity, SerialPort, StopBits */ };
static SEQUENCED_U8S: [u8; 256] = [000u8,001u8,002u8,003u8,004u8,005u8,006u8,007u8,008u8,009u8,010u8,011u8,012u8,013u8,014u8,015u8,016u8,017u8,018u8,019u8,020u8,021u8,022u8,023u8,024u8,025u8,026u8,027u8,028u8,029u8,030u8,031u8,
static PROGRESS_TEXT : &str = "+";
fn test_progress_warning(rxlen : usize, txlen : usize, rxtmo : usize) { // Currently only applies to Windows
if rxlen > txlen {
if rxtmo == 0 {
println!(" $$$ DEADLOCK: rxlen({}) > txlen({}) when rxtmo == {} seconds. Windows serialport-rs read() blocks indefinitely.!!!!\n", rxlen, txlen, rxtmo / 1000);
} else if rxtmo > 5000usize {
println!(" !!!! Beware: rxlen({}) > txlen({}) while rxtmo == {} seconds. Test progress may be painfully slow!!!!\n", rxlen, txlen, rxtmo / 1000);
fn main() {
let matches = Command::new("Serialport Example Test - Bulk Xfr Check")
.about("Measures serial port read and write timings.")
.help("The device path of the serial port that sends serial data.")
.help("The device path of the serial port that receives serial data.")
.help("The serial baud rate.")
.help("The test results log filename.")
.help("The rxport read timeout setting in ms.")
.help("Delay after write in ms.")
.help("read() or write() stalled timeout period in ms.")
.help("The number of bytes transferred.")
.help("The read() request byte count.")
.help("The total number of repeated bulk transfer transfers. Defaults to 1.")
.help("Log entry and return marker text lines are written when invoking read(). Helps interpret infinite pending. 'Y[es]' or 'N[o]'. Defaults to 'No'.")
// Command line argument values
let txport_name = matches.value_of("txport").unwrap();
let rxport_name = matches.value_of("rxport").unwrap();
let log_name = matches.value_of("log").unwrap();
let baud_val_str = matches.value_of("baud").unwrap();
let baud_val: u32 = baud_val_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let rxtmo_val_str = matches.value_of("rxtmo").unwrap();
let rxtmo_val: u32 = rxtmo_val_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let posttxdelayms_str : &str = matches.value_of("posttxdelayms").unwrap_or("0");
let posttxdelayms : u32 = posttxdelayms_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let xfrstalledtmo_ms_str : &str = matches.value_of("xfrstalledtmo").unwrap_or("1000");
let mut xfrstalledtmo_ms : u32 = xfrstalledtmo_ms_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let txlen_val_str = matches.value_of("txlen").unwrap();
let txlen_val: usize = txlen_val_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let rxlen_val_str = matches.value_of("rxlen").unwrap();
let rxlen_val: usize = rxlen_val_str.replace("_","").parse().unwrap();
let xfr_repeat_val_str = matches.value_of("repeat").unwrap_or("1");
let xfr_repeat_val: u32 = xfr_repeat_val_str.parse().unwrap();
let fulldbg_str : &str= matches.value_of("fulldbg").unwrap_or(&"No");
let b_full_debug_logging : bool = fulldbg_str.starts_with(&"Y") || fulldbg_str.starts_with(&"y");
// Clamp xfrstalledtmo_ms to the higher of 1000 or 4 * rxtmo_val (ms)
if xfrstalledtmo_ms < 1000 {
xfrstalledtmo_ms = 1000;
if xfrstalledtmo_ms < (rxtmo_val * 4) {
xfrstalledtmo_ms = rxtmo_val * 4;
log::info!("'receive_timing_info' cross platform dual RS-232 port null modem cable connected rcv+xmt+timeout test and characterization tool: v1.0");
println!("'receive_timing_info' cross platform dual RS-232 port null modem cable connected rcv+xmt+timeout test and characterization tool: v1.0");
log::info!("Test setup: Platform='{}', Baud={}, rxtmo={} ms, posttxdelayms={} ms, xfrstalledtmo={} ms, txlen={}, rxlen={}, repeat={}, fulldbg={}", env::consts::OS, baud_val, rxtmo_val, posttxdelayms, xfrstalledtmo_ms, txlen_val, rxlen_val, xfr_repeat_val, b_full_debug_logging );
