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Created December 20, 2018 21:08
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Scheme type families
data HashAlgo
data SignatureAlgo
data PPKScheme' a where
ED25519' :: PPKScheme' ED25519Scheme
ETH' :: PPKScheme' ETHScheme
deriving instance Show a => Show (PPKScheme' a)
class Scheme a where
type SchemePubKey a :: *
type SchemePrivKey a :: *
readPubKey :: a -> ByteString -> SchemePubKey a
reify :: a
data ED25519Scheme = ED25519Scheme deriving (Eq,Show)
data ETHScheme = ETHScheme
instance Scheme a => Scheme (PPKScheme' a) where
type SchemePubKey (PPKScheme' a) = SchemePubKey a
type SchemePrivKey (PPKScheme' a) = SchemePrivKey a
reify = reify
readPubKey p bs = readPubKey reify bs
instance Scheme ED25519Scheme where
type SchemePubKey ED25519Scheme = Ed25519.PublicKey
type SchemePrivKey ED25519Scheme = Ed25519.PrivateKey
readPubKey _ = maybe undefined id . importPublic
reify = ED25519Scheme
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