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Created April 7, 2013 09:42
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import facebook
import time
import datetime
from StringIO import StringIO
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError
def simple_request(path):
"""Fetches the given path in the Graph API.
We translate args to a valid query string. If post_args is
given, we send a POST request to the given path with the given
file = urlopen(path)
except HTTPError, e:
response = facebook._parse_json(
raise facebook.GraphAPIError(response)
fileInfo =
if fileInfo.maintype == 'text':
response = facebook._parse_json(
elif fileInfo.maintype == 'image':
mimetype = fileInfo['content-type']
response = {
"mime-type": mimetype,
"url": file.url,
raise facebook.GraphAPIError('Maintype was not text or image')
if response and isinstance(response, dict) and response.get("error"):
raise GraphAPIError(response["error"]["type"],
return response
type_to_fields = {
"link" : ["id","message","picture","link","created_time","likes.fields(name,pic_square)","comments.fields(from,message)","description", "type"],
"video" : ["id","story","link","picture","name", "description","likes.fields(pic_square,name)","comments.fields(message,id,from)","type","created_time"],
"status" : ["id","story","story_tags","type","created_time", "status_type"],
"photo" : ["id","message","story","story_tags","name","type","object_id","created_time","likes.fields(name,pic_square)","comments.fields(from,message)"],
"statuses" : ["id","message","updated_time","likes.fields(id,pic_square,name)","comments.fields(message,from,created_time,like_count)"],
"swf" : ["id","story","link","picture", "name", "description","likes.fields(pic_square,name)","comments.fields(message,id,from)","type","created_time"]
def back_dates(from_epoch, days = 0):
return from_epoch - (days * 60*60*24)
def open_image(url):
image = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
return image
class MyDiary(facebook.GraphAPI):
def __init__(self, token):
def analyze_paging(self, with_paging):
next_pag = simple_request(with_paging["paging"]["next"])
if len(next_pag["data"]) > 0:
#there is somenthing next...
with_paging.update({"paging" : next_pag["paging"],
"data" : with_paging["data"].extend(next_pag["data"])})
with_paging = with_paging["data"]
return with_paging
def _cycle_to_paging(self, dict_to):
if "likes" in dict_to:
dict_to["likes"] = self.analyze_paging(dict_to["likes"])
if "comments" in dict_to:
dict_to["comments"] = self.analyze_paging(dict_to["comments"])
return 0
def get_pic_square_from_uid(self, uid):
url_pic = self.fql("select pic_square from user where uid = " + uid)[0]
return open_image(url_pic["pic_square"])
def get_posts_id(self, since=int(back_dates(time.time(), days = 30)), untill=int(time.time()), fields=[], limit = 250):
fields = fields + ["id", "type"]
posts = self.request("me/posts", args = {"untill" : untill,
"since" : since,
"limit" : limit,
"fields" : fields})
ids = [x for x in posts["data"] if self.filter_status(x)]
return ids
def get_element(self, element_id):
return self.request(element_id)
def get_user_picture(self, user_id, dimension="square"):
response = self.request(user_id, args = {"fields" : ["picture.type(square)"]})
return open_image(response["picture"]["data"]["url"])
def analyze(self, object_id, fields):
return self.request(object_id, args = {"fields" : fields})
def get_images(self, link_dict):
if "picture" in link_dict:
link_dict.update({"picture" : open_image(link_dict["picture"])})
if "source" in link_dict:
link_dict.update({"source" : open_image(link_dict["source"])})
if "likes" in link_dict:
for a in link_dict["likes"]: #["data"]
a.update({"pic_square" : open_image(a["pic_square"])})
if "comments" in link_dict:
for a in link_dict["comments"]: #["data"]:
a.update({"pic_square" : self.get_user_picture(a["from"]["id"], dimension = "square")})
return link_dict
def analyze_link(self, link_id):
link = self.analyze(link_id, type_to_fields["link"])
return link
def analyze_video(self, video_id):
video = self.analyze(video_id, type_to_fields["video"])
return video
def analyze_status(self, status_id):
status = self.analyze(status_id, type_to_fields["status"])
return status
def analyze_story_tags(self, status):
story_tag = status["story_tags"]
tag = [t[0] for t in story_tag.values()]
for user in tag:
pic = self.get_pic_square_from_uid(user["id"])
user.update({"pic_square" : pic})
status.update({"story_tags" : tag})
return status
def analyze_swf(self, swf_id):
swf = self.analyze(swf_id, type_to_fields["swf"])
return swf
def get_status_type(self, status_id):
return self.analyze(status_id, ["status_type"])
def filter_status(self, post):
if post["type"] != "status":
return True
status = self.get_status_type(post["id"])
if "status_type" in status and status["status_type"] == "approved_friend":
return True
return False
def analyze_photo(self, photo_id):
photo = self.analyze(photo_id, type_to_fields["photo"])
source = self.request(photo["object_id"])["source"]
photo.update({"source" : source}) #it is necessary for the get_images
return photo
def analyze_statuses(self, statuses_id):
statuses = self.analyze(statuses_id, type_to_fields["statuses"])
return statuses
def get_statuses(self, since=int(back_dates(time.time(), days = 30)), untill=int(time.time()), fields = ["id"], limit = 25):
statuses = self.request("me/statuses", args = {"fields" : fields,
"since" : since,
"untill" : untill,
"limit" :limit,})["data"]
for state in statuses:
state.update({"type" : "statuses", "created_time" : state["updated_time"]})
return statuses
def get_threads_id(self, since = int(back_dates(time.time(), days = 30)), untill = int(time.time())):
ids = self.fql("SELECT thread_id FROM thread WHERE (folder_id = 0 or folder_id = 1 or folder_id = 4 or folder_id = 3) and updated_time < " + str(untill) + " and updated_time > " + str(since))
total_id = set([x['thread_id'] for x in ids])
return total_id
def analyze_thread(self, thread_id, since = int(back_dates(time.time(), days = 30)), untill = int(time.time())):
query = "SELECT body, author_id, attachment, created_time FROM message WHERE thread_id = " + str(thread_id) + " and created_time > " + str(since) + " and created_time < " + str(untill) + " ORDER BY created_time DESC"
messages = self.fql(query)
print query
if len(messages) >= 20:
self._get_more_message(messages, thread_id, since, untill)
return messages
def _get_more_message(self, acc, thread_id, since, untill):
message = acc
while len(message) >= 20:
message = self.fql("select body, created_time from message where thread_id = " + str(thread_id) + " and created_time > " + str(since) + " and created_time < " + str(message[-1]["created_time"]) + " order by created_time DESC")
return 0
def join_list(self, first_list, *args):
for x in args:
return first_list
def sort_by_date(self, to_sort):
to_sort.sort(key = lambda k : k['created_time'])
return to_sort
def analyze_all_post(self, posts):
""" post -> {"type" : type, "id" : id}"""
fun = {
"link" : self.analyze_link,
"video" : self.analyze_video,
"photo" : self.analyze_photo,
"status" : self.analyze_status,
"statuses" : self.analyze_statuses,
"swf" : self.analyze_swf,
for post in posts:
yield fun[post["type"]](post["id"])
# all_post = [ fun[post["type"]](post["id"]) for post in posts ]
# return all_post
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