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Last active April 6, 2017 14:12
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Brainfuck Interpreter in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Brainfuck
( evalString
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Maybe
data BFAst
= ShiftRight
| ShiftLeft
| Increment
| Decrement
| Print
| Read
| Loop [BFAst]
deriving (Show)
newtype Cell =
Cell Int
data DataPointer = DataPointer
{ previous :: [Cell]
, current :: Cell
, next :: [Cell]
data BFState = BFState
{ dataPointer :: DataPointer
, input :: String
, output :: Maybe String
newtype BFStateM a =
BFStateM (BFState -> (BFState, a))
instance Functor BFStateM where
fmap = (<*>) . pure
instance Applicative BFStateM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad BFStateM where
return a = BFStateM $ \state -> (state, a)
(BFStateM m) >>= f =
BFStateM $ \state ->
let (state', a) = m state
(BFStateM m') = f a
in m' state'
evalString :: String -> String -> Maybe String
evalString source input =
let program = parseProgram source
in snd $ runBF input (eval program)
runBF :: String -> BFStateM a -> (BFState, a)
runBF input (BFStateM m) = m $ initState input
eval :: [BFAst] -> BFStateM (Maybe String)
eval [] = stateReader output
eval (x:xs) = do
out <- stateReader output
if isNothing out
then return Nothing
else evalStmt x >> eval xs
evalStmt :: BFAst -> BFStateM ()
evalStmt =
ShiftRight -> shiftRight
ShiftLeft -> shiftLeft
Increment -> increment
Decrement -> decrement
Print -> currentCell >>= printChar . cellToChar
Read ->
readChar >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just a -> modifyCurrentCell $ const (charToCell a)
Loop body -> evalLoop body
evalLoop :: [BFAst] -> BFStateM ()
evalLoop body = do
c <- currentCell
unless (isZero c) $ eval body >> evalLoop body
initDataPointer :: DataPointer
initDataPointer = DataPointer {previous = [], current = newCell, next = []}
initState :: String -> BFState
initState input =
{dataPointer = initDataPointer, input = input, output = Just ""}
stateReader :: (BFState -> a) -> BFStateM a
stateReader f = BFStateM (\state -> (state, f state))
modifyState :: (BFState -> BFState) -> BFStateM ()
modifyState f = BFStateM $ \state -> (f state, ())
modifyDataPointer :: (DataPointer -> DataPointer) -> BFStateM ()
modifyDataPointer f =
modifyState $ \state -> state {dataPointer = f $ dataPointer state}
currentCell :: BFStateM Cell
currentCell = stateReader $ current . dataPointer
modifyCurrentCell :: (Cell -> Cell) -> BFStateM ()
modifyCurrentCell f =
modifyDataPointer $ \dp -> dp {current = f $ current dp}
increment :: BFStateM ()
increment = modifyCurrentCell incrementCell
decrement :: BFStateM ()
decrement = modifyCurrentCell decrementCell
readChar :: BFStateM (Maybe Char)
readChar =
BFStateM $ \state ->
case input state of
[] -> (state {output = Nothing}, Nothing)
(x:xs) -> (state {input = xs}, Just x)
printChar :: Char -> BFStateM ()
printChar c =
modifyState $ \case
state@BFState {output = Just output} ->
state {output = Just $ output ++ [c]}
state -> state
newCell :: Cell
newCell = Cell 0
isZero :: Cell -> Bool
isZero (Cell 0) = True
isZero _ = False
incrementCell :: Cell -> Cell
incrementCell (Cell n)
| n == 255 = Cell 0
| otherwise = Cell (succ n)
decrementCell :: Cell -> Cell
decrementCell (Cell n)
| n == 0 = Cell 255
| otherwise = Cell (pred n)
charToCell :: Char -> Cell
charToCell c = Cell $ ord c
cellToChar :: Cell -> Char
cellToChar (Cell c) = chr c
shiftRight :: BFStateM ()
shiftRight = modifyDataPointer shiftRight'
shiftRight' :: DataPointer -> DataPointer
shiftRight' DataPointer {previous, current, next = []} =
DataPointer (current : previous) newCell []
shiftRight' DataPointer {previous, current, next = (x:xs)} =
DataPointer (current : previous) x xs
shiftLeft :: BFStateM ()
shiftLeft = modifyDataPointer shiftLeft'
shiftLeft' :: DataPointer -> DataPointer
shiftLeft' DataPointer {previous = [], current, next} =
DataPointer [] newCell (current : next)
shiftLeft' DataPointer {previous = (x:xs), current, next} =
DataPointer xs x (current : next)
parseProgram :: String -> [BFAst]
parseProgram [] = []
parseProgram ('[':xs) =
let (loop, rest) = parseLoop xs
in loop : parseProgram rest
parseProgram (x:xs) = parseChar x : parseProgram xs
parseLoop :: String -> (BFAst, String)
parseLoop [] = undefined
parseLoop (']':xs) = (Loop [], xs)
parseLoop ('[':xs) =
let (loop, xs') = parseLoop xs
(Loop ys, xs'') = parseLoop xs'
in (Loop $ loop : ys, xs'')
parseLoop (x:xs) =
let (Loop ys, xs') = parseLoop xs
in (Loop $ parseChar x : ys, xs')
parseChar :: Char -> BFAst
parseChar =
'>' -> ShiftRight
'<' -> ShiftLeft
'+' -> Increment
'-' -> Decrement
'.' -> Print
',' -> Read
c -> error $ "invalid input: " ++ [c]
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