println!("Test setup: Platform='{}', Baud={}, rxtmo={} ms, posttxdelayms={} ms, xfrstalledtmo={} ms, txlen={}, rxlen={}, repeat={}, fulldbg={}", env::consts::OS, baud_val, rxtmo_val, posttxdelayms, xfrstalledtmo_ms, txlen_val, rxlen_val, xfr_repeat_val, b_full_debug_logging );
log::info!("Test Logfile Name: '{}'", log_name);
println!("Test Logfile Name: '{}'", log_name );
//println!("\nThe test measurement data is written exclusively to log-file rather than screen to avoid undue latency which skews timing data.\n");
//println!(" ** Warning: During testing should 'receive_timing_info' appear to hang, then either the read() or write() ");
//println!(" ** have blocked indefinitely. This can result from supplying a very large 'rxtmo' parameter combined ");
//println!(" ** with 'txlen' < 'rxlen' parameters. Otherwise it can be a problem with your hardware (cable unplugged),");
//println!(" ** or a 'bug' in the target serialport-rs logic. If this occurs with reasonable parameters and the cables are");
//println!(" ** connected properly, consider re-running with 'fulldbg=Y' enabled and examine the resulting log-file.");
//println!(" ** Optional parameter 'fulldbg=Y' inserts log markers around 'write()' and 'read()' invocations, making it");
//println!(" ** obvious from the log at which point the test code has blocked. Obviously, this also extends certain timing metrics.\n");
test_progress_warning(rxlen_val, txlen_val, rxtmo_val as usize);
// Display initial progress marker
if b_full_debug_logging {
let mut repeat_loop_cnt = 0;
let mut txbuf : Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(txlen_val);
for index in 0..txlen_val { // Initialize and extend 'txbuf' with ascending sequenced bytes cycling in value from 0 to 0xff for 'txlen' bytes
txbuf.push(SEQUENCED_U8S[index & 255]);
let mut rxbuf : Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(rxlen_val);
for _index in 0..rxlen_val { // Define and extend the rx buffer to 'rxlen' byte
let mut cycle_initial_phase = true;
while repeat_loop_cnt < xfr_repeat_val{
// Open the appropriate (alternate) tx and rx ports
let tx_port_name = if cycle_initial_phase { txport_name.clone() } else { rxport_name.clone() }; // if resume_same_cycle then switch tx and rx ports
let rx_port_name = if cycle_initial_phase { rxport_name.clone() } else { txport_name.clone() }; // if resume_same_cycle then switch tx and rx ports
// Open tx port
let mut txport = match serialport::new(tx_port_name, baud_val as u32).open() {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Failed opening tx port \"{}\". Error: {}", tx_port_name, e);
Ok(p) => p,
// Open rx port
let mut rxport = match serialport::new(rx_port_name, baud_val as u32).open() {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Failed opening rx port \"{}\". Error: {}", rx_port_name, e);
Ok(p) => p,
// Log the active rx and tx port names =>
if cycle_initial_phase {
log::info!("** Start of cycle {}. **",repeat_loop_cnt+1);
log::info!("Cycle {} first phase -> Rx port = '{}', Tx port = '{}' .",repeat_loop_cnt+1,rx_port_name,tx_port_name);
} else /* cycle final phase */ {
log::info!("Cycle {} second phase uses reversed rx and tx directions -> Rx port = '{}', Tx port = '{}' .",repeat_loop_cnt+1,rx_port_name,tx_port_name);
// Set the RX port receive timeout
rxport.set_timeout(Duration::new(rxtmo_val as u64 / 1000, (rxtmo_val % 1000) * 1_000_000 /* ms */)).unwrap();
txport.set_timeout(Duration::new(rxtmo_val as u64 / 1000, (rxtmo_val % 1000) * 1_000_000 /* ms */)).unwrap();
// Transmit and measure elapsed time of read() invocation, and read return len.
