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This is a list of bands in and around the instrumental post-rock genre for everyone who wants to discover some new bands, some more, some lesser known. I am neither a musician nor a music journalist and this list merely reflects my personal taste. Go make your own if you don't like it. ;)

The Big Ones

  • Explosions in the Sky (EITS): Explosions are a great gateway drug to post rock. You can simply listen to any of their stuff and it's going to brighten your day. Their music ranges from truly explosive tracks like Yasmin the Light to the calm and beautiful Your Hand in Mine. For some reason, I like to listen to their records in reverse chronological order, but there isn't really one particular album, I'd pick out as best. Just dive in!
  • Godspeed You! Black Emperor (GY!BE): These guys sort of invented post rock. There is a lot of weird stuff on record though, but the actual music in between that weirdness