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Created February 4, 2021 02:36
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Jenkins shared library input example
// src/com/example/Helper.groovy
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
package com.example
class Helper implements Serializable {
def context
Helper(context) {
this.context = context
def getUserInput(script) {
// Following didnt' work.
def ANSWER = context.input(message: 'Please provide parameters', ok: 'Next',
parameters: context.choice(name: 'ANSWER', choices: ['yes', 'no'].join('\n'), description: 'Select Answer?'))
// Tried following, this also didn't work
//def ANSWER = input(message: 'Please provide parameters', ok: 'Next',
// parameters: choice(name: 'ANSWER', choices: ['yes', 'no'].join('\n'), description: 'Select Answer?'))
// Tried following, this also didn't work
//def ANSWER = script.input(message: 'Please provide parameters', ok: 'Next',
// parameters: script.choice(name: 'ANSWER', choices: ['yes', 'no'].join('\n'), description: 'Select Answer?'))
return ANSWER
// Used the above class as in the Jenkinsfile
import com.example
def helper = new Helper(this);
pipeline {
stages {
stage("UserInputs") {
steps {
script {
// --------------- Helper.groovy ends -----------
// var/getAnswer.groovy
def call() {
def ANSWER = input(message: 'Please provide parameters', ok: 'Next',
parameters: choice(name: 'ANSWER', choices: ['yes', 'no'].join('\n'), description: 'Select Answer?'))
return ANSWER
// Used it as below in Jenkins file, this also didn't work
pipeline {
stages {
stage("UserInputs") {
steps {
script {
env.ANSWER = getAnswer()
// ------ getAnswer.groovyy ends here -----------
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