// Assure no residual unread transmit data is in the pipe from prior (repeat) cycle
for index in 0..rxlen_val { // Preset the rx buffer with known pattern different that what is to be transmitted
rxbuf[index] = 0xffu8;
let mut write_operation_timer_initial_instant : Instant = Instant::now();
let mut actual_total_tx_data_written = 0;
let mut actual_total_rx_data_received = 0;
let mut current_serial_log_entry_line = "".to_string();
let mut total_expected_rcv_count_limit = rxlen_val;
if txlen_val < rxlen_val {
total_expected_rcv_count_limit = rxlen_val; // txlen_val;
// Setup initial stalled time-out timers for write() and read().
let mut write_stalled_timer_active = true;
let mut read_stalled_timer_active = true;
let mut initial_stalled_write_timer_instant : Instant = Instant::now();
let mut initial_stalled_read_timer_instant = Instant::now();
while (actual_total_tx_data_written < txlen_val) || (actual_total_rx_data_received < total_expected_rcv_count_limit) {
// Transmit data section ...
if write_stalled_timer_active {
let current_stalled_write_timer_elapsed_duration = Instant::now().duration_since(initial_stalled_write_timer_instant);
if current_stalled_write_timer_elapsed_duration.as_millis() >= xfrstalledtmo_ms as u128 {
// write() stall timeout has been detected. Report and exit test.
log::info!("\nTRANSFER STALLED TIMEOUT ERROR: 'txport::write()' repeatedly timed-out while trying to transmit its out-going data. If not induced, inspect-verify the serial connections. Aborting.");
eprintln!("\nTRANSFER STALLED TIMEOUT ERROR: 'txport::write()' repeatedly timed-out while trying to transmit its out-going data. If not induced, inspect-verify the serial connections. Aborting.");
if read_stalled_timer_active {
let current_stalled_read_timer_elapsed_duration = Instant::now().duration_since(initial_stalled_read_timer_instant);
if current_stalled_read_timer_elapsed_duration.as_millis() >= xfrstalledtmo_ms as u128 {
// read() stall timeout has been detected. Report and exit test.
log::info!("\nTRANSFER STALLED TIMEOUT ERROR: 'rxport::read()' repeatedly timed-out without receiving its requested incoming data. If not induced, inspect+verify the serial connections. Aborting.");
eprintln!("\nTRANSFER STALLED TIMEOUT ERROR: 'rxport::read()' repeatedly timed-out without receiving its requested incoming data. If not induced, inspect+verify the serial connections. Aborting.");
if actual_total_tx_data_written < txlen_val {
let mut transmitted : bool = false;
while !transmitted {
let this_tx_len;
let actual_write_duration : Duration;
// So transmit more data
if b_full_debug_logging {
let write_marker_with_bufferrange : String = "Enter write(txbuf[".to_string() + &actual_total_tx_data_written.to_string() + ".." + &txlen_val.to_string() + "]).";
let start_write_instant : Instant = Instant::now();
let txresult = txport.write(&txbuf[actual_total_tx_data_written..txlen_val]);
actual_write_duration = Instant::now().duration_since(start_write_instant);
write_operation_timer_initial_instant = Instant::now();
if b_full_debug_logging {
log::info!("Return from write().");
match txresult {
Ok(len) => {
actual_total_tx_data_written += len;
this_tx_len = len;
transmitted = true;
write_stalled_timer_active = true; // Make sure the timeout timer is flagged as active
initial_stalled_write_timer_instant = Instant::now(); // Refresh write() stall timer for this successful write() attempt.
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error transmitting => \'{e}\'");
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str("txport.write() sent ");
current_serial_log_entry_line += &this_tx_len.to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(" bytes while blocked for ");
current_serial_log_entry_line += &actual_write_duration.as_micros().to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(" us. Read() invoked ");
if posttxdelayms > 0 {
let rx_delay_milli = time::Duration::from_millis(posttxdelayms as u64);
read_stalled_timer_active = true; // Reactivate read() stall timer for the corresponding read() attempt.
initial_stalled_read_timer_instant = Instant::now(); // Reactivate read() stall timer for the corresponding read() attempt.
else {
write_stalled_timer_active = false; // Disable the write() stalled timeout timer since all data for this half-cycle has been sent.
