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Created July 28, 2017 14:04
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package com.sirolf2009.telegram.btcbot.command
import com.sirolf2009.telegram.btcbot.Database
import java.util.Map
import java.util.List
import org.eclipse.xtend.lib.annotations.Data
import java.text.DecimalFormat
class CommandArbritrage extends Command {
new(extension Database database) {
super("arbritrage", "", "List current available arbritrage") [
val prices =[it -> Double.parseDouble(lastTrade)].toMap([key], [value])
val arbritrages = #[
CommandArbritrage.getArbritrage(prices, #["BTC", "USD", "LTC", "BTC"]), //
CommandArbritrage.getArbritrage(prices, #["BTC", "LTC", "USD", "BTC"]), //
CommandArbritrage.getArbritrage(prices, #["BTC", "EUR", "LTC", "BTC"]), //
CommandArbritrage.getArbritrage(prices, #["BTC", "LTC", "EUR", "BTC"]) //
].filter[profit > 0].map[toString()].reduce[a, b|a + "\n" + b]
return arbritrages
def static getArbritrage(Map<String, Double> prices, List<String> order) {
var balance = 1d
val steps = newArrayList()
val pairs = (1 ..< order.size()).map [
val from = order.get(it - 1)
val to = order.get(it)
return from -> to
for (Pair<String, String> pair : pairs) {
val conversionRate = prices.getConversionRate(pair)
val newBalance = balance * conversionRate
steps.add(new ArbritrageStep(pair.key, pair.value, conversionRate, balance, newBalance))
balance = newBalance
val profit = balance - 1
return new Arbritrage(prices, order, steps, profit)
def static getConversionRate(Map<String, Double> prices, Pair<String, String> pair) {
prices.getConversionRate(pair.key, pair.value)
def static getConversionRate(Map<String, Double> prices, String from, String to) {
val fromTo = '''«from»/«to»'''
val toFrom = '''«to»/«from»'''
if(prices.containsKey(fromTo)) {
return prices.get(fromTo)
} else if(prices.containsKey(toFrom)) {
return 1 / prices.get(toFrom)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException('''Invalid pair «from»/«to»''')
public static class Arbritrage {
static val format = new DecimalFormat("#,###,###,##0.00#####")
val Map<String, Double> prices
val List<String> order
val List<ArbritrageStep> steps
val double profit
override toString() {['''«from»->«to» rate: «conversionRate.format» «initialBalance.format» «from» -> «newBalance.format» «to»'''].reduce[a, b|a + "\n" + b] + "\nProfit: " + profit
def format(double number) {
return format.format(number)
public static class ArbritrageStep {
val String from
val String to
val double conversionRate
val double initialBalance
val double newBalance
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