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Created June 13, 2012 12:42
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Sitefinity 'bare minimum' styles & masterpage for use with Sitefinity v5 and Twitter Bootstrap v2.03
<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" %>
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Is that a wayward LESS variable at the end of line 17 of the CSS?

Also, have you found a good way to use the Bootstrap grid columns in Page Layouts?
I've done this - - but it breaks in the Page Editor mode..

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Hey Michael,

Thanks for catching that - it should have been 12px (already changed in the sample listing).

It's a gist that belongs to where I wrote up how to get you started (just the 101). I have not built it out yet to fully suppport the columns structure both ways. Once Sitefinity v5.1 will be released I'm planning on building in full support in the sf-boilerplated repository with 2 templates/themes; one for html5 boilerplate and the other for Twitter Bootstrap.

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Version 1 of the fully compatible version is now available at the SF-Boilerplated repository (

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