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Created January 19, 2012 18:57
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(ns clojutag.core
(:import [ AudioFileIO]
[org.jaudiotagger.tag Tag FieldKey]
[ RealTag]
[com.echonest.api.v4 Song EchoNestAPI])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def api-key "SP3VJBGXDTYFD6IBT")
(def echo (new EchoNestAPI api-key))
(defn dizio [a]
{(. FieldKey ARTIST) (.getArtistName a)
(. FieldKey ALBUM) (.getReleaseName a)
(. FieldKey TITLE) (.getTitle a)})
(defn -main [& args]
(let [api-key "SP3VJBGXDTYFD6IBT"
echo (new EchoNestAPI api-key)
f (new "C:/Users/mosciatti/Desktop/b.mp3")
track (.uploadTrack echo f true)]
(println (dizio track) track ))))
(defn find-tags [path-to-file]
(let [api-key "SP3VJBGXDTYFD6IBT"
echo (new EchoNestAPI api-key)
f (new path-to-file)
track (.uploadTrack echo f true)]
(dizio track)))
(defn -main2 [& args]
(let [fl (new "C:/Users/mosciatti/Desktop/Rihanna Umbrella PARODY Chris Brown - Copy.mp3")
inputfile (new AudioFileIO)
audiofile (.readFile inputfile fl)
tag (.getTag audiofile)
artist (.getFirst tag (. FieldKey ARTIST))
title (.getFirst tag (. FieldKey TITLE))
; newtag (.createDefaultTag audiofile)
newtag (new RealTag)]
(.deleteTag inputfile audiofile)
(.setField newtag (. FieldKey ARTIST) (str/upper-case artist))
(.setField newtag (. FieldKey TITLE) (str/upper-case title))
;(.setTag audiofile newtag)
;(.commit audiofile)
(println title "byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" artist))))
(map (fn [[a b]] (a b)) dizio)
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