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Last active December 18, 2015 07:18
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  • Save sirupsen/5745187 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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You have an infinite binary tree where each vertex is labeled: the left child has the label `2n`, right child `2n + 1`, with the root node having the label 1. The input is a walking sequence containing L (go to the left child), R (go to the right child), P (stay), and * (all of these). Output the sum of all the labels you can end up at following…
s = gets.strip
m = {
?L => ->(z) { z + z.real },
?R => ->(z) { z + Complex(z.real, z.real) },
?P => ->(z) { z },
?* => ->(z) { m[?L][z] + m[?R][z] + z }
z = s.reverse.each_char.inject(Complex(1)) { |z, c| m[c][z] }
puts z.imag + z.real
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