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Last active August 2, 2019 18:59
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from ekphrasis.classes.preprocessor import TextPreProcessor
from ekphrasis.classes.tokenizer import SocialTokenizer
from ekphrasis.dicts.emoticons import emoticons
import numpy as np
import re
import io
label2emotion = {0: "others", 1: "happy", 2: "sad", 3: "angry"}
emotion2label = {"others": 0, "happy": 1, "sad": 2, "angry": 3}
emoticons_additional = {
'(^・^)': '<happy>', ':‑c': '<sad>', '=‑d': '<happy>', ":'‑)": '<happy>', ':‑d': '<laugh>',
':‑(': '<sad>', ';‑)': '<happy>', ':‑)': '<happy>', ':\\/': '<sad>', 'd=<': '<annoyed>',
':‑/': '<annoyed>', ';‑]': '<happy>', '(^�^)': '<happy>', 'angru': 'angry', "d‑':":
'<annoyed>', ":'‑(": '<sad>', ":‑[": '<annoyed>', '(�?�)': '<happy>', 'x‑d': '<laugh>',
text_processor = TextPreProcessor(
# terms that will be normalized
normalize=['url', 'email', 'percent', 'money', 'phone', 'user',
'time', 'url', 'date', 'number'],
# terms that will be annotated
annotate={"hashtag", "allcaps", "elongated", "repeated",
'emphasis', 'censored'},
fix_html=True, # fix HTML tokens
# corpus from which the word statistics are going to be used
# for word segmentation
# corpus from which the word statistics are going to be used
# for spell correction
unpack_hashtags=True, # perform word segmentation on hashtags
unpack_contractions=True, # Unpack contractions (can't -> can not)
spell_correct_elong=True, # spell correction for elongated words
# select a tokenizer. You can use SocialTokenizer, or pass your own
# the tokenizer, should take as input a string and return a list of tokens
# list of dictionaries, for replacing tokens extracted from the text,
# with other expressions. You can pass more than one dictionaries.
dicts=[emoticons, emoticons_additional]
def tokenize(text):
text = " ".join(text_processor.pre_process_doc(text))
return text
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