// Should we perform another read() here - only if outstanding transmitted data
if actual_total_tx_data_written < actual_total_rx_data_received {
read_stalled_timer_active = false; // Disable the read() stalled timeout timer since there is no outstanding unread data which has been sent.
continue; // No outstanding receive data to attempt to read now, so bypass receive this loop iteration
// Receive data section ...
let mut this_rx_request_len:usize = rxlen_val - actual_total_rx_data_received;
let mut this_rx_len = 0usize;
// Account for the caller's rxlen parameter value being less than the txlen parameter value.
let mut rcv_status_info = "".to_string();
// ... receive more data
// Determine if this is a subsequent receive with no immediately preceeding write ()
// If so, then offset the log text to line up properly in the logfile (for better readibility)
if current_serial_log_entry_line.len() == 0 {
current_serial_log_entry_line = " Read() invoked ".to_string();
if b_full_debug_logging {
let read_marker_with_bufferrange : String = "Enter read(rxbuf[".to_string() + &actual_total_rx_data_received.to_string() + ".." + &rxlen_val.to_string() + "]).";
// Perform the read() operation
let actual_read_duration;
let elapsed_us_since_write = Instant::now().duration_since(write_operation_timer_initial_instant);
let start_read_instant : Instant = Instant::now();
let rxresult = rxbuf[actual_total_rx_data_received..rxlen_val]);
actual_read_duration = Instant::now().duration_since(start_read_instant);
if b_full_debug_logging {
log::info!("Return from read().");
match rxresult {
Ok(len) => {
this_rx_len = len;
actual_total_rx_data_received += this_rx_len;
read_stalled_timer_active = true; // Make sure the read timeout timer is active after this successful read() attempt.
initial_stalled_read_timer_instant = Instant::now(); // Refresh read() stall timer for this read() successful attempt.
Err(e) => {
if e.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::TimedOut {
eprintln!("Error receiving => \'{e}\'");
else {
rcv_status_info = "Rcv timeout.".to_string();
// Log read() invocation measurements
current_serial_log_entry_line += &elapsed_us_since_write.as_micros().to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(" us after write(),");
let read_rqst_len : usize = 0;
current_serial_log_entry_line += &this_rx_request_len.to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(") returned ");
current_serial_log_entry_line += &this_rx_len.to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(" bytes while blocked for ");
current_serial_log_entry_line += &actual_read_duration.as_micros().to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line.push_str(" us. ");
if rcv_status_info.len() > 0 {
current_serial_log_entry_line += &rcv_status_info;
if b_full_debug_logging {
log::info!("{}", current_serial_log_entry_line);
current_serial_log_entry_line = "".to_string(); // Clear next log string buffer
// Verify total received data buffer matches transmitted data pattern
for index in 0..total_expected_rcv_count_limit {
if rxbuf[index] != txbuf[index] {
current_serial_log_entry_line = "ERROR: rxbuf[".to_string() + &index.to_string() + &"] == '".to_string();
current_serial_log_entry_line += rxbuf[index].to_string().as_str();
current_serial_log_entry_line += "', txbuf[".to_string().as_str();
current_serial_log_entry_line += index.to_string().as_str();
current_serial_log_entry_line += "] == ".to_string().as_str();
current_serial_log_entry_line += txbuf[index].to_string().as_str();
current_serial_log_entry_line += "] - mismatch!";
log::info!("{}", current_serial_log_entry_line);
if !cycle_initial_phase {
log::info!("** End of cycle {}. **",repeat_loop_cnt+1);
repeat_loop_cnt += 1;
cycle_initial_phase = !cycle_initial_phase; // Toggle
log::info!(""); // Add blank log line
log::info!("All test cycles (1..{}) passed! The received data patterns matched precisely those transmitted.",xfr_repeat_val);
eprintln!("\n\nAll test cycles (1..{}) passed! The received data patterns matched precisely those transmitted.",xfr_repeat_val);
fn invoke_progress_indicator() {
//unsafe { MessageBeep(0xFFFFFFFF); }
eprint!("{}",PROGRESS_TEXT); // screen progress indicator
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